platinumbubble 10 points ago +10 / -0

I doubt this includes the stuff sold in supermarkets which people are now saying may even include unlabled syrup blended in.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think a key here is entropy:

'As that originating energy dissipates, entropy sets in – “a lack of order or predictability”, a “gradual decline into disorder” – and the process of entropy has its own force, its own impetus, driving towards collapse.'

As the cabal/DS energy is removed from organizations and institutions (eg, prosecutions), a decline is set in motion that is difficult to control, maybe like a slow motion balloon bursting. You may only have a few arrests at the top of a company, but there will be disorder leading to quiet chaos and a lack of motivation that will effectively end that companies grip on it's field.

The change wrought is much greater than it might seem at first glance. Very difficult to right that and get back on track as someone has to put the energy back into the corporate and who wants to do that (easier to start afresh) and that levels the playing field for the next gen, new/old deplorables, start-ups... Same for govt departments, some will fail and never be replaced, others will spring up anew (eg. like SpaceForce). Enormous, significant societal change for the win. That is retribution.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe we are in Rev 20, that Jesus already returned around 70AD, had a millenial 1000 year rule and then Satan was released for a little season to deceive the nations prob about 200 years ago. The masons changed history added in hundreds of years and got rid of loads of our history once the release had happened. Many are down the Tartaria rabbit hole which is essentially secular. Once you see the problem with the world-wide buildings, the 'mudflood' etc, if you are a Christian, the spectre of it being Jesus' reign comes up. It sounds fantastical, but I see it now as true.

platinumbubble 5 points ago +7 / -2

Tucker is right, aliens are spiritual beings, demons. If there is another 'race' then they are hybrid-beings, nephilim or similar. Everytime the govt 'leaks' some document positing aliens from outer space, it's laughable.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's still publicly early days for drone movies, they will be able to show spectacular moving images at some point.

platinumbubble 4 points ago +4 / -0

Agreed and so many Christians fall for it, every single time.

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

They will still blame Christians and conservatives when they finally admit this, as they are lining up that many of these children are gay and look to transing when being gay is seen as socially unacceptable. They want to ban what they call 'conversion therapy' which is contradictory when they now claim that everything can be fluid but maintain the L and G (of LBGT+) is fixed. People have lost their ability to think logically about any of this. Young people need to be allowed to believe that they may be able to change their sexual attractions and that it's OK to try therapies or prayer to be straight.

platinumbubble 14 points ago +19 / -5

They want these 'biblical' events to make people believe that we are in end times. The blood covered horses escaping and galloping through the streets of London last month, same thing IMO. These are distractions and will have half the church thinking they are about to be raptured and the other half in fear of the coming tribulation. Neither are on the horizon. Is it for a fake Jesus return? I don't know, but it feels like it's for something.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

You believe the history you have been taught. I no longer do. Every eye did see Him and it's recorded in building domes and art work all over the world.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

They did know it. They had an incredible thousand years. We are left with some of the legacy, palaces, cathedrals, theatres, stunning capitol buildings, museum buildings, renaissance art, byzantine art, amazing statues, infrastructure, bridges... but much was destroyed by the masons from the 1800s, so many fires, buildings torn down, people put in asylums, some sort of massive mud flood, orphanages. Then they faked much of our history. It's a huge decpeption. I think 45, Putin and many other leaders as well as the top masons know it and that is the ultimate reason for the GA.

platinumbubble 6 points ago +12 / -6

It's not so much 2-3 millenia ago, but 1-2 millenia that's the problem. Jesus returned around AD70, he actually came back then. Armageddon happened, the tribulation happened. He and the resurrected saints reigned for 1000 years. The Tartaria rabbit hole reveals a secular understanding of the lack of records and the lies in the narrative pertaining to architecture, infrastructure, art and history that doesn't add up. But Tartaria ignores that it was actually Christ and His reign for 1000 years. It's just like the plethora of hollyweird trans and the sunken buildings and Hussaine/Clinton encoded speeches, once you see them you can't unsee it all. We are living in Revelation 20 when Satan was released for a little season to deceive the nations and the masons took up the agenda to alter history, add in the fake 'dark ages' with worldwide 'resets' to get rid of people with living memory of the real goodness of God. Yes this is a time of deception like no other. Tucker is going to get there at some point, but it's a massive thing for Christians to even consider.

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

Needs a lil Hussein peeking out behind the flag.

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

Research bitcoin, it's different to all the other digital coins. You can buy $10 or $100, you just need to self-custody. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mhu6dxj7qk&t=97s

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's hillarious, it must be trolling - they gonna make people walk around looking like ducks with duck-bills? It will be self-exposure of the 4-6%

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well that's honest of you! 45 has the highest de-classification status, he cannot be kept in the dark about anything he wants to know. He didn't drain the swamp because he needed the right people in place with the ability to commit their own crimes. The last term was about monitoring everyone around him while the WHs carried out the plan which was mainly to cut the highest strings, put the leaders of the world in various forms of submission, stop the human trafficking and set devolution in motion, all the while running the executive branch qnd the military in the most excellent way. The complexity of the plan is remarkable and we don't know it all obvs but he did not 'fail' to drain the swamp. It was all set in motion with the cleverest of frameworks.

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