rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a waste of time. You have received no real information from the site. If you had, you would share it instead of doing a disservice. Frankly I can't believe you are allowed to be a mod.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's all a tail. The whole website is a tail with hidden junk made for you to chase. Again, what revelation has the site produced to open eyes? It could easily be a black hat operation as it could be a white hat operation. https://www.cyberdefensemagazine.com/publishers-trip-report-black-hat-usa-2023/

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really have learned nothing from that site. What truly have you learned? I was all into 2 years ago. Dug dug dug. But I admit I was wrong about it. There is nothing really truly valuable there.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not a gotcha if you can prove it's worth.. So provide information of it's worth. I've looked through it when I found it 2 years ago. Dug into Samuels. Dug into Gary S Miliefsky. It's interesting but I don't see anything impactful. There is nothing there except distraction and tail chasing, unless you can shed some light on what "they" have really contributed on the site. Share what you have gained from the site. What you have really learned from Ingersol Lockwood that you didn't know prior? Be a provider of information instead of a gatekeeper of misinformation.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

So what benefit (information) has the Ingersoll Lockwood site really provided that no one else has? What wisdom has it bestowed that makes it so beneficial?

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anti parasitic drug...hmmm

Daraprim is used by doctors and in hospitals around the world to treat the parasite infection toxoplasmosis, malaria, and for people with compromised immune systems, including AIDS patients, some cancer patients, and elderly patients.

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not talking smack about mods when 1 mod stickies "be wary of Ingersoll Lockwood" and another mod pushes that Ingersoll Lockwood is legit. It's pointing out there is a discrepancy even with the mods. I have looked into it as I have said before. Took deep dives into it. You mods need to duke it out with each other as you are the ones who are the gate keepers of information and misinformation on this site. Which one of you are right? You posted that you know all this information but you won't share it because anons must find it themselves. Seems rather larpy to be honest.

"Glad you asked that exact question. And here is the point of several Q-Posts, from Dave at X22Report, and Juan himself: “Because sometimes you can’t tell people, you must show them!” Even Anons here must work to become more and more aware as they rub the sleep from their eyes. I’ve discussed Ingersoll and Juan at length and still am grief’d as shilling for them or both are just grifter people/places. And I’m a fracking Q-Mod, and not just some random other forum Mod or unsmart idiot either. At least I like to think haha."

Well I guess you must have a problem with the mods here that disagree with you.

So what benefit (information) has the Ingersoll Lockwood site really provided that no one else has? What wisdom has it bestowed that makes it so beneficial?

by winn
rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Please don't take it the wrong way. Not bashing you and I'm not dooming. I think things like the Fall of Cabal and Sound of Freedom are more helpful than the Cloak and Dagger stuff like Ingersol Lockwood. I dug deep into the Ingersol Lockwood stuff when it first popped up https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0bg1QJv/ingersol-lockwood-inc/c/. Looking into the who he was, looked into Steven Samuels. Even called the number.

People are too lazy in general, don't want to invest time, and have the attention spans of gnats. Also a big problem is that you can research all you want, but there is no way for the average person to truly confirm what you find on the internet. Most people just don't have the resources necessary. AI is becoming a real problem in this regard. The ability to change and manipulate information quickly is becoming a problem. Deep fakes are going to become a real problem. I know that we are seeing videos right now on MSM of Biden, of wars, of politicians that are AI generated. My bones tell me.

Here is what I'm starting to believe. Nothing and I mean nothing will change the minds of people who are not awakened. Maybe not even a precipice. It's a disease and a corruption for which there may be no cure, and it's easily being spread to our youth. A few months ago my son, who was generally awake and asked the right questions, was corrupted by an older girl that graduated ahead of him. A long story that I don't really want to explain, except that I was shocked at how quick and easy it could all happen. Shocked at what she was into, and how she was able to corrupt him with it. He is a good student, was a good athlete, was God fairing. I'm praying he returns on that path... Almost got him to commit suicide and was able to brain wash him against his family. By God's grace he has come back to us and is on pace to graduate at a new high school in a new city and has realized how dangerous she is.

