I was out of commission last week, fever, joint aches, dry cough. Two other were also sick, one had bronchitis, the other puking/runs/productive cough. We all got sick Thursday and were back to normal by Monday. Wednesday when we were all outside for an hour, it was bitter cold and plenty of chemtrails lining the sky.
I would recommend to just buy it. That way you can watch it a bunch of times and lend it to interested friends. It's a great movie and every time we watch it, we see more little hints and clues that the writers put in there.
Somebody didn't install/tighten the lower screws on that honeycomb panel. The bottom forward screw is missing and it has evidence of smoking so that tells me that the screw was never tightened down and just wobbled itself out.
The attorney for Amus clearly states that all of his food tested clean. He was storing food for another farmer and that did test positive for listeria, but not Amus'. He has never had ANY customer get sick from ANY of his products. Please watch the whole video and listen to everything his attorney says. The PDA is just freight-training an amish farmer that simply wants to sell quality, unadulterated food.
I know I'll catch a lot of flak for this, but there are a lot of vets that are not useful and are used to not doing much but expect everything to be given to them. I have a "vet" neighbor and am absolutely mystified how they ever made it through boot camp, let alone are still alive in the civilian world.
I know many actual vets and give them all the respect that they deserve for their service to our country.