Starts with CIA. Each first letter.
Sycophantic morons.
This has to be a movie. How can you applaud for someone who did not show up for work for days and did not tell anyone and pulled the military out of Afghanistan before the people. Just to name a few.
US. We are the Trump card which will yield our TRiUMPh.
STupid holiday conversations. My guy catches the ball better than your guy. SO dumb.
35 seconds. A nod to JFK.
It is actually 1547 and not as the title says 1574.
So 1547 has a 17 in it and a 45, 47 and 9 plus 8 is 17 and the whole thing adds up to 17.
USO'S UFO's underwater for any noobs.
Wearing his Q tie as well. Yellow
Osprey helicopter
Run penguin Run or (waddle) you cannot hide.
Goetus is going to burn it all down.
Great if it is not fixed she will only get 17 votes.
I think it was to keep the black hats occupied to try to figure it out.
The reason for the election season. TRUST THE PLAN is why we are here.
Real eyes, Realize, Real Lies
This is how I KNOW I am living in a simulation.
Wow never thought I would see a sticky from a mod about two Moar weeks. End times indeed.
That is why we are here. I am so fortunate to have found this group when I did.
I guess now it has to be less than two more weeks.
Another one who brushes his hair with a balloon like Bernie Sanders.