They can try but it won't work this time because 'toxic bonds'
They don't have skin in the game
This guy worked at Lehman brothers before SVB and signed off on Enron when he was at Arthur Anderson (FF to 4.30 mark)
Joseph Genteel, SVB executive, worked for Lehman brothers before that and signed off on Enron when he was at Arthur Anderson. Got his bonus and sold his shares very recently (FF to 4.30 mark)
The whole story is sus. Deaths were blamed on vaping, vit e acetate but more likely to have been whatever escaped (or was released) from Fort Detrick. Blaming China is about to blow up in their faces as the guys in the bunker in Ukraine went poof! Remember the monkeys and other spills. Experimenting on their own population is par for the course, whether it's Ukraine or US.
They have to be very afraid. NATO was there to protect the biolabs, their head honchos have been blown up. China was supposed to behave, take the loss of trade but instead has seized the moral high ground with Iran and Saudi Arabia. And back home the Fort Detrick connection has been mentioned by Andrew Bridgen, UK MP and this article has resurfaced. The original leak was blamed on vaping.
The boobs give it away.