jfk_cheated_too 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe while you're at it have a little thinkeroo about how this technology has likely been used against us by governments, including our own, for at least a decade.

jfk_cheated_too 2 points ago +2 / -0

The guy who painted Obama's official portrait is known for painting super realistic depictions of half-naked obese black women holding the bloody severed heads of white people.

jfk_cheated_too 0 points ago +1 / -1

No offense but I hope you get a 10 and it vaporizes every building over 6 stories tall.

jfk_cheated_too 2 points ago +2 / -0

How is it WORSE that the school is getting sued? They should take every cent the administration owns and give it to the girl and then throw all of them into jail for 10 years.

jfk_cheated_too -4 points ago +1 / -5

Nobody cares about New York, it's not America. Blah blah blah, "it's a whole state, not just the city!" I don't care if you're "one of the good ones" or "NY is turning red!". Just fall into the ocean, the entire state, every single one of you. I never want to talk to another person from Noo Yahk as long as I live, no matter what they have to say.

jfk_cheated_too 2 points ago +2 / -0

All "local" media including newspapers and TV stations are owned by either Sinclair or NBC. They're all run by the same gestapo as the big guys.

jfk_cheated_too 3 points ago +3 / -0

Haha yeah, good idea, the federal government is the body to trust with sorting out illegal immigration. They'll cut these people loose within minutes. How about just give us the right to shoot any illegals found trespassing on our property?

jfk_cheated_too 4 points ago +4 / -0

Are you kidding me? This is HILARIOUS. People who tried to force us to take the poison while ridiculing us and laughing at us dying are all going to eat shit. Beyond just the karmic comedy of the situation, liberal idiocy almost ended the human race. I will laugh at these people forever, when they build monuments to them after they're gone I'm going to take a shit on them.

jfk_cheated_too 1 point ago +1 / -0

O fren....fren. Phew. The economy? 2 billion human beings are on the fast track to chronic cancer and complete immune system collapse. Another 3 billion will follow more slowly. Economy? Where we're going that word is going to have less meaning than a fart in the wind.

jfk_cheated_too 3 points ago +3 / -0

Woodrow Wilson intentionally infected us with the Spanish Flu in order to win the 1918 midterms too...and they tried to steal the 1968 election from Nixon with the Hong Kong Flu (would have been the second election they still from Nixon.) Intentionally infecting your population with a virus and then using the aftermath to steal an election is not new, it's been in the Chinese playbook for millennia.

jfk_cheated_too 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nobody's taking the retard juice now anyway, and every idiot who took it deserves what they're going to get.

jfk_cheated_too 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm so excited for one of these states to try and prevent DJT from being on the ballot in 2024. Read and ponder the text of the second section of the 14th Amendment. "...or in any way abridged" Haaaaaahahaha.

jfk_cheated_too 5 points ago +5 / -0

lol! ring ring click 2019? Hello, yes, this is 2023 calling....

jfk_cheated_too 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't give Project Veritas clicks, especially for something everyone already knew for decades before that video was even made.

jfk_cheated_too 3 points ago +3 / -0

Facebook liberal: Haha, conservatards are afraid of drag queens! Normal person: No, we don't want sexually themed acts performed in front of children. Liberal retard: That don't happen, durrr! Normal: There's literally three all ages drag shows in your city this weekend. Retard: You sure know a lot about it, you must like that kind of thing!

Remember, and this is without exception or exaggeration: every single liberal is an actual pedophile. They know they support pedophilia and they play word games to hide it. Pedophiles, every single one.

jfk_cheated_too 22 points ago +24 / -2

Aaaaaand it's gone. Post deleted, Brazil finally offered enough toes...er, nuts...to Elon and he took it down.

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