Big if. Somehow that was no impediment to our forebears. But a socialist utopia will never come to pass, and that is a blessing. You will notice that the problems of education are not addressed by the prophecy. That which is overlooked will contain the seeds of our eventual destruction.
I have no interest in getting into a prolonged, worthless argument, so I will just let that stand as is. There is a lot of paranoia and magical thinking that attends these pages.
Dead Sea Scrolls: You ask the people who dated them. They are consistent with other copies of the Old Testament. The point is, they were written before the Council of Nicea even met. And there is no evidence that the Council ever re-wrote any of the books of the Bible.
The Apocrypha are not part of the New Testament. It is the New Testament that seals the meaning of Christianity. What difference does it make to you whether they are canon or not? You are not prevented from reading and believing them.
I'm not your uncle. I'm not a cliche person. Kindly do not paint me with that brush.
I haven't used any catchphrases and you have only diddled around a matter of fact.
Your belief in the corruption of the Bible is as inexplicable than your uncle's faith.
Not credible. The Dead Sea Scrolls were written well before the Council of Nicea, and have been available as a reference for the Old Testament books. The Apocrypha are generally available, but not accepted as canon. The definitive doctrine of the Christian church was sealed in the New Testament.
What is not mentioned is that recognition and admission of the truth is absolutely essential to the restoration of sanity among the general public. This war of the competing Narratives must be settled by Full Disclosure. And I will expect it will upset some of the denizens in these pages as well, by dispelling favored conceptions. We will be braced for what will shock "the normies." But don't think there won't be shocks for us, as well.
Nothing easier than to insinuate drugs into his regime that could induce dementia-like symptoms, and make him pliable. Then drop the regime after they had bullied him into not running, where he could (as it were) look with horror on what had happened, under the threat that they could plunge him back if he didn't comply. So, now, he seems cogent---but he is so whipped into compliance.
And the message could be still more prevarication, to put us off our guard. We will see on Jan 20th if we can collect on his promise.
Unfortunately, this seems to illustrate the old saying: "Garbage In equals Garbage Out." The AI was trained on a lot of paranoid allegations about suppressed technologies and discoveries, leading to a prediction of cornucopia. The resulting world would be a socialist utopia with a global government. I notice there is nothing said about the extirpation of child sacrifice and paganism. Nothing said about the plague of psychological problems afflicting society. Nothing said about justice prevailing over national governments. And, for this vision, there is no such thing as religion, much less Christianity, much less a Christian revival.
How tempting it is to have riches within reach, so long as we omit the soul entirely.
No, it wasn't fake. The people who make that absurd claim don't have a grip on reality. No shooter can control a bullet in real time to match a moving target to a millimeter. The poor guy who was killed by a stray shot wasn't fake. The two others who were seriously injured weren't fake. We should have no tolerance for claims of theatricality that involve the injury or death of innocent people.
You can believe it...but people can believe anything. Intensity of belief is meaningless. You can't prove it and you cant demonstrate it. I live in the midst of continual "weather" and it is beyond controlling. (Hint: nothing is in defiance of physics.)
To me, it seems more like taking off into the wild unknown, than a landing. Air turbulence shortly after takeoff, of unspecified duration and severity. But it's the only way to get somewhere.
That's not indoctrination. Don't be so grandiose. There's no thinking behind it. It is merely human nature. But when people are in organizations, they ARE indoctrinated in the command structure, and either their superiors failed to do that or they simply decided to do the wrong thing because it fit their prejudices (or both).
Wow. Impressive. Essentially 100% in synch with ideas expressed on this page, put forth in a very candid way. Sympathetic to the good side of America, but unrelentingly honest about how the "democracy" was subverted generations ago. This from the people who gave us Dostoyevsky and Solzhenitsyn.
There are two problems here: (1) Who is the person that claimed authority to make that decision? (2) Who and why were the poll workers taking orders from someone without authority?
If you are referring to the Nuclear Weapon Treaty, none of the nuclear-armed or NATO nations are signatories. It bans nations that do not have them anyway.
I don't think you are correct in alleging that the reason for adding HFA to water is to dispose of a waste product. Hydro- (or hexa-) fluororsilicic acid is a by-product of phosphate fertilizer manufacture. It is also used as an INPUT to aluminum smelting.
There are only so many ways to represent a sphere to suggest 3-dimensionality. Two or three segments are inadequate. Four segments is still too stark. Five segments is not what we are used to. Six segments is good, looks 3D, and fits into the long-standing tendency toward duodecimal numbering. Thousands of years ago, no one understood that Saturn was even a planet, much less the sixth planet. We didn't know that until probably the 15th century (Copernicus).
It clearly symbolizes EARTH.
I could only spend 12-13 minutes and I agree. He seems like a decent, likeable normal person. Not an Elon Musk, but also not a mental deficient. His speech may be a little rough but it is coherent. He had a hard experience. I had heart failure, open-heart surgery, atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation, the works. "I don't recommend it" is a tremendous understatement.
The federal work force is protected by civil servant laws. But nothing stops them from being reassigned to "work" at collapsable tables in emptied hangars at any of the 10 military bases ringing Washington DC. Just as a fancy, the work could consist of writing out sentences like "I will never work for the government again," each to a line of lined paper, with a quota of x thousand lines by the end of the day. Don't have to fire them. Just make their hired life a legal living hell.
Then announce staff reductions and the reconstitution of agency staff. Accept applications from the quarantined workers.
In other words, it would still be worth it to pay their salaries if they are pulled out of the circuit and made worthless as points of influence. But they couldn't actually sue the government for unlawful termination.
That's my bright idea. I'm not insisting that it is the best one. But thinking outside the box is definitely in order.
Honestly. Those are wreaths. Very common in military heraldry. With us, it's olive leaves (peace). With the Russians, it's shocks of wheat (plenty).
This act is monstrous. You don't need to kill an animal to determine if it has rabies. All you need to do is isolate and observe. The people can take a rabies shot, which is about as innocuous as a normal inoculation. This is all a pretext to kill, for the sake of killing. And destroying love. And destroying the God-given duty to steward his creation.
In the book of Jonah, we have the story of how Jonah preached to the Ninevites to be faithful. They heard, repented, and wore sackcloth and ashes---and also their cattle. In dialogue with an unreconciled Jonah, the Lord drew his attention to the salvation of all of those people---and thousands of cattle. So, the good Lord is here not only for mankind, but for his creatures, which he had created beforehand.
Why not fight and win for Peanut...and Fred the raccoon? Where are the limits of salvation? "Even as you treat the least of mine, so also do you treat Me."
Inslee is not neutralized. You can't neutralize Stupid. Fire-bombing drop boxes is a new behavior, so he is doubtless covering his ass. I have no idea what the Washington National Guard can do about it...except maybe post 24/7 guards over every drop location. That might actually be a good idea, inadvertently. Then you have witness testimony for any peculiar activities.
Any leader that "starts a war" should be impeached immediately and removed from office. We are forgetting the Constitutional separation of powers. Wars are exclusively the power of Congress to declare, where the people have their voice.
"These people" can't control the weather, any more than a flea can control an elephant. Weather is a statistical phenomenon, which means it will not be smooth and will have upredictable excursions from the norm. That's what makes weather prediction a crapshoot.
I so agree. They are no more than purveyors of world government. As I understand, Switzerland has never been a member, and they are doing fine.