It don't get no better than this! Ear to ear smiles!
Oh my, I do understand exactly where you are because it is where we have been. May God bless you with discernment, strength, lovingkindness, wisdom, and even more strength. Trust your gut feeling because you have known the feeling before. Does your court system have a "Drug Court" program? The one we have here, in Arkansas, saved our son's life. He is around now to tell you that. He is a OTR truck driver, youth church minister, now a home owner, and a newly married husband. He lives within 2 miles of us, and he talks to Dad every morning 5x week. Miracles do happen! Keep the Faith! Pray!
Iran will announce its plans to attack Israel at 8:08pm.
Made my evening!
Root word of fantastic is fantasy.
Bought the dip, now stacking sats.
We are looking at the future that these political parasites have planned for us here in the US if we can't get it stopped with our rigged election system.
That jackass blames Byron for putting the issue in the spotlight while he himself puts the issue in the spotlight over and over. He looked like a fool. Good job George.
Yeah, I wondered why the 7 day wait.
60.1% to 35.7% this morning with 2 days left. We can do better than that.
Not happenin'.
I went to a job interview yesterday and the lady was wearing a Let's Go Brandon FJB t-shirt! I told her how much I loved it.
And if they steal the election again, we'll be back at that cusp. That would be my terror event. We had the 2020 coup, now the Biden/Kamala coup, and if we have another at election 24, it will hit us hard. Harder than all the rest.
That system is what installed him in the first place, only now his game is up
Free to impose any policy THEY want. And we know they don't follow rules or the Constitution. They will find ways to turn our judicial system against us and reap the fear reward until lawfare can play out and turn it around. I fully expect their fuckery.
This is hilarious! Please let her pick another female as her vp. 🤣
Is this Newsom or Gaetz?
I was thinking about this a couple days ago. Was the only thing my boring history teacher in middle school ever said that caught my interest in American History class. It was also the only thing he ever taught that didn't come line by line out of the school book.
Bill and Bernie were my faves. Should put bho in black and white stripes.
Nah, Kamala is their girl out in them streets.
Not "her leadership," more like "her positioning."
All day every day.