Could be, but with impeachment comes evidence/discovery. That means the Biden crime family is exposed AND leads to 2020 election steal AND the J6 fake insurrection to cover-up the steal. Both Biden & Harris will be indicted/arrested and tried for treason/sedition/insurrection. Pelosi and all who orchestrated J6 will be indicted.
Trump is re-instated as the true winner of the 2020 election and wins again in Nov of 2024 for another 4 yr term. Perhaps this is when the Brunson vs. Adams case makes it to the SCOTUS and SCOTUS acts upon it. That would remove 2/3rds of House/Senate who violated their oath of office. Or as impeachment evidence comes foward, many members will be connected with Biden and the crime family as doing all the same crimes! They'll resign (like Mittens Romney) one-by-one-by-one...
Trump caught them all!
Trump Force One was in the hanger for nearly two years during Trump's presidency/1st term. It was renovated/reinforced just as if it were US Air Force One; the presidential plane.
Now we know who the real Commander-in-Chief is...
Q posts said; 'Watch California...'
Remember at Biden's so called inauguration and just following Pelosi stood over Biden at the desk in the Capitol and there was a stack of some 20+ Executive Orders for him to sign? Pelosi was all giddy in her treasonous persona!
Trump Force One was in the hanger for nearly two years during Trump's presidency/1st term. It was renovated/reinforced just as if it were US Air Force One; the presidential plane.
Now we know who the real Commander-in-Chief is...
Q posts said; 'Watch California...'
Put 'em on a list to enter the Trump Quicksand during the 2024 primaries! VOTE THEM OUT!
Oh boy, this is getting good!
TRUMP IS LAUGHING as he's got his staff associate writing down names on the list!
Obamas purchased a home in CA in 2016. Will they claim residency since 2016 for Michael/Michelle on the vacant Senate Seat to replace Feinstein?
Kamala is 1/2 India/Indian and 1/2 Jamaican.
Dems want him gone! He's a liability, now that his policies are in the dumpster! Dems realize they will not be able to cheat in the next election to get Biden re-installed. No one will vote for him and their cheating will be so noticeable (just like 2020). But now there are military/white hat operations in place to safeguard the elections and the Dems cheating to steal another election for Biden is not a plausible option.
If Biden is impeached, it will bring forth all the evidence of every congressional member connected with Biden's corrupt foreign policy/country money laundering/shell company schemes, as they are a part of that as well. And possibly all the election fraud of 2020 as well. Both Biden & Kamala will be exposed, perhaps Obama and Hillary as well. And Biden may not be able to pardon Hunter in that impeachment process. He's in too deep, he's doomed and the Dems know this.
So, the Republican majority in the House now has leverage (Art of War; Trump's Art of the Deal ' is to create to leverage against your opponent). There may be a 'deal' cut in the House for no impeachment and that the Dems will vote in the House for the 25th Amendment instead. The Senate will vote, too. 2/3rds of Senate to remove Biden and they will get enough Dems on board to vote for the 25th Amendment to avoid all the Biden crimes & the possibility of exposing the election steal evidence/discovery from 2020. (And J6 Insurrection of the 2020 election steal as cover-up!
It's all becoming clear, now!
October Surprise?
You fill out a new 1040 fed tax form for Zero withholdings. This is done in some instances, as an example; Husband is in highest tax bracket & wife is in low or zero tax bracket due to husband's income/high tax bracket. Or both can actually have ZERO fed taxes withheld and only pay 7.5% to FICA (social security) to fed. But each will receive a fed income tax notification of fed taxes owed. Also, once a certain income is reached throughout the year, 7.5% is no longer deducted, which means that income earner has reached the limit for FICA deductions for that year. Personal knowledge...
Plan to defund the Fed Gov't - Therefore the 200 +/- million fed tax-paying US citizens go to their current employer personnel dept and fill-out new 1040 forms for ZERO fed taxes withheld (with the exclusion of the 7.5% for FICA/social security deduction, which is mandatory) and VOILA! The American tax-payer shuts down the FEDERAL GOV'T by proxy by not paying fed taxes!
Matrixxx has good intel comms! If he's posting this 5yr delta, it'll happen. Sad to say, but the Dems are scheming on her demise, (natural or forced?) and will need this as a distraction. October surprise during the Biden impeachment hearing/trial?
Will they usher in Newsom to fill Feinstein's vacancy? Then if Biden & Kamala are kicked-out of the WH, Micahel/Michelle as acting president and Newsom moves in to VP
Sounds like their playbook is known...
What D candidate do they think can run along side Trump in 2024? We Anons know they are arrogant enough to put forward Michael/Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom.
It seems their Transgender push to usher in tranny Michael/Michelle has fizzled out. So, who's next? Newsom? Is Pelosi pushing her nephew into the D spotlight? Or does Pelosi think SHE can be installed as VP or President and then kick-out Kamala to usher in her nephew-Newsom as VP? Pelosi is just that arrogant and narcissistic to try!
Or, like the 'Resident' Biden perhaps the White Hats are in control of the corrupt DNC and will choose a candidate for them!
I still get tears in my eyes hearing the story behind the our flag. I'm from Maryland, just outside Baltimore & the infamous Ft. McHenry.