nineohseven 10 points ago +10 / -0

DJT Warrants are trading at 29.40 PM.

nineohseven 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your post prompted me to do a little digging too. God works in mysterious ways :)

nineohseven 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think it was a coincidence she chose 'left-handed people' as her metaphor. (although nothing wrong with being left-handed)

From black magic and Satanism to Gnostic sects and Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way, the left-hand path has been linked to many practices, cults, and individuals across the ages. Stephen Flowers, Ph.D., examines the methods, teachings, and historical role of the left-hand path, from its origins in Indian tantric philosophy to its underlying influence in current world affairs, and reveals which philosophers, magicians, and occult figures throughout history can truly be called “Lords of the Left-Hand Path.”

Flowers explains that while the right-hand path seeks union with and thus dependence on God, the left-hand path seeks a “higher law” based on knowledge and power. It is the way of self-empowerment and true freedom. Beginning with ancient Hindu and Buddhist sects and moving Westward, he examines many alleged left-hand path groups, including the Cult of Set, the Yezidi Devil Worshippers, the Assassins, the Neoplatonists, the Hell-Fire Club, the Bolsheviks, the occult Nazis, and several heretical Sufi, Zoroastrian, Christian, and Muslim sects. Following a carefully crafted definition of a true adherent of the left-hand path based on two main principles--self-deification and challenge to the conventions of “good” and “evil”--the author analyzes many famous and infamous personalities, including H. P. Blavatsky, Faust, the Marquis de Sade, Austin Osman Spare, Aleister Crowley, Gerald Gardner, Anton LaVey, and Michael Aquino, and reveals which occult masters were Lords of the Left-Hand Path.

Source: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Lords-of-the-Left-Hand-Path/Stephen-E-Flowers/9781594774676

nineohseven 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hunting leases.

RV/boat/toy storage.



Compost manufacture and sales.

4x4 recreation leasing.

Turn it into farmland and have the government pay you not to grow anything. Sadly, this is a thing. Alternatively, turn it into a tree farm and have the government pay you annually not to cut them down. This is also a thing.

Raise livestock.

nineohseven 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'll sell you that personal data for 20 XRP.

nineohseven 16 points ago +16 / -0


Lord I thank you for sunshine, I thank you for rain Thank you for joy, Thank you for pain It's a beautiful day-ay-ay-ay

nineohseven 11 points ago +11 / -0

You sound like you are in a good position to be dropping red pills. Try to save some normies for the rest of us.

From Rosa Parks to dropping black unemployment rates to freeing several rappers on bogus charges and on and on Trump has delivered.

As far as being in a bubble here, no way. I have encountered awake folks who have never heard of GAW or Q, both black and white.

nineohseven 8 points ago +8 / -0

They are conducting a seance summoning lost souls at sea presumed dead to conduct business on the souls behalf for the Crown.

They send you a summons and miraculously you appear before them.

Black magic in yo' courts, summoning your dudes.

nineohseven 3 points ago +3 / -0

Are you suggesting that authorities would be less than forthcoming about statistics, articles, stories, testimonies, reports, etc... on a medical topic?

Like they were with COVID? And still are?

Wild. ;)

nineohseven 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not my content, just sharing for a patriot. 👍

nineohseven 8 points ago +9 / -1

The 'salad shooter' effect aka hershey squirts is a common side effect. If it's ongoing I'd give her a break and keep observing.

nineohseven 2 points ago +2 / -0

A (writ of) mandamus is an order from a court to an inferior government official ordering the government official to properly fulfill their official duties or correct an abuse of discretion. See e.g. Cheney v. United States Dist. Court For D.C. (2004).According to the U.S. Department of Justice, "Mandamus is an extraordinary remedy, which should only be used in exceptional circumstances of peculiar emergency or public importance."

Mandamus at the Federal Level In federal courts, these orders most frequently appear when a party to a suit wants to appeal a judge's decision but is blocked by rules against interlocutory appeals. Instead of appealing directly, the party simply sues the judge, seeking a mandamus compelling the judge to correct their earlier mistake. Generally, this type of indirect appeal is only available if the party has no alternative means of seeking review. Source and more at https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/mandamus

nineohseven 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whoa that was quite an eye-opener. I lived in Anchorage when this happened and remember the media stories being very anti-vigilante and focusing on the hammer aspect of one of the attacks. His side of the story paints a much different picture that resonates with what i know and experienced growing up in Ak. Also never mentioned that he was getting his intel from others in the community. I recall discussing the news with acquaintances and the general sentiment was "good for him".

Long video but I encourage dear reader to watch it.

As a side note to leadership at State of Alaska Dept of Public Safety: Would you child molester enablers and facilitators pull your heads out of your collective asses and get your shit together? Governor Dunleavy, is there a Director or Deputy Director there that you can ring up at DPS and ask to get this man some therapy? Or at least not actively deny it while heaping 'classes' upon child predators for a chance at early release? I know you don't condone this crap.

Thanks, your citizens would appreciate it.

nineohseven 7 points ago +7 / -0

Patrick Orlando is throwing a hissy about Trump's share of DWAC if merger happens. Orlando controls/owns 14.8% of founders shares and is a party to the merger agreement. If he votes antimerger it's no bueno.

There is a concerted effort by the board and DWAC hodlers to get out the vote FOR the merger currently until March 22 I believe.

This includes a phone campaign and it appear mostly legit according to online TG DWAC discussion, but I vote FOR via brokerage link.

Tl;dr: Could be close vote, salty majority shareholder threatens the merger. Vote your shares FOR.

nineohseven 7 points ago +7 / -0

Truth contains a short video that links the following Q drop to g.maxwell > clinton > epstein > branson > obama by way of g.max's heli license, her passengers, dinner @ pdo island, sex tapes, owner of adjacent 'virgin' island, and said owner's vacation buddy.


nineohseven 2 points ago +2 / -0

The overall population of the municipality is young: about 40% is under the age of 15, with those between 15 and 64 making up about 54% of the population.

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