Bill Freeman, one of Nashville's most prolific property developers, a one-time mayoral contender and a leading Democratic Party fundraiser, died Sunday ... of suicide.
Q post #1933 How the heck do I add Q posts to my posts here? So long, I've forgotten 😱😱😱
Musk is an advanced expert in systems integration as well an extremely successful entreapanuer of arguably the most complicated rocket if not machine on the planet.
If Musk says there's an issue within the system of government on leaks especially amongst the few returning from a previous administration of leakers, then I'd at a minimum, pay close attention to him.
The JFK memorial near D.C. ... from above. --->
Since it's been only 38 days since you emerged from whatever hideout, you should know that Republicans outperformed Dems in early voting sizably this year.
When I calculate it at I end up with 70 years 7 months and 14 day (or 2 weeks). Close to 7,7,7, though. I was incorrect. You are right. 70 years, 7 months and 7 days. I had the wrong date for his birth. Amazing. Leaving up my initial mistake after editing.
I hope it's correct, but it is a lawyer and it sorta reeks of slimy.