nah, no need...tampermonkey addon + (especially useful if you are on euroside, as without need to give google your credit card info)
especially no tail of plane was left into wreckage, part that should been left outside instead of evaporating ...and planes engines, apparently iron did go from solid to gas in crash
add, and talking of passengers ...human bodies dont generally vanish...yet dna was there but nothing that could be called corpse or part of corpse bones etc assuming flesh evaporated
fact: majority of voters are sheeple type; as such what media tells matters since these voters wont research whom they vote outside of what media talking head tells them; in binary system this has evolved to "vote color no matter who" , but if system was euro style, it would be "this party since always been voting this party"
alternative for absentee: early vote; this is still paper ballot, you still need ID to turn it, you also need official invitation to vote as that is your ballot; only difference to main election day is that you can get your vote in early, especially if you think you cant vote during vote day or are so sure of candidate that nothing would change
I'd rather open questioning by how much he knows 1) about virus itself and how it replicates,spreads and mutates; 2)human immune system and how and where it operates; 3) what do vaccine do (leave vaccine for last, if he doesnt have even base facts correct there is no winning with vaccine talk)
there was, FBI confiscated all of it (odd ain't it, why had all videos of event be removed post-haste unless it was to hide what really happened)