Actually they do. The orthodox in particular defend Palestine as a right to exist. They also call out the people that are involved in sexual deviance as being wrong.
But guess what the MSM does not carry their stories and the conspiracy community is not interested in what they say and do so where can they post their efforts or have a voice?
I agree with asking question but making broad sweeping statements with absolutes is not the same as asking questions.
If it is a sect or group to preserve true justice we should be specific? Otherwise we could bring harm to those that are not involved at all.
Blaming all corruption on a single group of people is the same as blaming all slavery in America on white people.
There is large differences between Jews that are secular, Jews that are religious, and people with a "Jewish last name".
Do not become a tool for the system. Getting violent or losing your cool over this is the tool they will use to smear anyone objecting to their failed science experiment. Just politely decline and if it gets pushed tell them you are just here for the fever and related illness. If it still persists or refusal to treat without it. Ask for it to be noted in the patient record and ask if they will put it in writing so you can have it for your attorney to use a the trial. Then go to another doctor.
I think it is an unreasonable expectation that anything will be "fixed once and for all". It will always be a constant struggle to maintain integrity, truth, and moral decency.
As well the numbers game is irrelevant when there is obvious and rampant cheating and no one cares. Sometimes the only way forward is to start over.
The train industry aka Rockefeller and Carnegie did not think that the nascent trucking industry would pose a threat to the train industry. They used the trains to monopolize the distribution and control of products moved around the country. While trains can be a solution for crowded streets and increased fuel usage they also provide a more streamlined method of control of distribution of goods.
Get involved in your sons life. I do not know where you live but in most states you have 4 years until he go where he wants whether you like it or not. Get the passwords to every account they have. Review all of their social media to assess the situation. Search their room.
TAKE THE PHONE! They can still use it, just while they sit next to you on the couch. Shut down all social media. It is also time to introduce a friendectomy. Remove that person from your son's life. Limit their contact with anyone who condones this behavior even if it is your own family.
Be patient. Love your son. He is a teenager and will yell and get mad. Remain calm but firm. He cannot walk on you guys and make sure he understands he has violated your trust so now you are responding to his actions and resetting to neutral.
Pray for and with your son.
The state already put in to law a ban on Mandates for healthcare workers. This has been in place for a while. TN has the most aggressive anti-mandate ban already in place. The governor also already removed all emergency power from mayors due to "pandemic".
I challenge the notion that either the brothers or Lennon made amazing things. Really read the lyrics to his songs and think about what they mean. Same with these brothers. I question how much of it is even made by them or the others involved with little to no credit. In the end all of these works are just manipulative tools to keep the masses asleep.
The masses see a shiny story with cool effects or hear a deep story in the lyrics of a song. They talk about it, tell others about it, spend time thinking about it, and then what... move on with their life to the next shiny thing? These are distractions that cause one to think they have discovered some enlightenment. Really it is just hollow and a trap of distraction and manipulation.
Every blue team voter I spoke to about the things that have come out, think that everything is the red teams fault. That the Red team is just lying and standing in the way of the blue team. So my observation would say that "They must be shown" is not working for those that I have encountered.