Very sorry to hear this. Good luck to you guys!
Oh man. CHILLS!
Man.. how some of you can do this, I will never understand, but nice work! Going follow your channel now. π
I get it. I can understand your point, but that wasn't my goal. I wanted anon feedback on PV so it can be discussed with likeminded peeps - kinda the point of the board? It wasn't intended to cause divide.
We're in an age where we need to be researching and questioning *all *of these people in leadership roles across media, government, pharma and so forth. We have been lied to too many times by too many people claiming to be on our side. To assume that he's a good guy based off the reasons you mentioned above, to me, is foolish. I do not put trust and faith in those who seem to be on my side anymore. I try to pay closer attention to their actions, their fruit and so on. This entire Q movement should have opened up EVERYONE's eyes, to realize that what we know and who we trust, isn't always so. "Up is down. Left is right."
There's nothing wrong with me questioning him or anyone else. We should be questioning them all. Perhaps if we took that stance long, long ago, we may not be as manipulated and ill advised as we are today.
I'm irate? Some of you are just stupid in here. Try having an intellectual conversation without being so butthurt. You can express your feelings and feedback without acting being a dick about it. Enough of you. Buh bye.
He always looks like he could use a bath! LOL.
Nicely done, anon!
Could be very right! Maybe so. He IS very theatrical. I just can't decide if I trust it or not. Guess time will tell!
Agreed, friend. I loved PV in the beginning, and they may very well be a reputable company and news source, but as of late, I'm feeling the same!
Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. But just.. listen to the sound of it? "The Project Veritas Experience". You're a media company. What is there to experience? And he charges good money for said experience! I just don't understand the motive or what he's really doing and how it benefits anything besides PV pockets. (Which I do understand, these new seemingly "honest" news voices need our support.) But what are we supporting? What is even the goal or aim for such an experience? What patriots want to pay good money to go to something like this in Miami, FL? What is the gain? How is this helping to benefit We The People with what we're dealing with right now? I just don't get it. Between all of their experiential events and his book that he promotes incessantly, it's hard for me to believe he's a patriot and not a pay-triot. There are many voices out there - amazing ones - who charge zero. They're here for the cause, not the applause, and not the $$$. All I'm sayin'.
I don't expect anyone to turn on him. That's just you putting words in my mouth.
There's a LOT of controlled op out there that pretend to be on our side and aren't - same as with everything else. It's called ACTORS. To say that they exposed this, that or the other, we can say that for a lot of the voices or actors who've pretended to be on our side.. who never were! Doesn't change my stance, but appreciate your input!
Meh. Pretty bold statement there, fren. What channel is claiming this?
So subscribe if you want to watch the videos you want to watch. If we can't track you, you're not welcome here, peasant.
Nice checkerboard floor there, Jim.
I hate that I have to see GS on Twatter but can't see my Trumpet. Commies!
Listen to the horse, will ya?!
Dude looks like a fucking potato himself!
LMFAO. Your explanation. π
So question.. are you saying that the death was intentional? Or are they just using the death/headlines to communicate with each other? (I don't understand this shit, so I want to try to so I can understand!) And also.. how does any of that read, "let's kill people with the vaccine"?
Am I the only numbskull who looks at this all and sees literally nothing?
in my best Michael Scott voice "Why don't you explain this to me like I'm 5?"
LMAO. It's so comical, yet so very sad. Godspeed, worldwide friends!
It's post like these, from leaders like him, that make me wonder how the FUCK people aren't awake yet and can't see through the absolute bullshit. Communist cowards. Find a better arguing point, you losers!