I'm not opposed to thinking something suspicious is going on, but symptoms of ADHD are absolutely exacerbated by using a phone or PC. Remove/limit those factors, replace them with reading books or working on something meaningful (carpentry, painting miniatures, etc.) and see how you feel in a few months.
One reason I can think of is that there is no way to know what is true or not. With deep fakes and Chat GPT being able to let an average Joe churn out content that is nearly indistinguishable from reality, imagine that governments and corporations have been able to do in the last few years (and are able to do now).
I assume everything I hear, from every source, is bullshit. When something affects me on a local scale, I re-evaluate and respond. My life has been better for it.
People rioted for a criminal nig-nog who got his just desserts. I didn't. People wore masks. I didn't. People killed their own children via lethal injection. I didn't.
I was told there was a war in Russia. I didn't believe it, nor did I care. I was told a deadly virus had swept the US. I didn't believe it, nor did I care. I was told that Biden was an actor pretending to be president while the patriots were in control. I didn't believe it, nor did I care.
If you have the impetus to act, you have my blessing. But always ask yourself, "What if I'm wrong?" Are you 100% confident about the information you have? What happens if you act and you end up being wrong? Will you put your life and family at risk for that?
All I can say for certain is that there are more annoying blacks and Mexicans in my once-white community, housing prices are gone up, and stinky troons have turned some of my favorite hobbies into garbage. Those are problems I'd love to solve locally, but I can't seem to find any good information about where it's coming from. Everything is disjointed, and I am unable to believe anything I see on the internet.
You are.
I was there every day watching those stupid press conferences hoping and wishing that Trump would have some sense and not go through with those bullshit recommendations. His actions led to the mandates, lockdowns, and the vaccines. He led the charge, and he handed power over to those pricks Fauci and Birx. Then, once the 15 days were over, he extended it, again and again.
So yes, you are the liar. Your 'evidence' didn't even address my point. Fauci may have wanted the lockdowns, but Trump opened the door for everything that happened, just like he did on the Jan. 6th "Be there, will be wild" protests before he abandoned his supporters. Besides, it was "15 days to slow the spread," not 14.
Yes, I know which forum I am on, and yes, you are delusional.
I agree. Some people are really messed up. But I'd rather let them continue to wander around in the middle of a busy street than decide - for their "own good" - to lock them up. If they haven't assaulted someone else, destroyed someone's property, etc., then I just don't care. It's a very proven slippery slope from institutionalization (which seems worse than death) to other horrors such as lobotomies, and now to confused children being pushed into body mutilation and hormones. Personally, I want to see the psychologists hung just after the politicians.
Oh, so now we are only punished based on our intentions, not our actions? How long before pedophiles use this defense? "Your honor, my client did not mean to physicially or emotionally harm the child. He only meant for the two of them to enjoy their time together."
This is a good thing. We don't have to accept the delusions of trans people, and we should absolutely dismantle institutions that push for it, but letting the state lock you up because they don't like how you think is totalitarianism. If someone wants to fag around with a dress and fake boobs, fine. No prison needed. I want to be free to bully them, though, without worrying about it being a "hate crime."
How is anyone here supposed to know that? The image doesn't show the message on the door. I can see a piece of paper that's been stuck on it, but this isn't CSI, so I'm afraid most people can't simply "zoomify and enhance". I bet a photo of the door note would be much more impactful.
It matters because it's misleading. This image makes it seem like this company is standing up for something by displaying this message on its windows in large letters - nearly unmissable. Instead, all they're doing is virtue signalling to a crowd of bots on Instagram.
The problem is that it's the same as any other liberal propaganda. My "normal" gay friends are against this crap and very vocal about it. I don't have "woke" gay friends, because everything for those kinds of people tends to be "gay this", "pride that." They go to drag shows and speak with faggy voices, and uses phrases like "Yaaas queen, slay!" and it makes me want to toss them into a vat of molten plastic.
Do you think those people, who are single minded in their "gayness", will isten to those of us who are gay but respectful to others? Those of us who don't talk about it unless asked, and who maintain private lives without causing uproar? Of course not. And since the media doesn't talk about us, and forums like this don't believe there are many of us, it creates a self-fulfilling prophecy wherein we are perceived to be non-existent. But we exist, and we're waiting for the day of the rope as much as anyone, so we can put an end to this nonsense.
The only problem is that the rhetoric here makes me worry that I might be targeted even though I've never hurt anybody. I hope I don't have to switch sides out of self-preservation.
President Trump was hit in the face with a microphone boom by a reporter. Some have speculated that it was an attempt to test the limits of what could be done in a future assassination attempt using deadly chemicals.