noidolsleft 0 points ago +1 / -1

Notice Flynn backed off the rigged voting machines? How are patriots supposed to win elections with rigged voting machines? And he gets paid handsomely to lecture people.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +2 / -1

Right. Like, oh hey there! Look how he, Stone, and the rest of the gang was on AJ Show over and over. And the time Trump called in and AJ was freaked out and he never called in again despite saying he would. The Trump quicksand. Gotta love it! He spotlights someone and then drops them.

But watch which ones flock together. Watch the wives as Q said. The Deep State isn't really that many people and they all cycle back through.

noidolsleft 6 points ago +7 / -1

Thanks fren! I know this is a forbidden topic around here, but the amount of evidence (check out the brass balls blog) is really stout. Also, look at who was in change of the National Guard on 1/6- Flynn's brother Gen. Charles Flynn. They were trying to trick Trump into declaring martial law, but Trump was already ahead of them! He's been the president this whole time and I do believe many of these people have been replaced by actors using CIA tech masks because why not? The real ones have been shot. Notice how Trump says things like "he's got half a head", "he doesn't know where he is", " he took a shot". So many things makes sense when you look at it like this. I'm really looking forward to next year!

noidolsleft -1 points ago +14 / -15

He is a child trafficker. He was in charge of Haiti. The Deep State jacked the Q posts when it went to 8chan. Jim Watkins has a background in intelligence and connections in the Philippines, a major hotspot for trafficking.

The whole I'm losing my house because of legal bills poor me is just an act. The man was top spook on the deep state and had lots of lucrative contracts. Trump fired his ass for a reason.

Flynn does his traveling patriot roadshow and grifts a ton in speaking fees, similar to Hillary, its how the deep state keeps their people in the Green. He talks about Q when it got him cred, but he really doesn't want us to listen to the first 500 Q posts. Also compare pics of the general from a few years ago and now.

There are some pretty good Telegram channels that have done excellent work digging and pointing all this out, all while trusting the plan.

noidolsleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Got a friend that had to recently move back to her home country because her green card was denied for not getting the jab. Fortunately, her spouse got a better job there anyway, but we are going to miss them! She started her application before the Covid vax was even out, but still they are requiring it. It really is a crazy clown world!

noidolsleft 7 points ago +7 / -0

As Trump said after 2020 election, he might just be a three term president! I think that's playing out. Recall the irregular "inauguration" that was not an inauguration because President Trump was not there, he was with the real generals, not TV generals, running this operation. Sure enough, there is stuff going down that the average person isn't picking up on by design not to create disruption and panic, but yet Roe v. Wade was overturned, places where the deep state is hiding slush fund money are being upended, and perverts are being exposed right and left.

noidolsleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

The truth sets us free. The Truth of God's Word and also the truth of what is going on in our world. The whole world lieth in wickedness (1 John 5:19) takes on a whole new meaning when you understand this conspiracy stuff. It really is a spiritual thing when people's eyes are open to it. Some might just be too weak to deal and God isn't ready for them to handle it yet. I think to myself, the internet has been up almost 30 years now and I found this stuff without anyone waking me up, just a hunger for the truth of why things are so messed up. Let everyone be persuaded in their own mind writes Apostle Paul of getting people to believe the truth of the Gospel message. I think this advice applies to learning that the whole world lieth in wickedness too.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm saying that the causes of mental illness are known. These "prominent" psychiatrists are gatekeepers because real scientists like Abram Hoffer, Carl Pfieffer, William Walsh, and others have come up with plenty of lab tests that correlate highly to specific mental illnesses. I challenge that there are no lab tests because there are and they give so much more relief to someone suffering because you can point to a very low value of Vitamin D, GABA, zinc, etc. and say that's my problem, not that I'm defective in my soul. The amount of human misery that could be remedied by proper testing and inexpensive treatment would change the world! Yes, our food supply is deficient in minerals and especially trace minerals and has been for almost 100 years. I think a lot of low level anxiety disorders are from that combined with toxins. But history shows us that some people have inborn genetic problems that cause serious mental breakdowns like schizophrenia. Abram Hoffer called it the "adrenochrome hypothesis" where the person's metabolism could not break down adrenochrome, a intermediate metabolite of adrenaline. Adrenochrome is hallucinogenic, which explains the schizophrenic's symptoms. https://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/10/30/more-causes-old-illness

I'm calling BS on mainstream psychiatrists saying there are no ways to figure out what is going on with a person's brain chemistry when there are literally housewives all over the United States coming up with test protocols for their own kids out of their own pockets. These doctors are "baffled" like other doctors are "baffled" with all the SADS. If the psychiatry profession were to be biochemistry focused, they would have some credibility. Being questionnaire takers puts them on the same level as those Cosmo quiz writers in my mind. But there are doctors out there working in the fringes doing the testing and getting people well! The goal should be to get people off meds, or onto the lowest dose necessary.

