Where? Jk I live here. It sucks.
It is ridiculous but it’s a means trump created for all of us to get rich and we blew it.
I think it would be cool if people would share more about hot crypto related tips on here when they line up with anything trump
I just think this is something that no one is aware of or even focussed on.
Canada has no meaningful cultural identity without the queen (I’m a Canadian).
As a Canadian, I pray for this every day.
The post just needs a bit more of a breakdown. As an aside, thank you for all that you do around here catsfive. I don’t always agree with your conclusions but I always appreciate you posting.
How do we know this is his account?
Q is pretty clear about Alex jones but I also have a soft spot for the man since he woke me up with dark secrets inside the bohemian grove.
Do people still think Scavino is Q?
I just have a feeling that the NDP will continue propping up the liberals in spirit and this is all just a charade to ensure that they make it to the new year. Singh is desperate to escape from the image of just being a rubber stamp / sellout to liberal policies. I do not expect there will be a fall election.
You’re just a commie playing patriot. It’s obvious.
Q said it wouldn’t be clean, like your gfs pussy.
Never forget how BC was swindled with the Alsek River lol. I would love to know how this writer perceives the forgotten French colony that still exists between Canada and the United States; St. Pierre and Michelon. 95% of Canadians don’t even know it exists. I would wager even fewer Americans have heard of st Pierre and michelon. It is North America’s secret shame.
I don’t doubt that Arizona was totally rigged. It just seems to me that voting machines going down in Republican districts had a greater impact in Arizona than fake ballots. Almost feels like jovan made us focus our attention in the wrong place.
I remember Jovan making all sorts of statements about the significance of their findings in Arizona and then nothing. He really disappointed me.
Can you please explain to me what a transmitter like that is for?
I think the cabal just tried to kill trump
Q was very clear about Alex jones being a shill. I really liked Alex jones up until those Q posts. Q also said to trust sessions and Wray though……..
You’re obviously a lefty troll. It should be enough for you to see some shitty pizza place having crap like this posted while being connected to Hillary Clinton etc. Go back to your purple haired gf and soy latte.
Dude. I hate these communist/satanist bastards so much. They’ve robbed me. Most of Canada is a shithole and it’s only the west coast that has tolerable weather. Fuck this country. Managing to remain unvaccinated here was no easy feat. At least I can say that no one has benefitted more from immigration than my ____
Can someone give a quick explanation of the significance of #322 to skull and bones? I remember bush and merry being asked about it way back when.
I live in Canada and I made a little over 200k last year. I cannot afford a house in my hometown.
I wish someone would put together a list of the top 25 most convincing q proofs for normies. It would really help in our red pulling efforts.
Canada wasn’t perfect but we were running quite well due to our relatively small population growth in the 90s. Since then we have been taken over by the cabal and systematically destroyed from within. While painful for us, I have no doubt that what president trump is doing is curing us of what ails us. Make it 51 baby!