yeah it makes me chuckle when people call ben a traitor - he never was pro trump. he did begrudgingly admit that trump was an effective potus, but he has been against trump since the get go.
it’s the other daily wire guys + candace that surprised me
no serious person claims that there are no nefarious actors amongst world Jewry. all peoples have their share of good and bad individuals. this is true for Christians, Muslims, whites, blacks, Asians, etc.
it is disingenuous to use the euphemistic “khazarian mafia” moniker; aside from just being cringy (in a similar fashion to the whole “covfefe” is an antediluvian word idiocy), it has no basis in reality.
the demonization of white people is evil, and should be condemned. the demonization of Jews is equally abhorrent. identity politics is satanic
they voted against including the amendment pictured here (they don’t want language in the bill that states only citizens can vote).
lack of context is what is causing the confusion here.
we could release kaiju and go the ppv route.
gaslighting is one of the most pernicious weapons in their arsenal - demoralizing the awakened while simultaneously further brainwashing the hypnotized.
they aren’t though.
for sure - i will keep reading, it is a nice find regardless of any misgivings i have re: the insinuation that skepticism could only come from a vested interest in child trafficking.
i am sure there is a lot to glean here, so thanks again for the sauce
thanks for the share. i am going to try to finish it, but i found this a little off-putting:
“The Bible suggests we may know them by their fruits. That is, we recognise the wolves- in-sheepskins by the consequences of their words and behaviour. Be they arrogant academic or bottom-feeding troll, anyone who attempts to discredit the above writings is certainly an operative for the trafficking network. Similarly, whoever attacks my book has a vested interest in the lucrative international child trafficking operation coordinated by the CIA.“
this is the same tactic the NPCs use:
Russia prefers Trump over Hillary, so anyone who says anything remotely positive about Trump is certainly an operative for the Kremlin.
There are a disproportionate number of blacks in prison, so the judicial system is necessarily prejudiced against black people.
this drives the point home so well, as nauseating as it is to actually see it.
kek. this makes me think of a debate my fiancée and i always have re: simulation theory. we both agree it’s pseudo-intellectual drivel, but i see it as a [small] step in the right direction as it necessitates a teleological understanding of the world.
she sees it as simply another new-age “woo woo” spiritual pitfall for those who fancy themselves learned.
woah - i had forgotten just how cancerous r/politics is
“…and she showed me her boobies, and i like them too!”
just wanted to inject a little levity. mom’s are awesome
Kash makes a pretty slick Gandalf, even with the Karl Marx beard
i was seriously relieved that this appeared to be parody. thanks for shattering that delusion… clown world has no limits
i guess i need to go back to the source. sorry if i jumped the gun.
it does seem like the forum is brigaded by waves of divisive misinformation on a fairly regular basis
the fact that you use the “Qanon”moniker makes it virtually impossible for me to believe that you are acting in good faith
😂 too pure for this clown world
i seem to remember Hillary making some asinine comment about her email being on her blackberry and not her iphone when the private server story broke. i am sure they destroyed it along with all of the hard drives. “why was blackberry destroyed” could be referring to the company or a singular device (at least in the context I see here)
yeah the glowfags use “khazar” the same way they used to employ “(((echoes)))”
it does appear to be some sort of cointel shenanigans, for the most part. the increasing desperation on their part as they push this drivel has become more and more amusing, which perhaps alludes to what’s going on behind the scenes.
“reeeeeeeeeee there were like 5 joos who owned slaves and since there were only 10 jews in the south, 50% of joos owned slaves! that’s 50x more than whyte ppl.”
- some shill on gaw
glowies gonna glow. ah well, it’s at least amusing to watch how desperate they are to push their radioactive narrative
the number of historical sources is not “many” by any stretch of the imagination.
also, the lack of refutation is a ridiculous argument to make. “you didn’t refute a hypothesis you (and virtually everyone else for all of history) were completely oblivious of. therefore it must be true” - you know that is a ludicrous assertion
“With some notable exceptions, most Jewish populations cluster genetically with other Jewish populations, indicating genetic similarity that often exceeds that with non-Jewish historical neighbors“
it is the outliers like the “ethiopan jews” that are furthest from the other clusters
happy to contribute to any well-intentioned debate, and i appreciate your response - i normally get something along the lines of “are you a kike? you must be” etc. i don’t believe any subject should be taboo, and am all about re-evaluating “truths” and questioning narratives.
i have done quite a bit of research myself, and am always wary of factional / ideological dogma creeping into what ought to be an academic inquiry. there is a contingent that would like to co-opt our movement and transform it from “we the people vs the elites” into “we the people vs the jews.” wwg1wga
the khazar nonsense has been disproven over and over again. there are no primary sources, and whatever secondary sources we have are often deliberately mistranslated.
genetics show that sephardi, ashkenazi, and mitzrahi jews all share common ancestry. they also show that samaritans share ancestry with the jews and neighboring peoples.
whether or not the ruling class of khazars converted, there is zero chance that modern jewry is “khazar” in nature. this is a pallywood fiction that caught on with the “we wuz kangs n shit” crowd, and hinges upon the ridiculous “dem joos control the world, changing our textbooks n sheet” delusion
😂🤣 good work!