real_russian_bot 1 point ago +2 / -1

And it is 100% true. The only point is that (they) are talking about (their) economy. we are not people to them, our economy is not a real one, how could cattle have one? But (their) economy, in America, is really making a LOT. better than others. For (them).

real_russian_bot 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you go to France and start shouting "Je me suis cassé la jambe!" the message itself will be clear for everyone. This is a forum for decoding after all.

Nothing to see here citizen, move along.

real_russian_bot 0 points ago +1 / -1

a clown comm. this is a hello to fellow operatives (garden gnome, hiding in your lawn that have to be found), running scare op. expect scare event (pumpkin).

A reply above is "stay out of the sun" could be reference that it may happen on sunday (easter), which would be perfect FF.

Be observant, everything is connected.

real_russian_bot 4 points ago +4 / -0

At least in Russia, "ballet" is a comm for media blackout.

During august coup in 19.08.1991, "Swan Lake" replaced all television programs on all channels, locking out people from consuming news cycle.

real_russian_bot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gif poisoned with with antisemitic remarks. Glowies gonna glow

real_russian_bot 13 points ago +13 / -0

My father cancer reemerged after being supressed for more than a year and a half. PSA shot into stratosphere from near zero in two week span after second shot. Could not talk him out of that, he works in a medical field, all medics I know have insane authority bias (probably because if they start question medical "knowledge", people will start to do the same, and that makes their trade and training useless).

Still fighting it. He knows he made a mistake now (and it's noticeable), but cannot admit to the fact.

real_russian_bot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Create a problem - introduce the solution. It is the modus operandi.

Transactions missing - is a manufactured problem to introduce centralized banking blockchain . Blockchain exactly solves this - it keeps transaction history intact. At the same time moving to "another" currency would reboot the financial system BUT will keep control of it in Deep State. Integrate it with carbon footprint, and, voila, gg.

real_russian_bot 2 points ago +2 / -0

From "Practicing Gnosis. Ritual, Magic, Theurgy and Liturgy in Nag Hammadi, Manichaean and Other Ancient Literature"

real_russian_bot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Russian troops were directly under Kiev (remember Hostomel Airport?), and were pulled off in anticipation of peace deal. Turned out possibility of talks were another stalling tactics from Ukraine. As a result they eliminated all possibility of ending this peacefully themselves. Ukraine will be reduced from corrupt, but livable country to the level of quality of life in countries like Palestine. Or will be divided and absorbed by Poland, Russia and Hungary. It's far from over.

real_russian_bot 1 point ago +1 / -0

They removed their shoes, nobody does that shit during raiding. Its a show to divert attention from front lines crumbling.

real_russian_bot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good find!

Human containment and BDSM cellars (they relate to each other, extreme debauchery powers human trafficking).

A thought - can thermal imaging be used to drive around and see (in cold weather) if there is an unexplainable heat exhaust or heat signatures indicating underground containment?

real_russian_bot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q 1264

The world is connected. All or nothing. +++ ++ + Trust the plan. We get massive amounts of ‘Q’ thank you letters from around the world every single day. THE WORLD IS WATCHING. Q

real_russian_bot 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Perfect bear face" is found on mars.


V-Shaped structure points to one of the most prominently used symbols (V and Z) in Russian war vs Ukraine. V is also used as "Victory".

real_russian_bot 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is exempt from Anna Kingsford. While the book itself delves deeply into occult, the fear and veneration of God is woven throughout.

real_russian_bot 3 points ago +3 / -0
  1. God is light, truth, order, harmony, reason: and God's works are illumination, knowledge, understanding, love, and sanity.

  2. Therefore the devil is darkness, falsehood, disorder, discord, ignorance; and his works are confusion, folly, division, hatred and delirium.

  3. The devil is therefore the negation of God's Positive. God is I AM: the devil is NOT. He has no individuality and no existence; for he represents the not-being. Wherever God's kingdom is not, the devil reigns.

real_russian_bot 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have to be inside the context of Russian vs NATO conflict to understand what it is all about.

  • 2014 Ukraine coup by CIA, successful, textbook orange revolution style
  • important - 2020 Belarussian coup attempt, unsuccessful. Same playbook with artificial opposition stirring and extensive western media support whipping narrative. Unsuccessful due to Lukaschenko having balls to go hardline on protesters. Right now its mostly buried because of being unsuccessful, but stories about "unlawful prosecution of opposition" are still being spinned.
  • Belarussian CIA-controlled opposition is gathering up in Eastern European republics to form "government in exile".
  • Ukraininan coflict escalates in 02/2022
  • ALL CIA orange-revolution ops are brought back, including Belarussian cells.
  • Russian ones too, the aim was to begin maidan in Russia in mid 2022, CIA cells activating in republics of Russia with strong nationalistic tendencies: Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Yakutia, etc.
  • Plan, as always, was to split up the country, intervene and take control of resources.
  • Russian economy took a hit, but left standing. Russia survived.
  • Fun thing is that clown media propaganda backfired, because it was scaremongering too much: instead of joining protests "useful idiots" started to leave Russia en masse. Good riddance.
  • WW3 plans were on the table the whole time. Poland has its own plans for Ukraine territory, and is ready to intervene. Belarussia acts as a deterrent as a military ally.
  • Belarus is still an important target for clowns, and constant attempts to destabilize its internal affairs are performed. Lukaschenko responds by FAFO stance giving out heavy sentences and stripping citizenship from hostile actors. Western media, as always, spins it as dictatorship and so on.
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