mizzAmerica45 49 points ago +49 / -0

Just wanted to share this bit of good news. This site is about protecting our children and bringing awareness to the many disgusting creeps out there that seek to harm these little ones. I was so worried it would be yet another bad ending to a terrifying case and I prayed to God that she would be found alive and safe! I can't stop smiling, God answered this prayer!

This story really bothered me when it first came out for some reason to me. I just can't stop being thankful she is alive and okay. Thankful for all those who worked tirelessly to bring her home safely!

mizzAmerica45 10 points ago +10 / -0

It most definitely is fake. I just finished reading the article about the lady called 'Meatball' with her mugshot and she looks nothing like this. Also, the real 'Meatball' was crying in her photo. Someone photoshopped Ron onto this one here. Which I think should be stated bc some people are gullible and think this is legit

mizzAmerica45 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's been my greatest fear for a long time now. They assassinate Trump tho, and I guarantee you there will be a civil war at hand.

If something happens to Trump, this country will no longer be recognizable. That could either be a bad thing....or, a good thing, depending on how it turns out. Bottom line tho is, they're working over time to turn us into a 1 world order. They have either been blackmailing, bribing, threatening or even killing leaders around the world to agree to this. Trump is on their radar big time. Because the blackmailing, bribing and threatening hasn't worked. Now what's next?

mizzAmerica45 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thanks! Hope you have an awesome weekend too!😊

Yes, I almost can't handle all the energy coming from Trump's 'arrest'...just kidding, keep it coming! A fire has been lit in the American patriots hearts...and it's not because of climate change either.

It's like a 360° turnabout just occurred.

mizzAmerica45 2 points ago +2 / -0

He also has 1.1 million likes so far on the post. Many patriots left Twitter quite a long time again...I am one of them, so the number liking Trump's post would be significantly higher if we were all back on the platform before they ban Trump.

mizzAmerica45 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looked too old, too small/weaker built and too 'business like' to be a body guard. Also, body guards don't typically carry a briefcase either.

I have my doubts that he was a body guard.

mizzAmerica45 2 points ago +2 / -0

'Our Government was Designed to be Dysfunctional'

You are most definitely correct on that. It was changed and created to be like that so there would be no accountability on their part when things go purposely wrong.

The Forefathers would be 1776ing this corrupt government if they were to come back to this world today.

mizzAmerica45 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh shoot, forgot about that 🤦‍♀️ You're correct. Welp, back to the drawing board

mizzAmerica45 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well, it's time to create drones that are either clear or blue (to match the sky color) and go back in, in disguise. And find out what it is that they are trying to hid from the public.

mizzAmerica45 3 points ago +3 / -0

😆 oh good, I thought I was the only one. Between the music, him drinking his drink slowly for 'more affect'....and with his message being very vague, this video seemed kinda dull and random.

mizzAmerica45 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lol, his equipment and patches don't even look real. They look like a fake version of what any basic boob can buy online or some Halloween store.

Also, he's reading off of some type of script on the front side of him.

mizzAmerica45 10 points ago +10 / -0

I understand that. But campaigning will be less than a year from now. That's where they scammed the public into deflecting from the very small crowd that even supported biden. They used the 'safety' concerns from covid to limit biden's circle conference to 10 people. They will use some virus, fungus or bacterial infections to do what they did in 2020. They're gonna be ahead of the game is what I'm saying

mizzAmerica45 18 points ago +18 / -0

Well, we have to get an early start with this, being elections are right around the corner. 🤷‍♀️

mizzAmerica45 36 points ago +37 / -1

God will NOT be mocked. Ever.

And He's the Beginning and End for everything.

God is the one you want in your life. Not the world...not these demons here on this earth, posing as 'leaders'...'influencers'...God is who we need.

mizzAmerica45 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem with AI generated photos are, pretty soon we're not going to know what's real or fake anymore 🧐

This probably isn't a legit photo. They're all about pushing their motives and agenda out in the open, but not to this point yet. It's why she had to get video of her 'helping' the Hawaiian people....It was for attention, not about actually caring.

mizzAmerica45 7 points ago +7 / -0

One thing terrible about these undocumented children coming over is, they can become nonexistent without anyone knowing that they've even existed.

I feel for the little ones. They were probably promised a new world of wonder and an incredible future in store for them, just to be taken advantage of and possibly dying. My heart is just so sickened over this thought.

mizzAmerica45 14 points ago +14 / -0

I believe, because of the open borders we have in the US, we are now the leading country of children/women/and even men being sexually assaulted and trafficked. It's why our government 'welcomed' all these undocumented children to come over here without any parents/guardian. It wasn't because they care so much about them....they don't even care about their own citizens. It's because we have these vulnerable children/women/men being taken in and never to be heard from again. I even read somewhere where they'll actually allow girls/women to become pregnant so they can use the babies' organs once it's born Things are becoming more VILE AND EVIL by the day....and most don't even know the half of it.

mizzAmerica45 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wonder when the fbi will go in guns-a-blazing and eliminate this threat, like they did with the 75 year old, obese man?? Can't be too sure what this nutty woman could be capable of.

Oh wait.....I forgot, it's the fbi🙄 and she's a typical nut job lefty.

mizzAmerica45 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've seen comments coming from the far left that have been far more vile, hate filled and evil than anything this man may have posted....and it's extremely doubtful they had any kind of visit from the fbi like that, that warranted such aggression, as they did with this obese, elderly man. If the fbi were all about keeping our country/its citizens safe from actual harm....Joe Biden would not be in the WH right now.

mizzAmerica45 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not too sure. I looked it up and there was a Facebook post stating the same exact thing as you're saying...but the post was made in 2016. So, for now, I have my doubts he's gone. Doesn't really matter at this point....I'm quite certain his one son is 10x worse than his dad.

mizzAmerica45 3 points ago +3 / -0

His voice annoys me so much. Most people with accents, I actually enjoy/like. His just irritates me though.

mizzAmerica45 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's why it's pointing to the fact that we need a completely new and different kind of news outlet. One that hasn't been tainted or compromised.

I think Trump/Elon will be coming out with their version soon. You have to let the ones, whom the majority of the public have relied on for getting their news, be destroyed...and proceed with introducing the public to something far better. The apron strings from 'mother' have to be cut first, in order for that to happen tho.

mizzAmerica45 4 points ago +4 / -0

The question everyone should be asking now that this all came out is, where is all our billions and aid going to for Ukraine?

Bc it's not going towards winning a war with Russia, bc it's not even happening.

People just are so asleep. I see multiple comments from people saying 'good thing they caught him.....hope he's punished severely....etc.' Really? Bc what I see here, is a guy exposing the lies coming from our government who is using the media to paint a 'bright beautiful picture' of something that's not even happening.

mizzAmerica45 14 points ago +14 / -0

When the government starts 'taking care' of your children and try removing the parents from the picture....it never ends well. Just look at the public gov run schools. Just look at gov run nursing homes. They're terrible.

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