The goose that lays golden eggs has tested positive for bird flu, and they're fighting the culling.
Tee up another E.O. All votes are public. All constituencies must be aware of how an elected or appoint public servant stands on any issue or solution.
So long as it's accurate. I don't the ones that weren't found, caught and found to be not dangerous enough/ let go, to contribute to the totals.
Long Island NY. If you're familiar with the term long island duck, this culling forced the closure of the last remaining long island duck farm.
Fun fact - Emma's father Moses Lazarus began his career as a sugar merchant in the 1820s with properties in NY and the Louisiana territories. He mysteriously went out of business in 1865, reasons unknown.
Eleven... This pump goes to 11...
MISINFORMATION ($7 gas was not undone)
Quite possible his aipac person instructed him to say this. Divide and conquer.
Drone sightings have been reported since mid-November, package lost on Dec 2. Doesn't explain anything.
I haven't tried to locate the study but I'll wager that it's just about cardiac event. If they alluded in the slighted that the study occurred in highest civid vaxxed county, it wouldn't have passed peer review.
What's disturbing is that with an unlocked truck, the chain of custody had been unsecured. Just as worried about things making their way onto the truck as off it.
Does inventory check out? Do they even do that or did the driver leave with 30 bins and arrive at their destination with 200 bins?
Keeping with the theme...The 1924, 1976, 1980, and 1992 Democratic National Conventions were held at MSG.
What if her only friends are 136 or so trans people?
If Joe steps down before Nov 5 bringing Kamala to top spot and then cancels the election...
That's one way for them to get what they so desparately want and I wouldn't put it past them for trying. Ahead of their time
I wish absolutely everyone felt this way.
How long before the DOJ arrests them for trying to help make this unimaginable scenario somewhat tenable?
Newsome will have to shut down all State Government functions immediately as they are a parody of a "Government representative of its constituencies".
This is the only path to Kamala not losing the debate:
I predict that Kamala will be called away with a Biden step down alert, either right before or right as they both take the stage.
- debate cut short for immediate swearing in
- no future debates as she's too busy fixing the '<sarc> disasterous Trump policies <sarc>' that led us to where we are today
- ABC wins with the live scoop
- All MSMs follow with their analysis (if they appear well prepared with ongoing commentary, they knew in advance)
- All MSMs will continuously heap praise and laud Kamala's heroic, presidental performance up to election day.
Attention all autists. The father of Emma Lazarus (author of that poem) was one Moses Lazarus. Moses was a wealthy and successful sugar (((merchant))) with properties in New York and what's known today as Louisiana. For some unknown reason he mysteriously ended his operations in 1865.
Could someone tell us how many slaves he owned???
Day one - repeal Obama's language in the 2012 Smith-Mundt expansion act, which essentially made it legal to propagandize US citizens on domestic matters. Day two - begin prosecution of any governmental, social or mainstream media outlet that continues with the propaganda.
Frankenstein could barely speak and was kind unless cornered. Why would he manifest Maxine?