The left won't care. Her skin is dark enough to check the box.
Obama used to do the same shit. I've always translated it as "STFU it's time for your master to speak"
Just like how they snuck in two guys kissing for the new years midnight shot. Always with the grooming.
The sign language lady is way too distracting anyway
I'm still convinced it's either leeches worried about gibs or just rabid brainwashed TDSers who would vote for anything to keep Trump out.
Both sides are run by the same groups. Trump, as an outsider, forced them to reveal it far more than they preferred to protect the bigger grifts. Things like Obamacare was suddenly defended by those that literally ran on dismantling it. Trump not wanting to jump balls first into new wars also disturbed them. And apparently illegals are absolutely necessary for whatever agenda they have since it's extremely unpopular yet both sides keep pushing for more of it.
May not even be up to Jill!
After the video was done, Buzz turned to Harry and said "top that you little trout sniffer"
Obama only swears allegiance to his home country
Also why they insisted on the debate being the earliest in history (especially before convention). More time to maneuver
They have several insurance policies to make sure it won't be (mic muting, biased moderators, etc)
I see they are still calling it a conspiracy. In South Africa they've already graduated to here's why that's a good thing.
Hope you enjoyed that VIP spot at the inauguration of the man you were running against and sold your old boss out for. You're just another useful idiot that will be disposed of since you're no longer useful.
I'm sure the taxpayers are footing the bill one way or another
RINOs working against their own campaign promises to keep it are worse.
The last word will be some cunty "actually that's false" from the moderator after cutting mics and saying good night.
"Dude looks like a lady!"
They aren't that bright, apparently. Most are also protected so even when caught they get off light (if any punishment). See juicy smollet as a great example of the establishment protecting one of their own Useful Idiots.
What's funny is if they want higher wages, they should stop voting for Commies that flood our country with people that will work the same job for pennies if possible.
Newspapers have been dying for a long time now. It's just easier to catch your news online these days and the whole "paywall" online business model only serves to annoy the shit out of everyone as they either click on the archived link or find the same news from elsewhere.
That being said, if you're competing in a dying market, the last thing you should be doing is pushing a blatantly inferior product full of lies and bullshit.
It wasn't just COVID censorship. They freaked the fuck out after losing control of THE MESSAGE in 2016. All the social media companies had giant coping sessions where they freely discussed how to manipulate their own platforms to push only the establishment views. They were very worried their own Masters would punish them for "allowing" unapproved views to spread through their platforms no matter what the MSM was pushing.
COVID censorship, pearl-clutching over discussing voting irregularities in 2020, etc was all just more of the same weapon they spent years perfecting. Elon's exposure of the Twitter files is only about Twitter, but I bet you anything a lot of similar findings could be found within Facebook, Youtube, you name it.
The NPC class of people absolutely believe this narrative. Some old timer talked with me in a grocery store and bitched about prices. And at the end of the conversation he said "unless your name is Trump don't get caught because you'll go to jail".
Three foreigners (as they worship every other country except the one they allegedly represent)
To be fair just about any bar is too low with that height advantage
And deep down even they know that.