smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

OF course sunscreen is critical. But not the toxic stuff from the CVS aisle. Nature's sunscreen, which is getting morning sun exposure before UV is present. Red and infrared light exposure in that time of day prepares the skin for the later UVB onslaught, and regulates the potential damage.

Tell people to get outside in the morning and expose as much as the eyes and skin as they can tolerate, and watch both sunburns and the "need" for sunglasses disappear. And yeah, sunglasses is another industry Psy Op meant to dumb us down and ruin our health. At least as bad as sunscreen, likely worse.

smartbaum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nice. Before seeing your comment, when I thought about the release year of this film I thought "Oh, well it must somehow have messaging related to the forever wars Bush regime, since Obama's ascent was not in purview yet." But lo and behod, you pinpoint theatrical release date with Obama's national debut.

Verrrry interdasting.

The question is why. We hear about predictive programming and revelation of the method. Is it that the collective social imaginary needed to become comfortable with some sort of notion of a political leader, a unifying agent, whose mission and allegiance are to some higher ideal than national interests. Humanistic / globalistic / idealistic / utopian greatness.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Annnnnd they leveraged the Hegelian dialectic to propagandize the public into supporting unnecessary war. Entire generation of young German boys and men, destroyed.

And the more you look into it, the less mysterious it is why Hitler and his goons sold the German volk on psy ops such as war is peace, self righteous ethnocentrism is universal brotherhood, authoritarian social controls serve reasoned and sustainable moral order, etc.

Because - inconvenient fact for the Nazi revisionists - both Hitler and Rudolf Hess were involved with the immediate precursor to Tavistock. Yeah, that Tavistock. British intelligence operations and social engineering projects suddenly directly connect to the triumphant rise of mustache man.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. We get the distinct impression that Washington was one of a kind individual even among a generation of one of a kinds. His even handedness, measured temper and wisdom under fire, working truly from a heart aching fir the best possible way forward for the new nation, is awe inspiring. He was a unifier in the best sense of that idea. It is not entirely clear to me how that could work out today.

smartbaum 6 points ago +6 / -0

The irony should not be lost that, of all the major religions, official Islam has the most respectful rejection of Jesus in his full divinity and Lordship. It's still a rejection that warrants judgment, but all other things being equal its somewhat respectful.

Yet the Islamic world is precisely the same people that we as American Christians have been convinced for so long to hate and fear the most, religiously and geopolitically speaking.

smartbaum 0 points ago +2 / -2

It is troubling to see a man without repentance and faith (by his own words more or less) pontificating on the nature and future of the Christian faith. I suppose my prayer would be for someone like Elon to come to an end of himself (camel through the eye of a needle, by God's grace alone) and in his heart would believe something more along the lines of:

"Unless there is more honesty to confess none of us do what is truly fair and right, we will perish."

But for now, Elon is an unbelieving "cultural Christian" which means he uses his own moral sense to ransack divine revelation for practical principles of civilizational coherence. While tossing away the main plot point and source of divine revelation. This is in line with other cultural/moral Christianities such as from Thomas Jefferson, and many many high ranking politicians and presidents in recent U.S. history. Both parties.

Elon and these kind of cultural Christians are best represented by the Gospel story of the rich young ruler who approached Jesus, addressing Jesus as "Good teacher", and by that the rich young ruler meant Jesus based on only his moral instruction was clearly one of the greatest among moral teachers and could certainly give this young ruler moral wisdom to make him complete.

Jesus doesn't give an INCH of legitimacy to this way of framing his identity. He berates him, "Why do you call me good? There is none good but God alone." This is a perfect answer. Jesus obliterates any notion of competition about who is the best and most wise of human moral teachers, and points him to the only source of Goodness, Truth, and Beauty. This young ruler, which is the same case for Elon and any other "moral" man of power and influence, was in no way prepared to understand Jesus' identity as the eternal Son of God who came in the flesh to fulfill all righteousness on our behalf who cannot meet the standard of goodness.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Consider that the Meme based ridicule can be a psychological release since it is often accompanied by, or preceded by, revelation of disclosure via researchers, and subsequent outrage by those following the researchers and sharing with others.

The point in the passage is that this can be an intentional phenomenon by the Esoteric among elite schemers and social engineers. Why? Because they know that at some level this process of revelation and disclosure will induce psychic trauma in the population, because it is disclosure without an immediate remedy nor a reversal of the circumstances that led to whatever was disclosed. Only outrage and other negative states of being are experienced and expressed.

