Guess you didn't do all of your research either......
Can Trump Eliminate USAID by Executive Order Because JFK Created It That Way?
President John F. Kennedy did indeed establish USAID through Executive Order 10973 on November 3, 1961. This executive action created the agency to implement the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, which Congress had passed earlier that year (signed into law on September 4, 1961). However, the story doesn’t end there. While JFK’s executive order initially set up USAID, its status evolved over time. In 1998, Congress passed the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act, which formally established USAID as an independent agency within the executive branch. This law codified USAID’s existence and structure, meaning it’s no longer just an entity sustained by executive action—it’s rooted in statute. The 1998 Act also gave the president a 60-day window to propose moving USAID’s functions into the State Department, but President Bill Clinton declined to do so, leaving USAID as a standalone agency. Here’s the key point: a president can rescind or modify a previous executive order, but that power only extends to what the original order controls. Since USAID’s current legal foundation rests on congressional legislation (not just JFK’s executive order), Trump cannot simply eliminate it with a stroke of his pen. Dissolving or fundamentally altering an agency established by statute requires an act of Congress. Courts have consistently upheld this principle—Congress creates and abolishes agencies, not the president alone. Trump could issue an executive order to stop USAID’s operations or redirect its functions within the executive branch to the extent allowed by existing law, but fully eliminating it would overstep his authority without congressional approval. Was USAID Ever Voted on as a Bill? Yes, USAID’s creation is tied to a bill that Congress voted on and passed. The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (Public Law 87-195) was the legislative foundation for USAID. This bill reorganized U.S. foreign aid programs and mandated the president to establish an agency to administer them—leading to JFK’s executive order. Congress debated and approved this act, with the House passing it on August 31, 1961, and the Senate following on September 1, 1961, before JFK signed it into law. Additionally, USAID’s status was further solidified by later legislation, like the 1998 Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act, which Congress also voted on and passed. So, while JFK’s executive order gave USAID its initial form, its existence and independence were shaped and confirmed by bills that went through the legislative process. Bottom Line Trump can’t eliminate USAID solely by executive order because its current legal basis is statutory, not just executive. He’d need Congress to pass a new law to dissolve it.
Yes, USAID’s origins and structure were voted on as bills, starting with the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and reinforced by subsequent legislation like the 1998 Act.
This balance between executive and legislative power is a cornerstone of how U.S. government agencies function—presidents can manage, but Congress ultimately decides what exists.
Sorry Newscum the bank said that your account is overdrawn already. Sucks to be you!!
Who approved this trip and who is paying for it. I hope that they don't let them in unless they are checking on room reservations.
Just a freak fest. We need more mental health institutions not out-patient therapy.
I love it let them suffer without Big Pharma Musical Commercials Deep State Cash!! They will be begging for "MY PILLOW" commercials!!
Glad I was part of taking that POS out of office! She is a St. Louis disgrace!! Can't wait to see her and hubby in orange jump suits and their finances drained!!
The Trump Team should show this video in court tomorrow to that A-Hole Judge!!
Yes and call them the "Rump Riders Battalion"!!!!
That Executive Order my Frens is the "Keystone" to eliminate Deep State!!
Just got to Home Depot and Lowes and earn some crypto
My crazy funny cousin said that he always had duct tape in his glove compartment and in his carry on bag when he flies and I asked him why.....well you never know when you get a rip in your carry on bag or someone needs to be subdued.
I just picture that blue haired wicked witch offering you a poison apple from her basket. She is a freak of nature!!
I use Brave too in dark mode, no issues for me either.
I think Blackrock has an evil agenda and in the long run it will burn them in the ass and Trump will just smile and take over their assets.
NY would have that much money if they weren't housing illegals in a sanctuary city.
Meant to say NO Steak n Shakes here in MO are using Tallow yet.....There are still a few Steak n Shakes in the St. Louis area.
Just think of all of the cows that will be needed and the price of beef will go down!!
Kash = FAFO X 2
Wonder what cartel owns her sorry commie ass!!
Any pilot caught spraying chemtrail crap should have their pilots license revoked and pay a hefty-hefty fine and/or prison!
Love it!! Can't wait for all of those Big Pharma Musical commercials to bite the dust! Just think how much money the lame stream media is going to lose, too bad, so sad......
Hopefully they are also checking their Camp GITMO room reservations!