Oh my, it took only 4 tries to get another gem...
A photo of a pregnant woman's belly with the text: "Kindness and horniness should be kept away from one another by any means"
I hope the vaccinated die.
Some of the content here is so dumb. I have held my hands like that, when thinking for instance. I have never been part of any group. No church. No secret societies. Nothing.
Come on.
I am sure if I looked long enough I could make anyone into a Moloch worshipper.
Eat bananas.
This is because cats (big or small) are very easily controlled with food.
It is interesting, but of course the power output is very low and you will need a suitable mechanical stimulation of the materials. No wonder this is a thing in the aircraft industry; there are plenty of flexible/moving surfaces, that could be used to power sensors or other devices with a small power requirement.
I would hire her... if I were a guard in the gulag. She will break rock for ten years and for every slight misdemeanor, her sentence would be extended by another 10 years.
Just like the real communists did in the 1920s all the way until the fall of the Soviet Union.
Beef jerky was one of the first things I tried when I visited the US for the first time. I did not like it, but I probably bought the wrong flavor... It was sweet and weird.
I think by now it will be too late, but one day of prepping could still save your life.
Just last week there was a power outage here. It took 5 hours for the power to come back on. I took it as an opportunity to test all preparations I have taken. I felt it was important as everything in my house is electric.
I filled about a 100 gallons of water in jerry cans. I figured I would have water for at most an hour after the power went out. In reality, the pumps were on a different circuit; I had water all during the outage. But I forced myself to use the water from the cans. It was entirely doable. Of course, I would mostly not drink this water as I have bottled water for that. About 40 gallons of it. Then there are a dozen bottles of cola, a lot of ultraheated milk. Obviously a lot of dried and canned foods.
Cooked dinner on my wood stove outside. It took slightly longer than normal, but once the thing was hot, it was way faster than electric cooking. Coffee for me. Tea for the wife and kids. A big pot of spaghetti. Fried some meatballs and made a tomato sauce.
Then I tested my heating rig; It is basically an outside fire barrel with a 15 gallon pot of water on top of it. I have built a heat exchanger in it and connected hosing to direct the warm water to inside of the house. In the house I made the hose coil (about 150 feet of it). A small battery powered pump creates the flow. It kept the living room very warm. The pump can be manually cranked if need be. I have ~500W of solar panels to charge lead acid batteries/USB devices and a small 2000W inverter, to run appliances when I need them (rarely).
During this time of year, the outside is a perfect fridge. I could freeze jugs of water and take them inside to keep the fresh stuff cool, but realistically, you should consume these things first. Similarly, if the heating system does not work, I could take several large rocks and heat them up in the fire. Then carry them inside on a baking tray. I still need to look at the thermodynamics of this, but I am pretty sure a 650 °C rock will heat up a room nicely. I just have to make sure they do not shatter, due to water inclusions.
I would say having a place to make fire and having a lot of firewood, cardboard, old furniture, could keep you going for weeks, easily. Make sure you have enough water and basic medical supplies and you will survive for months if need be. Get an axe so you can get more wood from nearby trees. Get a battery operated circular saw that you can charge using a solar panel. This thing makes everything very much less of a hassle. Of course, if it gets really cold, operating a hand saw can get you to feel warm pretty quickly.
Just my opinion from Europe, where it is quickly cooling down.
The excess deaths are concerning, but they are "only" 10-30% higher than normal. So if you assume a 40 year old has an X percent chance of dying in a year, this number will be at most 1.3 x X.
So assume it is like 5%, it would become 6,5%. Assume it is 20%, then it would be 26%. It will really be somewhere in between, imho.
What is far worse, is that the birth rates have been dropping up to 75% in many countries. So, in reality, this was not a vaccine to kill, it will sterilize.
It would be very obvious if half the people died within a year. It is way less obvious if in 20 years we only have 1 person for every person alive today.
I can own guns on very much the same terms as most of the US can.
I think one big problem in Europe is that no one knows the actual rights. I never knew about 20% of the population of my country owns a firearm. No one talks about it. When I researched it and asked coworkers, a few of them turned out to have firearms and gave me tips on how to get one too.
Also, you can own a shotgun without any problems. You only have to keep it stored in a safe place.
(Central europe).
The Germans have a saying for this: "Unwissenheit/Dummheit schützt vor Strafe nicht!"
which translates into: "Ignorance/Stupidity does not protect you from punishment!"
They use it all the time. You are supposed to know every rule. Just knowing some law exists, does not mean you will not be punished for breaking it, which is kind of odd to me, because it assumes every person is basically a lawyer.
Anyhow, the lowest I can go is a quick execution, but what these people truly deserve is being kept alive as long as possible, while being tortured. Daily. Make them feel pain like no human has ever felt before. Keep their wounds ever so slightly infected. Put a little salt in them. Break a finger. Or better yet, put some probe in their brains to administer pain at will. Make them listen to Yoko Ono for the rest of their days.
Fetter Mann is German for "fat guy" and I can't stop laughing because of it
I hope they leave them to die. The first time I encounter such a protest I will end it with incredibly uncalled for violence. I will gladly go to jail. If you interfere with my life, you will die. It is as simple as that.
I love this so much. In fact I think it should be made into law. Vote the Greens and you will no longer be allowed to use anything but your own solar panels.
People who say there are too many people on this planet will be shot on the spot. We can solve that problem real quick.
Life would be so much better if people lived by their own standards FIRST.
Hahahaha, I have come to accept the jab as the prime means of slowly killing the brainwashed. I have lost all my empathy towards them.
Scott is a dumbass. Excusez les mots.
Just did the measurment on eye size compared to distance between eyes; they are different persons.
It is not even him lol
She is mostly oppressed by the gravity of her own dietary choices.
Had it three months ago. Unvaxxed. 1 day of headache, muscle aches and fever. Then 1 day of being tired. On the third day I felt back to 90%. On the fourth day I felt great. Did have a bit of a "brain fog" for a few more days, but after a week I felt 100% again.
Yeah, they make them believe this is what they want, so they will not do it...
But no sane person would want an uprising, because not even the Chinese Army could really win such a confrontation. Especially considering the US military would quickly be on the side of the uprising.
Old news, but still.
The bad image quality could be due to low lighting conditions and high compression.
However, the whole thing is weird.