special1ntere5t 10 points ago +10 / -0

High quality post fren and interesting coinkydink that they are located in Austin TX where the Austin Private Wealth Find that shorted DJT stocks before the assassination attempt is located 🤔

special1ntere5t 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nah it’s going to be the Hildabeest for the ultimate nemesis battle

special1ntere5t 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can they use the 25th as that would remove him from office now ? He’s withdrawn from running but not office so he’s kinda put them in limbo as he can’t be replaced on the ballot in some states because it’s too late or he’s not dead?

special1ntere5t 7 points ago +7 / -0

First name to pop out at me is Josh Dvorak - Markle has a friend/handler called Heather Dvorak - wonder if there is any relationship?

special1ntere5t 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely she owns the DNC - iirc she bought the DNC debts in 2016 so basically owns the party and can do as she likes

special1ntere5t 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think she will but then she will be systematically destroyed by all the dirt that is buried about her and bill. If I were going to write the script for this movie I’d have the nemesis enter the fray for the final battle then have every week between now and November roll out a new expose of a scandal in increasing severity til November. I’d also have all her previously reliable clean up networks turn on her to ramp up the pressure week by week culminating in frazzle drip being verified by WJC waiving spousal privilege to save his own skin and spinning it as he’s been an abused spouse for years because she’s an evil witch

special1ntere5t 5 points ago +5 / -0

Definitely feels like a shift has happened. OH and I have noticed a change today,

special1ntere5t 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was Jill trying to pressure for the payoff she’s reported as pushing for - $1bil for presidential library fund and $100mil book deal and immunity

special1ntere5t 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly this fren. People have been bamboozled by the Trump persona/character and think they know the man. We are about to see the man I believe. Trump the man is a careful intuitive business man with balls of steel. I remember reading an article around the time he came down the escalator about how Trump had a commercial intelligence network second to none. How he prepared intensively for any and all deals with masses of intel on all the players and organizations, threats opportunities etc and had many many operatives on his payroll. Iirc the article said it was the equivalent of a small nation state it was so extensive. I’ve never been able to find the article since.

special1ntere5t 8 points ago +8 / -0

GameStop did so much to make people aware of shorting stocks and what it was and this has blown up the fact that DJT stock was shorted right before the shooting so many many more people can see it for what it is.

special1ntere5t 1 point ago +1 / -0

Markle is a NOC - she’s a plant and part of the dem machine with links to the Clinton’s going back years as well as dem mega donors like Ron burkle and John Fitzpatrick. Named in the guiffre lawsuit against prince andrew she’s yacht ho who was well known in soho house which is basically an international version of Epsteins island. I wonder if her and Harry are basically a smokescreen for Harry working to undermine the first amendment in the US by working with the aspen institute and others like demos to push for the silencing of dissenting voices

Watch https://youtu.be/g3OPwBFoVhM?si=_fkiyrtJnMLfswda

This YouTuber has been doing a lot of solid investigation into the shady goings on of the US eejits. I think M& H push so much PR to provoke criticism so they can bleat about censoring “hate speech” and also as chaff to obscure stories like the dodgy meetings with senator coons and the financial shenanigans wi the archewell which was basically set up to be a replacement for the Clinton foundation (which is snarled up in IRS tax court by Moynihan & Doyle). https://youtu.be/pbZSuN7vTXw

Markle thought she’d make bank by laundering $$$ and Harry got sent by daddy to meddle in the US and the whole estrangement thing is a smokescreen

special1ntere5t 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pres Trump needs to put out a blanket statement now that any whistleblowers from USSS who lose their jobs because they speak up now to give testimony about the assassination attempt and security lapses will be reinstated, made whole and their families protected as soon as he takes office again

special1ntere5t 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bloody huge complaint of money laundering and extortion against jack smith and others. They were rinsing oligarchs for cash to keep their names off war criminal lists. Is this what GEOTUS was referring to when he kept asking where jack smith had been for years before he was appointed as special prosecutor?? It was filed in November 23 but now smith is BTFO about the classified docs case this may start to move

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