magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Came here to say something similar.

It's a fucking circus. This is so ridiculous. And sad.

magachudd 20 points ago +20 / -0

"Well, you're testing me by asking me this right now and my stance on guns is about 500 yards with good visibility."

magachudd 6 points ago +6 / -0

And many directors and "officials" knew it regardless of their denials.

They are absolute liars and should be punished with crimes against humanity.

I know it. You know it. And soon, everyone will know it. As more people "died suddenly" people will awake like popcorn. These bastards won't be able to walk down the street.

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can hear it when you said it. One of my faves.

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would certainly warrant a nice little vacay.

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude.. I didn't know about the Risky Business one.

magachudd 6 points ago +6 / -0

It certainly seems to be moves and countermoves playing out and escalating. Definitely smells like desperation. Q said it would not be clean and this qualifies methinks.

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why don't we ensure our good kids know how to fight while also appreciating education. The Japanese are good with this.

If a kid wants to mouth off and disrupt then the teachers have the backing of the kids. The kids tell the disruptor to STFU. If not, then they get their ass beat.

Problem solved.

magachudd 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because we allow it. We anons are not grabbing guns and storming any groups. We are doing what Kari Lake did in the picture. We don't acknowledge it. That's what this post is examining. We are discussing it and most agree that a Black National Anthem is a division tactic. That's all. Your input is most welcome as it allows proper discourse, but it is our job to breakdown the "why" from our perspective to someone like yourself who challenges it. Fair enough and here we are.

I've explained the reasons and heard your own reasons. Believe what you want, but your argument will need more to convince anyone here otherwise.

magachudd 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ok let's start every Super Bowl with the National Anthem and also have an Irish American National Anthem. Then someone will cry that they want their group to have a National Anthem too. And then another. And then everyone starts to bicker over who gets their own version of the National Anthem next.

All the while the cabal keeps robbing us and taking away more freedom while the dumb masses are distracted by not only the sports game bread and circus, but who is the bigger victim because of what other group.

Why can't you see that?

magachudd 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's a standard for what we call the National Anthem and it is the cornerstone of many of our cherished activities such as sports. Not a Russian American National Anthem, not a Chinese American, or Mexican American, or Korean American, or Brown American, or any other [fill in the bank] American National Anthem.

So why do Black Americans get their own National Anthem? Because they are the selected group being leveraged to divide the country due to convenience. Any educated Black person would agree that it unnecessarily divides.

It's part of the agenda to destroy our country and the sooner people wise up to that the sooner we can call the cabal out of their disgusting horseshit and bring them the fuck down. That's why.

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm starting to think reptilian theory is a planted conspiracy to guide people away from the truth. I think the truth is in fact Satan. Everything points to it.

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