satanyahu 1 point ago +1 / -0

so funny lol, I love how he was the one giving lip service to lgbtq in 2016, republicans were mad, but everything he does for these fools is just lip service . hilarious man

satanyahu 8 points ago +8 / -0

another point, why would it all be seized if it was just plain old baby oil.... another "speculation", baby oil... adrenochrome ...? other speculation, drugged oil, ghb.... either way it was all confiscated so, likely not just any old baby oil. but 1000 bottles, the actual fuck was this guy up to? creepy man.

satanyahu 3 points ago +3 / -0

i have long awaited this day. ive kept tabs on how receptive everyone here has been to the holohoax and jewish supremacism, seems the tide has been turning even here in the past year or two. i think their weird NYC tunnels maybe planted seeds of doubt. anyways, jesus is love, jesus is life, amen.

satanyahu 1 point ago +2 / -1

my take on the the older red people being brainwashed or anyone older for that matter is they grew up in a time without internet or the ability to seek out information and probably had the israel propaganda shoved down their throats for the last 50 years, i dont blame them for it settling in this whole time but the times are changing to where they are going to need to open their eyes before israHell smacks them in the face.

satanyahu 1 point ago +2 / -1

a google search of “ red shoe club podesta “ will lead you to more than youll want to know. just pedo baby murderer things. youll see quite the list of people wearing red shoes, supposedly made from the bodies of the child victims they abduct. a most notable example is the McMann father, who his daughter had a famous disappearance, never found, yet he is now in the “red shoe club” with the like of the podesta brothers, hillarys campaign manager, who has “dahmer sculptures” in his home. then also note ronald mcdonalds red shoes and the new reports of human meat found at mcdonalds. sorry to bear you with this information but we all have come to know it over the years. retribution is mandatory. god bless.

satanyahu 5 points ago +5 / -0

agree, why spend money on glass makers when every road in this country has potholes and people living in tents next to them, fentanyl world.

satanyahu 9 points ago +10 / -1

the long list includes perversion of our youth and society and probably the red shoe club type of things. since they get off on destroying us in every way. i so wish when this is over that we can give them their own medicine. if theres any people that ever deserved it. praise jesus i miss you

satanyahu 1 point ago +1 / -0

illinois has chicago which usurps the rest of the state unfortunately.

satanyahu 1 point ago +1 / -0

agree, thats what ive been saying as WH put biden in who babbles and it should be obvious everything is fucked up, but if deep state was still in charge they would put a smoothtalker in there not some obvious buffoon, white hats really thought this all out and definitely an affective approach. play their game just better and more obvious and dumbed down so fluoride people can figure it out lol

satanyahu 1 point ago +1 / -0

egypt warned israel 10 days before it happened, so did lebanon, israel planned it to justify what they are doing now. Netanyahu wanted it. He built hamas.

You think 9/11 was done by afghanis in caves? Or accept it was done by US and Israel governments to start the never ending war on terror, to clear out the middle east for Israels “Greater Israel Yinon Plan”? Which is exactly what happened and is still happening. They are called false flags. Perhaps you should start reading books before posting. Id recommend “behold a pale horse”. Possibly you might find in your dense skull that you are far off the track or a willing synagogue of satan sympathizer 😂😉

satanyahu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahaha oh this is rich. Not all whites, not all jews, but ALL MUSLIMS. Do you even think before you type? At least reread before posting to see how ridiculous you sound 😂😂

Somehow the palestinians just got there right? Fell from the sky? Grew from the grass? 😂😂😂 you will find ANY way to justify genocide. Hilarious. Synagogue of Satan WILL crumble, read revelation 2:9 😉

satanyahu 1 point ago +1 / -0

"uninhabited for the most part" "besides all of the Palestinians the Synagogue of Satan is still struggling to wipe out" LOL.

satanyahu 2 points ago +3 / -1

and if some foreign people came into your land and claimed it as their own and carpet bombed all your civilians, what would be your reaction ? LOL.

satanyahu -1 points ago +2 / -3

That doesn’t even make sense?

And israel never occurred as a word in the bible until 1917, Scofield wrote it in to drum up Christian support for Jews. So…

by OSS_1
satanyahu 2 points ago +2 / -0

Their child is like 7 feet tall. Amazing, really.

by OSS_1
satanyahu 2 points ago +3 / -1

Excellent sir. I tip my gentile hat to you.

Let it be known that the reason the Jews have gotten this far is because they work as a cohesive unit only allowing themselves in their religion, where they plot against us all day long on our tax dollars. They see us as the continuation of the Roman empire , and for whatever reason have a death wish for us , maybe it’s because we are the true tribes of Israel?

If only Christians could unite and expel all of these foreign elements from the churches and our society, and start preaching the JQ like revelation 29 . And we need to find a way to prevent infiltration of our religions and groups, because this is how we ended up where we are today. somewhere in the past we fell apart.

satanyahu 1 point ago +1 / -0

True, thats a good point, but for me in particular I literally have ads blocked on every device i own, and i have been down every living rabbit hole in the past 12 years, it’s extremely hard to convince me of anything at all at this point. Maybe its a good idea for everyone else, but i honestly just don’t care. I enjoy the fact that people have to look at everything i read and every message i send to people. I probably convert even people by forcing them to read what i read lol. I’m not trying to be difficult with you, I’m just saying, I literally don’t care and I think the more people that don’t give a shit about being found out for the views we hold, the sooner people start actually doing some thing, and the sooner the elites realize that every bargaining chip is off the table .

satanyahu 3 points ago +3 / -0

Im probably top of the list for this one so i don’t bother vpn ing anymore lol. My whole family knows my views and pretty much anyone i meet will know too.

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