I might be wrong, but I have a compelling thought that there is something about blue and dew. It very well could be just used as a marker to skip over blue roofs when blasting from high altitude, but is there something about the color blue and its part of the light spectrum that certain DEW tech has a hard time with?
Superman has problems seeing through lead. Perhaps a certain DEW frequency/spectrum being used in today's tech iteration has the same problem??
Perhaps someone with more of science background could elaborate further, or just out right call me wrong. KEK.
I know why they won't release Aerial "cars", look at the number of assholes on the roads today, do you really want them crashing in homes, yards etc. I mean, I want them, I want access to them, and if that means an elevated license (certification) to do so, so be it.
I've seen some space documentaries/pod casts (cant remember which ones at the moment) talking about Saturn and the sound it emits. (All planets emit a frequency) But Saturn's frequency was different and is causing or contributing to the atmospheric hexagon geometry at its pole. Would this have something to do with it too?
Ufo over Washington DC in 53 was, allegedly, the Germans that escaped to Antarctica. After operation high jump and admiral Byrd doing his polar recon, and the political rhetoric of the early 50s post war, that DC stunt over the capital was a "display" for certain decisions to be made. Basically the bringing together factions that make up the military industrial complex. Third Reich didn't lose ww2, it evolved and they went stealth in my book. Operation Paperclip was an infiltration and part of all of this.
As for demons and angels, sure. Folks just describing what they fear and don't understand. Angels... good aliens? Demons , bad aliens? Or ugly aliens that maybe good. Mantis reports? I think we all need to consider the actions of such things and their intent. I always say talk is cheap, show me. And these things will need to demonstrate their nature. Life is everywhere. And everything.
I remember telling my buddy, who recently purchased property in TN that first told me about that law, I sarcastically replied, "how they going to enforce that, they do it it with impunity".
Maybe the drones will start shooting them Indigo Skyfold planes down?
got it. :)