Dude, they planned on him being dead. Then they’d have all the money from usaid and they didn’t give a shit.
Can you imagine living in a place like that?
No, only because he just publicly supported Palestine.
Know who rules you by who you can’t criticize
This gentleman is? And from what speech/lecture is this snippet taken, please?
You’re delusional.
THATS the first fucking arrest? THAT?
Fuck this bullshit.!
Epstein files, Blondi
Also, I absolutely-fucking-lately believe the shoddy fucking service we get now will just go completely into the shitter. This will be used as an excuse as “See? We’re a needed part of society, you can’t get rid of us.” All of the legal shit needed to be mailed will be “lost”.
Just watch.
Have B-I-L works there for 25, 30 years. NOTHING is based around efficiency, customer service, or working hard. Example: management wants line workers to sort, say 200 pieces of mail in an hour, because some jagoffs are lazy fucks. Not an exceptional request, but dude, who happens to be a union rep, gets in their faces and says “the fuck we are. There’s no quota, go fuck yourselves”. And they continue to slack off and do whatever else they want. If they work past time, they’re paid OT and DT.
He’s questionably 25% American Indian-more Hispanic/mexican going by the rest of his family, but he got in using that, so…
His pay wasn’t the greatest at first (but is decent now)…but his fucking benefits….JFC.
Then maybe…actions speak. None of it should be happening now…first, before Americans, agreed?
Few more days….sounds like two weeks…
It’s all about the money. It’s ALWAYS about the money. NATO has specific weapons/defense systems requirements—meaning you can only get those things from…take a guess…yep, the major “US” (but really, they’re all international) weapons builders. Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, etc.
Who, not coincidentally, are owned by Blackrock. All of them.
So, do you think it’s going to be easy to withdraw? To just quit? Do you think we’ll be allowed? Shits going on full time in the background to make sure we can’t. Just watch. I don’t know how or when (but soon), but there will be something that makes us stay.
Ah, I recall they outed the dude after he “died” as some intelligence guy. High up. I say died in quotes because I don’t believe any of it.
Nixon was framed because he knew it was specific group that killed JFK, that infiltrated all areas of gov’t, and he didn’t play ball with endless wars.
Wish he had more than one: a govt official then a person opinion; so things like this could be posted
The way it should be. Russia need not give up anything.
But the Boers ARE the natives. Those black and brown people are, and never were, native Europeans.
And the subsequent corollary must be said: No-one “becomes” part of that native area; bloodline is more important than where you were born. I’m not Japanese because I was born in Kyoto. And they’re the first ones to tell you so.
College or all public “education”?
He’s doing good work, yes. I will not forget his statement of “us White men are stupid”, which why he wants to bring over H1B Indians by the boatload. Not that they’re cheaper, or that we should be investing in OUR country with OUR people, or that he will make trucks and trucks of money-oops about that, just a byproduct.
As soon as experienced pushback, he started going full bore anti-UK child rape—and while deservedly so, he hasn’t said one thing about it since.
I won’t forget this. Not ever.
Was Lutheran, baptized, confirmed. Back then, there was a push for “born-again”: non-traditional service and bible study. Very New Age. I left, kept in touch with friends. 7-10 years later came back for one of their wedding, the place looked and felt foreign. “We are all people”-type themes, with overseas group donations being asked for. Came back 25 years later for nephews wedding, mind you this is all to the same church I attended, was even an altar boy…and I could not recognize the place. Full on LGBwhateverthefuck, promoting a gay female pastor; “Save the refugee” fliers all over the place. Was absolutely clear they ignored who and what Martin Luther was.
Sad to remember what some of it was (and talking with my Norwegian aunt) and what it was decades earlier…and now what it is.
Who was on the plane….
The irony of the thing delivering the message is pretending to be English.
Who wrote this article?
It’s where his work is. He’s been in it for a long time, maybe he’s feeling like he’s fighting the crowd. Dunno, don’t care. He’s ok in my book.
This “don’t have to be there”, “they should move”…things are much more complicated than that. And insulting. It’s easy to armchair quarterback, let’s stop this hindsight nonsense.
Trying to make people forget, since he found, surprisingly to him, he was in an unwinable position champioing the Pajeets. So, muddy the waters and support righteous activities, exposing those who are exponentially more evil. Not that this isn’t needed, but is a tad convenient and timely.
And the UK and “grooming” gangs have been a thing for 25 years, btw. But now…the satanists have decided to publicly support the child rape and imprison those trying to prevent it. England is currently lost, I hope King Arthur comes back in her time of need.
Epstein release would have done it at warp speed. No need for this slow roll shit.
Show the pedos!