Shame on them - guess they are gonna continue dividing Americans. Hope their demise is torturous!
It tastes so sweet!
Exactly! And while I'm here - thank you Lakota for all your posts and being part of the movement - you have been a great influencer friend.
I, for one, would love to see the national guard sent in to quelch it quickly - you know - the opposite of what happened on Jan 6 when the feds incited a riot.
Good place for ya!
Quit listening to their rhetoric - do not click on their sites. WATCH what President Trump does not what THEY say he will do. They will continue to shit talk him forever if you keep reading/watching them.
Hope they drown in their tears!
Lol. Would certainly make press conferences more fun!
Hope they take their diddies with them to hide out until their moment of justice is ready for them!
Brought tears to my eyes! We need kids to LOVE America!
Her singing sounds like she already did!
Agree! The Screen Actors Guild is a union so I am really not sure how they are 501c3 anyway. Someone (DOGE - Elon group maybe) should investigate ALL 501c3's including Foundations - many are VERY political groups and should not have tax free status.
Yes it needs to be shorter, I agree. But what I want to do is point out they are not letting America win. Maybe that is it
Tell them to watch what Trump actually does not what others say he will do.
I have one lib friend - we usually avoid talking politics but they mentioned Trump win today - I asked them to just let Trump show them what he can do and actively notice what he does not what media says.
But it was hard to be calm and not gloat .am so happy today I cant quit smiling!!!!!
America's Voice or OAN after polls close and will probably pop in here from time to time after 8:00 pm. Not planning to watch anything tomorrow at all til then. Today has been a roller coaster already.
If they can move out citizens the migrants can be used by corporations and government for mining, agriculture, construction, etc paying slave wages when they cut off their benefits.
I think we just need to change the signs at the Ivy league colleges and they can move right in. They will love saying I went to Harvard - or Brown - or Yale, etc.
Child on bottom right. These people are sick
And Peanut was at Kamala's speech today. They're baaack!