skyehye808 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im sad for all of the children who had no choice😞

skyehye808 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow after all of that hes still in denial. That twisting you see in a lot of the videos before they collapse and die. That was a warning, if I were him Id check to see if there was any blood clots in my body before shit happens again.

skyehye808 3 points ago +3 / -0

idk i think theyre going to get rid of him, i dont see him lasting 2 more years mentally and physically.

skyehye808 14 points ago +15 / -1

Idk I hope justice prevails for brazil but sounds like theyre in for many years of hell like we are.

skyehye808 2 points ago +2 / -0

they forgot cold showers

skyehye808 5 points ago +5 / -0

In the end nobody is going to save us. The people in govt. who we thought were on our side are traitors. If nobody is even talking about election fraud and the "good people/white hats" in government did nothing and let all this shit happen, we're on our own. Think about it. Corrupt criminals were allowed to steal an election and prop up a fake president! In America! That took a shit load of people across the country and in govt high and low levels and in all agencies to coordinate that. Thats crazy to me. So much shit is happening for the worse. I understand the great awakening but when is it enough? 2,4,10 more years? How long does this country need to suffer before this magical event or series of events saves this country? Im sorry if I sound like a doomer and bless the people who continue to fight. If there were drips of good news small victories, it might help morale but those are rare. So I dont hope anymore, I pray and thats the best I can do.

skyehye808 3 points ago +3 / -0

How? Corruption is everywhere and so are traitors. I dont see any honesty or bravery in government anymore.

skyehye808 2 points ago +2 / -0

If we continue to have corrupt elections and people just complain but do not protest in mass then NOTHING will change. Nobody is going to save us. Dont count on any poilitician even the handful we like. All they do is repeat shit on twitter things we already knew years ago when Biden "won". They do nothing and say nothing about the election fraud. Politicians want to save their jobs and keep getting a paycheck. Its to the point where even the republicans that did win, was allowed to win. If they can steal the presidency, they surely can and did steal other elections. Corruption is so deep and wide. Only we the people can save the country. Protests, mayhem, civil war I dont know, but things will only get worse. At this point you just have to prepare for anything and everything. Somebody posted a quote of the week: God is in control. But He doesnt want us to lean on a shovel and pray for a hole.

skyehye808 7 points ago +7 / -0

Its not normal but for those of us who were wide awake we know why this shit is happenening. Its the blind that need to open their eyes and realize that there are evil people doing evil things.

skyehye808 3 points ago +3 / -0

These illegals come to America thinking they will have great lives. They think they will easily get a house, a great job and live the American dream. But the reality is the great majority of them will be on government assistance their whole lives and live in crappy neighborhoods. They will use their foodstamps and buy shitty processed food and have medical issues. The cost of living is high so I dont get why the hell they come here. In fact there are a lot Americans that move to Mexico because rent, food and medications are way cheaper. Why not stay in Mexico? Same language and similar culture. Theyre worse off here not to mention the financial burden to Americans and the rise in crime. If Trump doesnt win 2024 the border will continue to be open. I dont even want to think what our country will look like with 4 more years of this.

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