Try “gulf of Merica”, I think Johnny Horton would approve 😂!
My friends wife is a teacher and she was remarking that the administrator to teacher ratio is ridiculous and they are the ones making bank to stand around and “administrate “..
Nevada enters the chat…
And a third in Nevada, Sam Brown beat Rosyn's ass solid...
Sure do remember Sharon, the machine painted her as a nutjob, she got my vote. There is an interesting article on the Joe Hoft website about the deleted votes as well. Still waiting to hear back from Assemblyman Ken Gray. I think Sam is trying to keep under the radar on this and not give the machine any ammo to use against him as a denier.
I reached out to Lyon County Republican Party and our state assemblyman. I’m hard pressed to believe anyone who voted for Trump did not vote for Sam Brown…
And Nevada!
There is no way Trump takes Nevada and and Sam Brown loses…
Sam Brown also DID NOT LOSE NEVADA!!!
The UNR volleyball team has the overwhelming support of the community in northern Nevada, it’s great to see.
Do it around me and they will be shitting out their teeth…
I swear to God if someone throws a dildo at me I will shove it up their ass...Wait that's probably what they want, guess I'll just mock them for throwing like a quadriplegic...
Harry Reid (black eye club member) can fuck all the way off…
Lyon county here, Trump said vote early and we got his back!
Better be at least Nevada, hopefully Clark and Washoe pull their collective heads from their asses...
I’m thinking the commies get “elected” with blatant fraud, they implement their full on commie ideas (govt price fixing), the shit that comes from that (breadlines etc.) will be the precipice and the military will be the only way…not trying to doom just spitballing.
Updoot for Exodus reference!
We did also
Strange that on their homepage they now have a big BS statement about how a 3rd party vendor "miscalculated" and the short was only 1,200...
And to think I shook this guys hand at dinner and fell headlong for his bullcrap...I was already leaning toward Gunter and now it's full bore support for the Trump Ambassador!
And Santiago Paredes commits suicide in 3.2,1.
For us the primary is basically a preference poll with no legal standing per Assembly rep
Thank you captain obvious…