We give France so much shit for WW2 that we forget the people they send overseas are zero-fuck-giving madlads.
Also I'm distracted by the fact he's rocking the Hunter Biden look. You're the son of the President, Don. Please try and look the part.
Kamala left the country rather than attend the joke of a speech. Psaki went on vacation rather than answer questions. Nobody's going to jump on this grenade for Biden. Nobody.
Getting some real Big Fuhrerbunker Energy from the "big guy" right now.
No mean tweets though.
I think she should be given the benefit of the doubt when it comes to her ability to create astounding fuckups entirely of her own making. This is the 21st century, and it's time to prove women are every bit as capable of creating national disasters as men.
She's going to make sure Biden owns this one. Why would anyone be stupid enough to go out in front of the cameras to try and explain this catastrophe for Biden?
She probably also knows that in a real press conference, where it's not pre-screened softball questions, he's going to come apart like a cheap toy, and then she'll be on the edge of being President.
It's really unfortunate that no piece of information coming out of Florida can be trusted. Tons of people would gladly lie to put the shiv in DeSantis before 2024.
The media is as ever, infuriating. Of course respiratory infections are spreading in Florida and the rest of the south; most people are inside together where the AC is! In the winter everyone on the news will be shocked, shocked that for some reason now there are respiratory disease problems in the northern states instead. Shocked.
It's also necessary to distinguish the "doctor level" people from the "certified nurse's assistant level" people when talking about medical personnel. Both of them, to be clear, are absolutely critical when it comes to running a hospital, but the doctors are kind of locked in. Even if they don't want to get the vaccine, it's increasingly clear that their lives will be made miserable. And where are they going to go?
CNA level staff have other options. In fact, at the moment, in many cases they have better options. Options that pay more, don't require security checks and certifications, and don't have an administrator trying to inject you with experimental drugs. Some lower tier staff could - quite literally - get a pay upgrade by switching to a job at McDonald's. Which coincidentally would not involve working with sick people all day. The local McD's even offers a signing bonus!
It's the lower level staff that will make or break hospital vaccine mandates.
Coincidentally I've heard locally (I am in a "high outbreak panic" state) that hospital personnel are being stripped from other assignments to work with Corona patients. (I have family that are, shall we say, fairly high medical maintenance and they were basically told "good thing you're getting your diagnostics done now, they're going to be shutting down this office to move people to covid ward").
I would view this not so much as "omg hospital full" but, as the article says, a hospital room without the lower tier staff is just a shitty, expensive hotel room. If they're having to transfer personnel to keep staffing up, then the hospitals' policy of treating their CNAs like trash and now demanding to use them as test subjects is going to bite them hard.
That's pure madness. Even aside from Covid craziness, that's... that's not how respiratory diseases work. Your risk of spreading anything is going to be greater when "sharing air" indoors.
She's become a "that's not how any of this works" meme.
That bit Vox posted about the doctor's experiences was originally from Naked Capitalism, if you're looking for more about that story. Naked Capitalism tends to be, I guess you'd say Centre-Left if that was a thing in the US, but that guy was allowed to post his stuff without censorship. He would mostly post on the daily/afternoon link dumps on NC, or on their covid/ivermectin related posts, using the handle "IM Doc" (I believe, Internal Medicine Doctor).
It's nothing you won't have read on here already, but it's interesting to see someone else's reaction to the same things, someone who's basically not political (except in so far as everything Covid is political now whether we like it or not) and is focused on delving into detail rather than memeing it.
Someone at Google has a regular hate on for Vox, so it's hard to say what might have finally got him dinged.
Even people who bought into the initial hype about the shots are noticing the goalposts being moved.
People can endure a whole lot if they think it's limited in duration with a good payout (in this case, the return of "permitted freedom") but the prospect of boosters every 3-6 months, forever, is going to be too great a bridge to cross for a whole lot of them.
Since the vaccines were introduced, the CDC has been deliberately collecting no data on possible Covid infections in the vaccinated. Or really any useful data on the vaccines at all. Because it suited the current ruling party's interests that Covid be over and done with, or at least tamped down to the point that they can blame any remaining problems on actual-Americans.
All of a sudden they have found themselves realizing the vaccine may basically not work on the current variants (putting aside that it may also have bad side effects). Does it? Who knows! We haven't been bothering to collect any data!
Expect screaming and flailing. And like 2020, giant potential for statistical trickery and breaking rules "because muh pandemic".
None of the data from the US is worth a tenth of a damn, since the temptation to selectively count one way or the other for political purposes is too high.
But it is increasingly looking like whatever protection the shots give tends to fade out over a period of 3-6 months. I guess we're not as good at hacking our immune systems as we thought we were.
It's really hard for people to admit they're wrong in front of someone they've disagreed with; especially when admitting it means they either accept they've been played, or accept the plague is still hanging over their heads (depending on where they're at about Covid). You can't really force it, frustrating as that is.
A lifetime of betrayal, manipulation and lies; but after all that, instead it's Kamala Harris who fellates her way to the Presidency as our nation's first voteless female president.