Add to this all the bubbles of debt being unpaid due to delinquency: CC, auto and truck loans, home loans-adding up to trillions of dollars in addition to the 1.5 quadrillion dollars of derivitives; what will be the gasoline on this bonfire of the vanities??
You are addressing someone who thinks all this is just a bunch of words that has nothing to do with her job. You can't even talk to her as if she were 5 years old or a golden retrevier.. Sociopaths don't feel the way we do about our freedoms.
During the oblamer "administration", ALL federal agencies were ammoing up-Like the US Forest Service, Dept of Commerce and many more agencies that had no reason to need weapons. I was totally bemused about this and wondered where any skim off would go... Things that make you gou HUNH!!
Lots of hacking experience like the destroyers and Evergreen in the Suez Canal...