I just think its worth pointing out this is a potential pathway to avoid, because people can passively go down this path out of unintentional habit, and end up demoralized as their energy is sapped from perceiving the process.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand about all his other stuff. But my own personal attitude is if it is documented that someone is privately corrected about an important detail that contradicts their thesis, yet they continue with their thesis publicly and by all appearances simply ignoring that correction, I cannot trust that person. I don't know if that's the one little thing he was stubborn on and he was right on target with everything else, but for me its enough to move on. I apply that to everyone, no matter how big a respected name they might be in the truth and alt media communities.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

And Cooper was dead wrong, even after it was proven to him from other researchers the quality of that footage with its visual artifacts he was misinterpreting as Greer pointing a gun etc, Cooper still went forward with it. By definition that makes him a grifter.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

And mission accomplished. This was obviously intended to provoke reactionaries of the other side. It's all theater, and how they get under y'alls skin around here and on X is part of the plan. Pushing the polarized dialectic forward to desired ends. On and on it goes.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

The first four commandments (formative for the theocracy of Israel) cannot be legally enforced by the contemporary state, as it would violate the separation of powers of church and state in a constitutionally protected religiously pluralist society. Simple.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look for Max Keiser's talk today on the same stage. He is going all in to set Trump right on his public slandering of President Bukele.

smartbaum 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think this point in particular needs to be mulled over:

This is also how the concept of "let it eat itself," or collapse under its own weight, should be viewed: a failure of strategy. This Leviathan will continue to stack failing ideas on top of each other by externalizing the consequences and devouring more and more resources until it runs out, at which point it will necessarily collapse, and that collapse would kill billions and splinter America, and the west, into Medieval fiefdoms of warlords and terror. We should probably rule that out as an acceptable path.

I am fully open to the possibility that the so called Dissident Right has its own psyop to push for this sort of dystopian vision of inevitable societal collapse, from which to rebuild something post-repubic. It's just that they frame it entirely differently than say the WEF compatbile globalists, because they are two completely different audiences.

The dialectic at work (and this is not just Dissident Right celebrities populating alt media, but also theocratic voices in the Christian Nationalism movement) is pushing for this dilemma of some necessary extreme as the only antidote to the current situation of extreme government corruption. And of course the Dissident Rights like in Poso's world also propose some benevolent strongman, a semi-dictator, just as the Christian Nationalists advocate an end point of some "Christian Caesar" type. Yes they use that exact terminology. Caesar, who we can all recall heralded the end of the Roman republic and the beginning of Empire, with a centralized authority figure based on hereditary and spiritual qualifications. The same of which in principle the Founding Fathers specifically rejected in European models.

So take all that for what it's worth.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

She managed the evacuation of Cheney on 9/11 / CoG.

That tells me she had direct knowledge of Cheney's stand down orders on that day. That's where she got the playbook (allow a tragedy to unfold by stand down orders, later blame it on unfortunate security failures). What she knows about that 9/11 day is probably a two way leverage, requiring her continued favored usage by the DS, and it's held over her own head that she must answer to the DS or be destroyed.

smartbaum 5 points ago +5 / -0

There was zero follow up on her anomalous statement about differences in security: "There is a difference between a sitting president and... continuity of government."

Why didn't anyone ask her what she meant by CoG wrt a political candidate not currently holding office in the government?

smartbaum 23 points ago +23 / -0

That was an intentional slip. This is ALL theater.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are also often vested interests in disseminating red herring theories, getting immediate viral attention when there's a lot of unanswered questions, and the intent would be to discredit any further investigation past official narrative. This happens with practically every event of significance.

I'm not taking a strong stance either way, just being cautious because of how psy ops within psy ops can play out.

smartbaum 7 points ago +7 / -0

That really is probably how it works for so many of these household name entertainers, isn't it? Sign off on getting official support and financing for some indefinite period of time where you can only go up (with the condition you don't go off script). Theoretically the sky's the limit: Fame. Fulfilled Desires. Adoration worldwide. Even critical acclaim if you work hard enough.

But whenever your number is up, you must and will undergo the humiliation ritual as part of the cashing in. I just wonder how clear this part of the initial contract is. I'm sure many many successful entertainers went through some dark shit phase, realizing "we didn't sign up for this". But its too late, they did whatever they had to do and now leverage is against them. They simply must sear their conscience to a crisp, try to enjoy the ride for however much longer it will last. Drugs the usual go-to to help numb the voice of repressed morals lurking deep within.

smartbaum 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is almost straight out of Big Lebowski:

"We dropped off the money!"


"We, I... the royal we, you know, the editorial... I dropped off the money, exactly as per... Look, man I've got certain information alright?"

smartbaum 2 points ago +3 / -1

Exactly. And just thinking through it, the position (assuming a pro intent on escape) makes no sense. High visibility, poor LOS / angle, complicated and high risk exit availability.

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