I see it more of the USCG search pattern. Do a web search for "USCG Search pattern". There may be comms here, but this is also a known and practiced pattern for searching the water.
I only go other places to see and hear about what other people are talking about (to see how far the news has spread) - but I come here for the headlines and news.
You may enjoy some Vulfpeck then... I found these guys after going down a rabbit hole on Louis Cole. These aren't for everyone, but the talent on diplay here is extremely high...
Vulfpeck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rv4wf7bzfFE Louis Cole: https://www.youtube.com/@louiscolemusic/videos
I too, have witnessed the same thing on other relatively large message boards. The overton window has shifted direction and is gaining speed daily..
Because he was a literal traitor and does not even deserve the recognition of his name being repeated.
The point is not to block the search, but that a search WOULD contain results. In that, why would those "results" even exist on the site, if a simple search could find them - meaning, the people running the site CLEARLY have the ability to find and remove it from the site altogether, not block certain searches... the ONLY thing that blocking searches does, is make people use more creative ways of hiding stuff via unrelated keywords and coded language.
Those trucks are pretty western looking to me..
Unfortunately for them, if they remain ignorant, their ignorance now will cost them valuable insight as these events unfold. They will have NO say in what happens later, as a result of their inaction now.
They can't properly infiltrate maga because it is an ideal that is diametrically opposed to theirs. Any attempted infiltration would be very difficult IMO. Doesn't mean they won't try for sure, but just like our current admin finding it impossible to say out loud things like "In God we trust", the name of Jesus, and anything pro America, these infiltrators won't be able to articulate why they are allegedly maga...
Not just that, but GENERATIONS of wealth were put into this. The entire Cabal has gone in one this on every front. This is quite literally costing them the past 100+ years worth of their money and resources.
If at a base level, you cannot understand the concept of free will, then the road ahead will be paved in difficulty for you. You will use reductionist "logic" to slow-walk the entire concept back to a single point, that the act of making the choice about anything at all must be evidence that since you had to chose, you were not free to do so. You taking that stance is instead, evidence that you are actually arguing for your own enslavement within the idea of free will that you would refer to it yourself as a "trap". You are fine to argue this, but it does not make you right, and a true righteous God would be justified in his ignorance of you. He does love and care for you regardless.
If he does actually get arrested, I will see connections to the recurring question: "How do you legally introduce evidence?"
Need to make a burner account first, lol.
Thank you for posting this link! I saw this when it first got came out and forgot about it - just watched it again. Such a good interview. I just shared this around.
The computer would, in fact know precisely how many requests or conversations it had on a topic. However, for AI, that would have to be cheating.
Let me explain: If you're conversing with a traditional chat-bot, it's going to give canned responses because what it knows is very finite and follows a very specific formula or path.
If you have a proper neural-network-driven AI chat-bot, its knowledge-base will be fuzzy and contextually-driven, not rote memorization. Thus the AI will probably be able to give you a very close approximation of the answer, but not the exact answer. Think ruts on a dirt road - as vehicles and water flow along common paths, they get deeper and more set - they are not permanent however, and continual wear-down in other spots will shift over time.. If you specifically tell it that the actual number of conversations that it has about topics is an important thing to remember, it will start storing this information. These things (neural network AI chat-bots) do think for themselves to a certain extent, but if it is a true AI, it will be subject to influence (positive OR negative), just as a person would be.
That's not "crazy eyes", that's the eyes of someone raised on social media trying to do that "look upward into the camera because it's a physically slightly more flattering look". She's only 1 step away from duckface
If Hank was my kid, I'd show at lunchtime and take him out to eat.
Have done a TON of photography as a hobby - everything this guy said is legit here.
Stuff like this is also used as a form of temperature check..
What if the footage from all those camera built into them will be released, showing him sending or receiving info from handlers...