There's a great new book out there called the Autism Industrial Complex where the writer documents how they are using the questionnaire system to get as many people diagnosed as possible and venture capitalists have set up a money making industry with ABA clinics and peripheral therapy clinics to mop up the insurance money. Just like when anyone woke up with a sore neck in the 1950s, it got put down as polio to justify the new vax. The newly diagnosed are the commodity that makes money for this artificial system.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's bullshit. The Walsh Institute has the largest database of biochemical markers mapped to mental illness. Like tens of thousands of hair tests, blood and urine samples and they have found remarkable correlations to schizophrenia, ocd, bipolar, anxiety, autism, etc. After getting some testing done, you'll not be diagnosed with mental disorder, but with a vitamin D deficiency maybe combined with niacin and lithium deficiencies. Their trained doctors can put together a supplement plan to rebalance a person's neurotransmitters.

For instance, it's a fact that 98% of autistics have a copper/zinc imbalance. This is fixed by chelating copper and boosting zinc. Regular doctors know nothing about any of this, despite it being in the literature. We know the mechanisms behind brain chemistry, so for these psychiatrists to act stupid like there's no way to know is insulting. The work has been done, but mainstream medicine refuses to look at it because there is no profit in telling people to take vitamins.

I cured my daughter of some serious shit by getting the empirical evidence of bloodwork, urine test for pyrroles, a hair test to see what minerals she was excreting, a dried urine hormone test to see how her endocrine system was functioning. That's all stuff insurance won't cover and no doctor in four hours of me will touch, but I got it all figured out with a telehealth call and a lot of research. So saying there is no lab test for a mental disorder is just malpractice on their part.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes! This is what Abram Hoffer discovered in the 1960s.. It works with some schizophrenics, but not all. Some need b6 and methionine. Hair testing and bloodwork can reveal what is going on with someone's neurotransmitters and can be fixed with targeted supplementation!

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well he admitted on camera that Carlos Slim and Co gave them the money for the Sound of Freedom movie that was promoted all over FakeBook, much loved by the algorithm. If he was a special agent in charge of child trafficking with experience with the Haiti business, he sure does leave prominent names out of things and doesn't touch back on what Wikileaks mentioned. This person calls out some obvious discrpencies https://www.mormonstories.org/podcast/tim-ballard-and-operation-underground-railroad-lynn-packer-pt-6/

and lately, he's being accused of being a perv by his charity coworkers, which is par for the course for all these weirdos. You are correct, he's playing the part of the hero and everyone jumps up and claps, but don't want to hear where the money is coming from.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, the amount of people who don't get that J6 was an obvious operation to entice Trump to declare martial law is mind boggling to me. We have so much evidence that it was a setup and Trump knew what they were up to and did not take the bait. I think a lot of these characters look different these days. I think many of them have been Gitmoed and replaced with actors from Trump and the military intelligence faction that supports him. Look for these characters to start turning the narrative in such a way that more people wake up. Remember that Biden's inauguration was phony through and through. This whole time Trump has been working behind the scenes. His election inteference orders have been held up by "biden", Roe v. Wade happened. Trump is the POTUS, and guess what? He caught them. He caught them all!

noidolsleft 9 points ago +9 / -0

That stuff is probably cursed as hell.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is that werido who claimed to have been a werewolf!! None of this has been corroborated. I don't doubt horrible things are happening at the high levels, but I don't think this nut has really ever seen them.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

For human trafficking sex slaves.

noidolsleft 0 points ago +4 / -4


Dude admitted to Carlos Slim financing the movie.

Ads for the movie all over FB. No misinformation warnings or anything.

Movie doesn't get into SRA, Adrenochrome, etc.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to Stephanie Seneff, glyphosate causes autism. So there are kids I know who have never been vaccinated who still got autism. Glyphosate disupts all sorts of things.

My most vax damaged kids is twenty and is trying a silica detox. Didn't start detoxing and supplementing until she was 17 and it changed her life around! So yeah, it's a good idea anyway with all the crap they're throwing at us!

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's actually hep B vax. Hep C is an actually devastating disease, but no vax for that one! So true they don't even study it, they just pretend to study it. Color of law situation.

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