Did God use cryptic messages with Sodom and Gomorrah or to the Pharaoh? No he showed them his wrath. Sometimes you have to show them? It's time to rip the Band-Aid off and show them. I'm ready for the precipice. What ever the consequences that it causes, as long as the world is cleansed of the evil and degeneracy that is being pushed upon us from all directions.

"Ask and I shall lay at your feet as best I’m allowed at this point." Allowed. this would imply that you know the plan and are privy to secret information. That just doesn't jive, no offense. I don't really want or expect answers anymore, I'm convinced we may never truly get the ones we want. It will happen or it won't. I clearly see that something is happening but I think the longer it's allowed to continue the more dangerous it's going to be and harder to right the ship. I don't think there will be a 2024 election. I don't think Trump will be the president. I think that it's going to be something that we all don't expect. My gut just tells me.

I'm just a small blip in this world but when my time is done I want my children to have a better place, a holier place to live.

by winn
rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

But by all the smoke a mirror stuff , it's not showing them it makes it appear as a joke in my honest opinion. I've been at this for a while, since I was a teen and I'm 50 now. Hard facts and proof do a lot more than hidden puzzles. If we truly have it all, and ncswic then the time is near to expose it all. I pray we are there. 2024 or it's never going to happen. These boards have dropped off tremendously this last year. I don't think that's a good thing, but I hope it's because most awakened are like me. I quit obsessing over answers and trying to figure it all out. Became unhealthy for me and my family. I can see there is an obvious plan and I'm content to sit back and watch and wait now. Put it under my feet and in God's hand. What ever the plan is, I'm starting to think Trump won't be the president. I want him to be, but the end isn't for everyone. I think there are a few more shockers before all is said a done in 2024.

by winn
rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then why not just explain everything you know? Would seem to be more beneficial that way. I found the Fall of Cabal series aligned with what I have always believed is happening and it's a great Red Pill tool. But to be so cryptic with the Ingersol Lockwood stuff seems counter productive. If information is known just put it out there.

by winn
rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Providing the crumbs and keys? Is that implying you know everything about it?

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I assume that's Mike Johnson in the Scavino pic? With the glasses? The hair looks too curly though to be him. Here he is with Trump at the SOTU https://imgur.com/a/XQRvNHu

rupedoggydawg 9 points ago +9 / -0

If you highlight the page just under the banner there is a (.) that takes you to https://lindelloffensefund.org/

rupedoggydawg 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's openly talked about it. He said he was not a good person in his younger days. If I was held to that standard as well, not sure if some of the things I did or said as a young one would be looked at favorably.

rupedoggydawg 0 points ago +1 / -1

Weird tweet to Musk Elon — I hope you can make your body young again too. I hope we can both getwhat we want and deserve: immortality, or at least the facade of it. Perhaps we can meet again and combine our incredible minds and impressive means to achieve this goal. Or maybe, as has recently entered my mind through a particularly vivid dream, make one of the Thundercats in real life. The woman one. We can discuss this more on Whatsapp. – Townsend Reed (@distastefulman)

Twitter seach of Elon and Thundercat https://twitter.com/search?lang=en&q=elon%20thundercat&src=typed_query

rupedoggydawg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Skimming some old Q posts I came upon this one. Sorry is if it's been mentioned before u/#q2977. Am I missing something? Does X mean something else in this instance? Linked to this tweet. Has Musk ever posted anything about Thundercats? https://twitter.com/NSAGov/status/1103051978320564230

rupedoggydawg 3 points ago +3 / -0

But if this is all a show, then it's plausible. The prosecutors could be doing their part as directed. If the end is already known and NCSWIC then everything we are seeing is being directed.

rupedoggydawg 1 point ago +8 / -7

Something seems off about her. So hard to know who to trust and who not to. Right now I have trust in God. I have faith that Trump is a servant of God and that Bishop Vigano is a servant of God. I do know that we are surrounded by evil and a reckoning is coming. Hard not to feel that all around us.

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