mjs001 4 points ago +4 / -0

We already have a problem in this country with kids not growing up til they're in their 30's. Now we're going to use puberty blockers to delay the process a few more years?

mjs001 1 point ago +1 / -0

The presentation of Cuomo's emmy.

mjs001 1 point ago +2 / -1

Transmission geek here. If you try to put a modern car in park while moving the computer will not execute the shift. It will give you a "shift denied" or some other message on the driver info center. Even older cars (my knowledge starts with 60's), the parking pawl cannot engage until the car is going less than 2-3 MPH. Above that the parking pawl (the metal device that locks the transmission from rotating) will just bounce off the notches it mates into to lock until the car is stopped or nearly stopped. It will make a very disturbing buzzing sound, but will not even provide much in the way of deceleration.

mjs001 3 points ago +4 / -1

From a design perspective, a Crown Vic is similar to an F150 with a car body rather than a truck body. Things will go a million miles if the cost of replacing the ignition modules doesn't drive you broke.

mjs001 0 points ago +1 / -1

Some cars have brake by wire. Mine has no hydraulic connection between the brake pedal and the master cylinder - it's all done by computer & actuators (the Continental MKC1 Brake by Wire system). Used by Toyota, Lexus, and Alfa Romeo. Infiniti's Direct Adaptive Steering has no physical connection between the steering wheel and the steering mechanism. Many cars have no physical connection between the accelerator pedal and the engine.

Before you get too wigged out, aircraft have been like this for years. As long as there is enough reliability, redundancy, and fail safe design the tech isn't necessarily bad. But the ability to hijack remotely and make all these systems ignore the driver and do someone else's bidding, that's a bit troubling.

by 4tmfw
mjs001 1 point ago +1 / -0

That happened on the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland in 1969 as well, when the river was so polluted it caught fire. (The event here is probably a methane bubble.)

The event is commemorated in the delicious Burning River IPA from the Great Lakes Brewing Company.

mjs001 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the1950's the illegitimacy rate for black Americans was less than it was for the white population, and both were very low. The destruction of the Black Family began with (1) the creation of the welfare state (which required that no man live at the address of the woman/child(ren) receiving benefits; (2) the elimination of the requirement for a father's name on a birth certificate (and the corresponding requirement that the father [rather than the state] support his offspring); and (3) mass incarceration of black men ensuring that a large percentage of black children grow up without a father. The result of this is that nearly 2/3 of black children are raised in a fatherless home (as compared to 25% of white children, and 34% of children overall).

mjs001 3 points ago +3 / -0

Coke has hundreds of brands around the world. Bacardi mixers, Barq's root beer, Glaceau vitamin water, Squirt, Dasani, Fanta, MinuteMaid, Mellow Yellow, Nestea, NOS, Powerade, Seagram's mixers, Sprite. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Coca-Cola_brands

mjs001 4 points ago +4 / -0

Racist in the same way Planned Parenthood is racist.

mjs001 8 points ago +8 / -0

Can't remember who said it, but it sums it up: "The Devil attacks most violently that which he hates the most."

mjs001 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by a specific act of a reigning Pope along with all the other Catholic bishops of the world was allegedly ordered in a Marian apparition by Our Lady of Fátima in 13 July 1917. Sister Lúcia dos Santos, one of the three visionaries publicly stated that at different times the Virgin Mary had given her a message of promise, that the consecration of Russia (as a country) would usher in a period of world peace.

mjs001 7 points ago +7 / -0

At Fatima Mary also called for the Pope, together with all the Bishops in the world, to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. If that didn't happen, "Russia will spread her errors throughout the world." Communism and abortion being two of those evils. No Pope has been willing to do that. Now, ironically, Russia seems to be based and the west is confused. Nothing would make me happier than seeing Russia helping lead us back to a rational world. Those people have been through hell.

mjs001 2 points ago +2 / -0

From 1963 - the 45 Communist Goals in America. #23 states "art" but refers to all forms of beauty: "Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”

mjs001 7 points ago +7 / -0

Putin understands the world is made up of nations and nations are made up of families. Undermining the family undermines nations, eliminating nations demeans humanity. Putin is Russian Orthodox Catholic. I read a story he told about going to Israel in 1993. His mother gave him a crucifix necklace to get blessed at the Tomb of Jesus. He did, and said he has never taken it off since then.


“Events that take place in the world represent one more serious challenge to the Russian identity. There are foreign policy and moral aspects to this. We have been able to see many Euro-Atlantic countries effectively embark on a path of renouncing their roots, including Christian values, which underlie Western civilization,” Putin said.

“That involves the negation of moral principles and any traditional identity – national, cultural, religious, or even sexual,” he said.

“Policies are pursued that put large families and same-sex partnerships in the same category, belief in God and belief in Satan. Excesses of political correctness reach the point where there are serious discussions on the registration of parties that have propaganda of pedophilia as their objective. People in many European countries are ashamed and afraid of speaking about their religion, holidays are abolished or given other names, names that shyly conceal the nature of those holidays, and aggressive attempts are made to force this model on the rest of the world,” Putin said.

“This is a direct path to degradation and primitiveness, to deep demographic and moral crises,” he said.

“What can be a better indication of a moral crisis in human society than its loss of the ability for self-reproduction?” Putin said.

mjs001 2 points ago +2 / -0

10,000 years ago the spot I'm sitting in in Michigan was covered with a mile thick sheet of ice. Of course there's climate change. I don't know how all that ice receded without human CO2 emissions. But I guess Al Gore, Michael Mann, Greta Thunberg, DiCaprio, etc. need something to make themselves feel important, and the UN needs a climate "crisis" to drive a global carbon tax that they, of course, will need to collect and administer.

mjs001 3 points ago +3 / -0

I read somewhere that there was a zip drive inside that soccer ball with lots of very interesting information.

mjs001 3 points ago +3 / -0

May God grant peace and riches on Lin, Sydney, and the rest doing God's work. Until then, it's up to us to chip in and help cover the bills. $$ sent.

mjs001 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree.

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