Marxists, Communists or whatever variation of same, this is what was meant "By any means neccessary.". They will do whatever needed to advance their cause. Whether they are inner circle or useful (and expendable) idiots like this one it's all part of the same effort to ratchet things forward towards their goal.
Make no mistake, the banana peel in front of the MSM is anon ability to share ideas and discuss current events without their spin. The discord "leak" of classified info is almost certainly an op designed to move forward on digital ID to get online. Then any discussion deemed "malinformation" can be tracked to the source and you punished. Add social credit and CBDC into the mix and ‘If You Want a Picture of the Future, Imagine a Boot Stamping on a Human Face – for Ever’.
Completely refutes their virtue signaling
"Listen you, I'll have you know if Bush wins I'll leave the USA..."
"Listen you, I'll have you know if Bush wins again I'll leave the USA..."
"Listen you, I'll have you know if Trump wins I'll leave the USA..."
/most of msm, hollywood & music industry
In early 2021 this pic came out. Stuck out to me then, even more so now -
It was bizarre how Gates was so inserted into the scamdemic with his admitted investments into vaccines and nothing said about it by the MSM. When brought up NPCs around me response was "Oh, he's just a humanitarian.". No second thoughts that he might be doing so because he was making money from it. Same idiots that sent 8 years reeeeeing "Bush, Cheney, Halliburton!!!". Am convinced the trans explosion (shootings, ads, etc,) is distraction so you forget about 2020-2022. People were so fucked up by it their brains just stopped. Remind people what we went thru..
The lawmen didn't do their jobs because they work for the same regime that the rioters do.
This is so essential to understanding the system. Further, unitparty politicians will never vote for anything that requires personal responsibility to receive welfare. They want as many as possible on it with minimum qualifications to have it. That way anytime they need mostly peaceful protests they can do so on demand.
These clowns work directly with NGOs (paid for with .gov grants from your taxes) to stir rioters up. "They're going to take away your assistance." and out they come. And by design once you take assistance you cannot get out of it. Should you get a job and try to move yourself up on your own you'll lose the whole package, EBT, SNAP, HUD housing, medical, phone, etc. all gone. So, you stay in and do as your told. Like cops being threatened with losing their pension.
/same bark, different dog
Same as it ever was, consensus building in order to push thru new laws. But, too much has happened since 2008 and even the left has armed up. Anti-gun forces can no longer count on their base to support them like yapping seals. So basically gun control as an issue is dead, a zombie even.
So, if more laws passed what changes? No one except a minority would give them up. Not with AUS/NZ being pushed into camps or the potential for Summer of Love 2: Off the Chain looming. Also, gun rights have been getting victory after victory. A plurality of states now allow no license concealed carry. Ten years ago, a fraction of that. "They" will keep pushing this and keep losing.
There are 100s of great basic econ / money vids on rumble (& youtube). Easy to digest when you are driving, am constantly listening to something this way. The way to think about this is building blocks. Understanding one block leads you to understanding the next. Don't expect to instantly get it and I am pretty sure no one fully does. A lot is just plain conjecture. But that doesn't mean you cannot get a top view of what is going on even if you don't understand granular details. I surely don't.
I should have posted it long ago too. It's so easy to get lost in the mist and forget about the basics. That being all anons should intimately understand the framework we live in which is primarily an economic one. It's like knowing how to hunt, fish, garden & change your own oil. And none of that is emphasized in the MSM as important anymore. You'll find good stuff in there, be sure to pass it on.
It's the key question here, not us for sure. Much discussion about below vid on 4chan. Allegedly the most important image in the entire vid is at 3:08, freeze on that frame. Does not show much but a lone figure in mask and "Ghost" written above. Interesting times for sure.
Do you think the image was altered in this pic too?
At that point the country is likely in open civil war. Only big cities could held but not the infrastructure and supply lines needed to maintain them. Anyone who worked for a telco/cable company could take down regional internet. Then, take it down again when it's repaired. Same for power substations (and by complete retards as we saw only recently). Or rail lines and 3D printed derail blocks. Or a drone & incendiary device. Or former manually controlled systems now automated & computer controlled. A stolen password, thumbdrive & virus could stop them. We live in a high tech world dependent on low tech foundations.
"They" use the same world and have the same vulnerabilities. No matter how many imports were brought in they could not cover enough to stop sabotage and grinding things to a halt. Look at Afghanistan & US vs Taliban. They hid within the non-fighting population and ground the occupying force down. That's what an asymmetric response would look like here and this isn't even getting into the horrific aspects of it. Those would be brutal.
they finally have the technical tools to implement technocracy
But not the manpower to protect the infrastructure needed to maintain it. If they herd us all into megacities or be in a country the size of Belgium they can make that work. But not here. It is logistically impossible and in many parts of the country the Bundy ethic is solid as a rock.
Newsflash for China and their US farmland. Same for German companies building multi billion $ chemical plants in the US because we have natural gas. If shit goes down it is our farmland and our chemical plants not theirs.
Guns are done, they can't get rid of them and know it. Further, check out the DIY armor vids on youtube, some approaching / meeting Level 4. Made from easy to get materials, in your garage, and not expensive. Same for acceptable night vision, cost has dropped and it's affordable. The tyrant technological advantage is no longer there.
Let me guess, whomever arrested will be a 4chan newfag who gained 30 pounds during scamdemic yet somehow managed to hack into the NSA w/ 7YO Dell. Also posted IG pic holding friend's AR15 and has unread copy of Cliff's Notes, Mises Planned Chaos.
/dangerous, need new censorship lawz
Every base will have classified - even if it is something as simple as plans in case of attack. Hanscom should have a comm center, and this guy worked with communications and equipment.
Also by the way - EOL weapons systems? I know little about what they have but even EOL stuff in some cases would remain classified to keep our adversaries from getting those capabilities.
Both completely relevant to Hanscom AFB. Detailed force info on Ukraine / Russia and later offensive plans not so much.
Further, have you looked at was actually dumped? Dozens of DoD created docs and 1 CIA internal doc. DoD does not get CIA info directly from CIA. They get it from the DNI where docs from all intel & mil branches as well as law enforcement, Customs, ATF, etc. are aggregated then distributed.
Still think this doesn't glow?
This kid was stationed at Hanscom AFB (MA-ANG). It manages end of life for USAF weapons systems. It is also a non-flying AFB. It's not even the Maytag repairman, it's the warehouse he used. No one has yet ELI5 why it's in the strategic loop.
2 Q:
Why was sensitive/classified materiel there?
Why was it left laying around unsecured?
/this glows as hard as the sun from mercury
It's called perverse incentive and it's what a psychopath would do. How can there be any trust in the medical industry now? Big Pharma suspect for decades since they began directly marketing to the end user. You cannot escape their advertising or sponsorships. The physician used to be the gatekeeper for prescriptions and your health. Most patients did not even know what the drugs were. But that kept pharma earnings low. Ads to the patient so they could ask for drugs by removed that limitation. And now the doctors get a bounty for their good work.
/burn it to the ground
Mildly related, a plurality of states (27) now have no license concealed carry. Nebraska just passed theirs a week ago and Florida 2 weeks before that. This is a clear example of conservative gains and majorities. If progressives dominant there would only be a handful of states with this. I live in a blue state that was "May Issue" before the Bruen decision. They immediately flipped to "Shall Issue" after the ruling rather than fight a class action from people denied their CCW.
/we're winning on this one