Looks like the rule of thumb timeframe is minimum 2 years
The Afghanistan fiasco peak hysteria took 2 years from ejection year
So did inflation, financial market reversal, resources shortages, and of course the rising health issues after vaccine rollout
So for any future major world predictions I'm going give at least 2 years to see if/how they materialise
Not shaking the nozzle implies you're wealthy enough to not scrounge for every last drop
Money = get women
They argue "because science!", yet fail to do the hard work more often than not
I was trying to explain to someone last year about the concerns about inflation, the agenda long game etc, how climate change as the msm presents it is not entirely true
He refused to read through a single research paper or watch a 30 min video (told me "you seriously expect me to watch something this long?"). Throws one Journal at me to disprove vaccine risk going by the headline. I read the journal and pick out everything that proves it's a risk, and by the authors own words. All this his only counters were just throwing insults at me. Very smart, I can't beat that
Don't waste effort on these people. Smile and move on
it's pretty sad when the average person / friends / family will refuse to acknowledge these things when (we) have told them. yet when someone like Elon or even the MSM comes around to talk about it usually when it's very late in the cycle, that's then they start to believe it / entertain the thought.
if they're shipping our gas to China I will laugh at everyone around me here who supports any mainstrearm climate change measures.
they really wanna reduce emissions in this country ? -- since gas is out of the option, they gotta push for nuclear. but they won't. so i continue to laugh
frustrated. i wanted to buy calls but my funds don't replenish til june 1. but i've been drs'ing my existing shares to CS
should've said: "imagine if that was you who died and i was the one laughing and saying what you just said about you, and in front of your wife & kids"
I've made a handsome amount of wealth already. I think I'll stay
Please explain your stance. Please enlighten us all if you think you've figured it all out
Edit, I'm quoting you:
Whenever someone tells you a stock is a "SURE WIN" and "YOU CAN'T LOSE MONEY", run for your life.
They are trying to dump their losses and debt on YOU.
That has been said about: the Dollar
That has been said about: the Real Estate market
That has been said about: Gold & Silver
That has been said about: Value Stocks (which GME is)
That has been said about: the Bond Market
Where should we put our money, intelligent one ? Give us something substantial rather than baseless insults thrown around at everyone else.
At this point GME is basically the stock equivalent of gold & silver. If you think gold & silver is a ponzi and should be worth $0, please put all your money into dollars. And keep it in dollars even after a financial market reset when they'll be worth $0. And keep using those dollars while everyone else is dealing in the Yuan reserve currency or whatever it is. Fewer and fewer people around the world will accept US dollars, but whatever, if it's not a dollar it's a PONZI.
For this reason it's gonna be a hectic few weeks when it does take off. I'm definitely gonna sell a portion on the way up/down (not looking for a top) to put it into gold/silver/cyprto/land immediately while the frenzy is going on
of course. I'm just trying to think of a way mainstream could justify the removal
hahaha. I definitely was the XRP investor originally. now prob a Fren. goal is to be a 144000
could be possible the resource requirement to produce 1 tesla vehicle, could it not ?
how much energy and "polluting" activity is needed to produce the battery raw materials alone ?
I had a lot I wanted to reply to you with, but I got cut short for time.
Agree on NFT. But this is still early days, looks like the current form of NFTs is just to warm people to the idea of digital property ownership. True, practical use-case NFTs I see coming down the line.
Agree on gold/silver/asset-backed crypto. Though I don't think backing a coin with gold/silver is the best solution in the present age: still risk of centralisation & manipulation. Would like to see a novel answer to that problem (a different kind of asset backing).
Still believe in privacy coins. Was naive to it in the beginning (around 2016, which I now see as the death of bitcoin and corruption coming into the space), but learning and re-learning and making it to here, I see its value. Still its success hinges on how the internet situation plays out, so we'll see. If anything it'll be a short-medium term window of opportunity to make some big bucks and go fully offline like I said earlier.
Price discovery will happen. I see it when there is absolutely no confidence left in the us dollar. Which they've somehow amazingly have been keeping alive with all of these "events". but clearly its nearing the breaking point. unless something completely out of left field emerges to prolong the dollar a little bit more.
some people see it your way, others as the future. I've had changing opinions and atm I'm kind of one foot in each camp. It is the future, and yet there will be a point when the digital society is going to make it really hard to live life relatively freely.
privacy coins are a good solution to that, but as max igan suspects, up to a certain time, possibly 2025 our relationship with the internet might change so much to internet access, and therefore even privacy coins might be difficult to use.
but the 1 certain thing is that there until then there is going to be a several massive surges of money flowing into crypto, which if positioned early, will profit us bigly. and then we can take that wealth into gold, silver, off-grid living
2 inches is a damn tall green candle
if it continues to be price suppressed over the month it will be super bullish
You'd have to destroy the currency.
That is the overall goal. Might happen with GME, might not. If it doesn't all it does is edge is closer to dollar collapse
our country's been fkd for years before covid. i could see it plain as day after i lived overseas then moved back.
my mates & people that i happen to eavesdrop on in passing still make fun of cov cookers as they call them around here, it's saddening. hypnosis and retardation 100% and these people see themselves above others
Trick question when registering with the app: provide proof of vaccination certificate. If they upload they get banned
I know this is a dumb idea but if it can't advertise itself openly as a unvaxx dating app it might do
If not this year definitely next year
probably why all the american big money is so confident in screwing the world over in oil prices.
they can play games and fk with the supply & prices to profit. they'll use the massive reserves for themselves or to really push prices down momentarily for a quick buck
literally free money for them if this is true
The first dip to $36 was a screening signal to buy.
Unfortunately I was moving place at the time and decided to stay out of the markets
I reckon if it drops below $60 this time it'd be a good deal
I got another hot take theory:
Puti n is very much with the global mafia, and this movement into uk rain e and "hitting" the global mafia targets is their way of sweeping any evidence of bioengineering under the rug, in preparation for the global mafia to appear as the world saviour.
I just drs'd. I see it as security. Stock could rocket or it* could not, but it'll definitely move up a bit at some point.
But if it happens during peak financial meltdown... If there is a liquidity problem, I reckon the brokers and clearing houses will pull some shit to screw shareholders over. The London nickel trade reversal thing a few months ago was the final straw for me.
If it's drs'd in your name it at least 1. Locks the float to put upward pressure when hedgefunds are covering and 2. Your shares hopefully won't have delayed trades/reversed trades/locked shares/missing shares/etc. Or whatever shenanigans that could happen to reduce pain for the big institutions