luckyfunk13 3 points ago +3 / -0

super good look for dems refusing to acknowledge murder victims... "this is what the people want" smfh

luckyfunk13 12 points ago +12 / -0

notice trump is wearing the same thing he did on Jan 20 inauguration...

luckyfunk13 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, I don't like pointing out or appearing to devalue information for this stuff, but:

than - correct

less - no. fewer, as it is a quantifiable value. less is for abstract values.

luckyfunk13 4 points ago +4 / -0

ah, yes. "when he said numberg trials, what could that be? what... could... racking my brain. couldn't be Nuremberg, could it? no, no, no. he would have said Nuremberg. it's gotta be something. I should probably ask if he meant Nuremberg. but if everyone else knows that's what was meant then I'll look like a retard. I know - I'll ask, but in a way that lets me come across as a passive douche. if I get called out for that, I can say "I truly, like the retard I am, was just trying to clarify. that's why you always play both sides - so you come out on top."

is that it? is that what you meant? I'm just trying to cover my bases here to either shit on you or help your lizard brain understand, bless your heart.

luckyfunk13 6 points ago +6 / -0

lol. I knew the handshake meant "new," but based on his math it also appears to mean "ghost account."

now, tell me: how old is the bus driver?

luckyfunk13 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ugh. In descending order, the most harmful, useless, and idiotic groups in any moderately sized organization:

HR - almost always predominantly women. Usually a higher concentration of black women, absolute lefty women,, and gay men.

Communications: again, women domiminate. Lefty mentality is nearly a given. Essentially marketing, but as org propaganda.

Marketing: again, almost all white women and gay men. (Real, effective marketing is usually done by outside agencies). Basically communications, but by extroverts.

(Exceptions prove the rule)

luckyfunk13 2 points ago +2 / -0

Heh. It's not price gouging if it's a co-op member price vs non-member price... now, becoming a member can easily have a "demonstrable ideology" requirement.

luckyfunk13 18 points ago +18 / -0

I wouldn't really say it's a meme interpretation. It's not enough hyperbole.

It even leaves out the part where he says he wasn't following Rittenhouse... he was going in the direction of Kyle's parh...

More of a distilled paraphrasing, but pretty damn close.

luckyfunk13 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's misattributed above in that Rittenhouse is not the witness. It, by the ADA (prosecutor above) repeatedly established in the same questioning that Rosenbaum had no weapon.

The [his] above is not stated as "his" but as "Mr. Rittenhouse"

It should also be noted that McGinnis is a witness called specifically by the PROSECUTOR to build the state's case. This, among other parts, has not gone well for the ADA.

luckyfunk13 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be fair, though, skeletor was pretty jacked.

luckyfunk13 11 points ago +11 / -0

No - Durr ran against Sweeney for NJ senate. Sweeney refuses to concede.

Ciatracelli (also hasn't conceded) is R who is up against Murphy (D) for NJ governor.

luckyfunk13 5 points ago +5 / -0

the last breakdown i saw about ships waiting to get in was basically "there's nowhere to unload" since demurrage space is full. lack of truck capacity is keeping stuff stuck in demure. train capacity is full, and no truck containers to get from port to train.

it's essentially the "spring traffic jam" scenario where with enough density/volume, every movement just stacks up again, then creeps, then jams. (think highway traffic with no exits - tap of the brakes up front causes the rear to come to a complete stop and it compounds)


luckyfunk13 2 points ago +2 / -0

re-read your comment and think about it for a second. I'm not being snarky.

if msm is gloating, doesn't that imply "agreement with the findings of the audit that was, up until this very moment, referred to as a sham and a scam"? doesnt it bury katie hobbs?

but that's the surface numbers. if it gets "credibility" it becomes MUCH easier to move onto the duplicate voted, fake votes, etc. anf, MUCH harder for thr people who just said "this PROVES the numbers were right" to swing back and say "wait, no. it's a fraudit again!!"

it also means that "following the same process" in other states jusf got a vote of confidence from the ones calling it amateur-hour for the past few months.

i prefer to think of this as a baited football they just got the othet team to spike.

luckyfunk13 4 points ago +4 / -0

scoffs... next you'll try telling us that diamonds aren't that rare or special. yeah, right.

oh, wait... dammit.

luckyfunk13 9 points ago +9 / -0

from the opinion piece written by Toobin

Not officially, of course. John G. Roberts, Jr., retains the title and the middle seat on the Supreme Court bench. But the Chief Justice has just one essential power that differentiates his role from that of the other Justices. The Chief has the right to assign the court's opinions when he is in the majority. When the Chief Justice is in the minority, though, the assignment power goes to the senior Associate Justice who is in the majority.

luckyfunk13 5 points ago +5 / -0

it's an opinion piece. it does not say "he is" it says that he is the "de facto" chief justice based on "being the senior associate ruling in the majority" because JR consistently votes with minority.

this give CT the ability to pen the majority opinion and is the most senior associate.

luckyfunk13 10 points ago +10 / -0

i believe the underlying point is not "covid" but the counter to the current "ivermectin is a horse drug and not meant for human consumption" narrative

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