sillysausage 9 points ago +9 / -0

You aren't, you're just being given one small lie surrounded by non-lies. It's also very probable that this lie was the result of error or incompetence and not any malice or intent to spread disinformation.

sillysausage 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's not down to the second though??

sillysausage 1 point ago +3 / -2

It is a coincidence. Coincidence is a natural part of living in a chaotic, growing and decaying universe. Y'all need to stop cataloguing all the coincidences, and start looking into where coincidences don't appear. That is how you find the invisible hand that's screwing us all over, not by getting tricked into thinking the recurring prevalence of one of the smallest possible prime numbers is showcasing anything but the limits of human math in describing an incomprehensibly vast and chaotic universe.

sillysausage 5 points ago +7 / -2

It sure is great that, no matter what happens, you can always say "oh he just did it to trigger the deep state into doing something". Very convenient for you.

sillysausage 3 points ago +4 / -1

It was on 4/20 because you'd have to be high to think these two events are connected

sillysausage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is one picture of a man wearing a white hat a secret message, or is that just a common object coincidentally being sold by the man? We can't prove it one way or another, so both options must be equally valid!

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Pandas are bears, Yellowstone ain't gonna blow / And if a shark attacks you punch it in the gills and not the nose"

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Twitter screenshot with no link? Assuming it's fake until proven otherwise. It's just the safest way to be these days

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

So? I'm saying he chose to overshadow this. You can't even blame the media this time when he giftwrapped a distraction for them! Who cares what sort of "digital bill of rights" a frickin NFT flipper is proposing? NFTs = scam - the tech bros and investors tried to make it happen, but even the gamers turned against it, and the gamers will fall for almost anything. Popular conception is now that NFTs are a scam and NFT hawkers are scam artists.

Coming out with NFTs will automatically make anything he says about digital life ignorable for at least 24 hours, because he has at least briefly donned the accepted signifier of "internet con artist". So either he's trying to bury the digital bill of rights from normie eyes, or it was a weird mistake born of saying "yes" to some 20-something with a decent suit, an idea to make a money, and a folder full of AI-generated glamour shots of Trump.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or he's just trying to make a quick buck. Which you can do when you combine NFTs with a large fanbase.

But even Ubisoft made like a thousand bucks total on their million-dollar NFT roll-out, so who knows.

by BQnita
sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

But military intervention BEFORE a widespread-acknowledgement of proof WILL result in widespread civil unrest. If people felt beholden to smash windows purely because Trump was elected (and remember, this was all before he was even inaugurated, just elected!), you know that if there is anything even perceivable as a military coup, streets will be blocked.

People will be out in force like never before, and they will congregate in the streets, and if they have any brains, the highways. And that's where the damage really starts, which is why police basically never work to protect storefronts and property during protests. The corporations truly don't care, and the cops and their budgetmen are not beholden to the small businesses that are actually hurt by property destruction. The real damage comes when you gum up the arteries of America and stop freeway traffic, which is why Antifa protestors were allowed basically free reign within cities, while you would have half a dozen officers assigned to guarding a single freeway ramp.

This isn't about "oh those hooligans can burn Portland if they want to", this is about the very real logistical problem of keeping our capitalist engine (which must always be fed, and our current crop of capitalists is infected and mostly seem to hate the idea of rainy day funds and truly strategic reserves, which complicates things) turning over day after day.

A big part of why 9/11 tanked the economy had nothing to do with the specifics of the WTC as a place for magic money fun to happen, and everything to do with disruption. There's a reason we were asked to shop in response. If patriots are in control, then they know all this. Armageddon (remember what the word actually means!) must come before the Rapture of military involvement.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

She has a vagina and always had. She just has a face bone structure different to those of most of the women you've seen, and you grew up in an aggressively marketing and ad-heavy culture that spent a lot of time making a lot of money telling women precisely how they should look. I mean, you know that many of the "beautiful women" you see in magazine ads and the like are gestalt creations made from the "best" facial features of multiple women (and the very occasional beautiful man) and all shopped together, right? I understand that virtue signaling your dislike of trannies is an important way of acquiring social clout here, but...

If you want to call trans women not real women, then it really defeats your purpose to also call real women not real women, just because you haven't fully detoxed from the same liberal Hollywood elite culture people are here to try and take refuge from. Otherwise, it looks not like you care about the safety of women and children or the sanctity of womanhood, but that you just don't like ugly people. Which is your prerogative! But it's not a very sympathetic or compelling argument.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, we still have monuments to human traffickers all around the country. Why on Earth would this be surprising? America, as a governmental entity, loves human trafficking. That's kind of their thing (please note that I am separating the government ostensibly owned and ran by the people, from the actual frickin people)

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe that information isn't trending because the most famous person in the world promised a Big Announcement and then released hundred dollar digital trading cards, causing "The Onion" and "Four Seasons Landscaping" to become top trends

The evidence that Trump is not a true Q actor piles up

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

My brother in Christ, go back and reread what I said with your trigger filters off. Framers in the North were generally less interested in making a mandate on human trafficking either way, since they had the ports and the banks. There were a couple pro-freedom radicals amongst them of course, but I was very careful not to ascribe that moral boon to any region, since it was a wide-spread notion with few proclaimers of real political power.

The states who relied on magic math for their economic power did not care as much if one of their main goods was made illegal, since they could pick up the slack elsewhere in their vast portfolio of tradable goods. No free stolen labour would sting, but you always had the old standby of cheap immigrant labour that you could exploit by underpaying them, and plenty of it. Meanwhile, for the Southern framers, not just their economy and their right to self-determination that they fought and died for, but their entire way of life was at stake if they lost the right to own humans as objects. The South was understandably very nervous about codifying freedoms that could eventually be used to legislatively bully them into existential change, and when that failed, used as a moral bullwhip to unleash the hounds upon them. Which, you know, did end up happening. Hence, all the sweet-talking and reassurances that were needed. The banking systems that ultimately led us to 2008 were a product of the North, and the South generally did not trust them, preferring the reality of the physical goods they produced right there on American soil. Many didn't even see the need for a Constitution or a federal government, and would have preferred to just be a loose coalition (or confederation?) of states with standing agreements to back each other up if the British came back or the Canucks got frisky. It's not a moral assertion, it's just history that the Constitution's road to ratification was rocky and fraught, and the framers of the South generally needed to be worked upon to get on board with saddling themselves with a federal government ostensibly made of all but actually run out of frickin New York. And we know what those New Yorkers are like.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do people on Reddit really have such recognizable text patterns? I'll have to spend more time there and check it out, I guess. This is by far the Digg-style site have spent the most time on, much more than all of Reddit. I once made a Reddit for a new Pokemon and then got bored after a week? Really not my thing.

When you use "Reddit" as a pejorative, can you tell me what other labels you are insinuating? I don't know the culture there enough to understand what you are trying to say from mere inference. Being mad at the word "literally" to describe something that literally happened and the concept of question marks is very strange to me, and I'd like to understand. Does this have something to do the old /TheDonald days, and the community getting kicked off there?

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Seizing the assets of the banks is literally communist goals, bruh

And their whole thing is that the truly wealthy (not doctors who have a large house in the suburbs, but the Madoffs and Rockefellers and Rothschilds and Bobby Koticks of the world) inherently got their wealth dishonestly, by further twisting a system that inherently rewards those who have more than those who have not into one where the elite can just straight up ignore taxes and even receive tax money while the rest of us struggle under taxation. To say nothing of the dishonesty of underpaying their labourers.

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