That is actually pretty funny. Replacing an old stupid man with a stupid young woman.
Keep the carriers, clerks, mail handlers, building maintenance and fire all everyone above postmaster.
I was a member 40 years ago so I am sure it's changed substantially. A lot of the older guys at that time were stuck in their ways.
Sometimes it's the optics for general consumption.
I left because of the racism and constant divisions. It's supposed to be a brotherhood of whom all believe in God and do good works but there were those that forced the doctrines of their church on others. There were actually Black Prince Hall Masons because the lodges in the south wouldn't accept them. When I asked why the excuse was...Its been the tradition throughout the centuries.
Any one awake yet? The congress of AIPAC
You will never see any action.
Sam Houston of TX was a Free Mason as well as Santa Anna whom he took down at San Jacinto.
The only way to stop the grandstanding and deception when voting for bills is to force stand alone issues only. Multiple issue bills only prove the existence of a uniparty.
Whatcha wanna bet that DOGE has them already.
Hell I could have given that diagnosis.
Agreed beyond measure. Truth regardless of consequences.
Looks like that lost bomb might have done it.
Bullshit unless I see it.
Jekyll Island Island off the coast of the U.S. state of Georgia, in Glynn County • Jekyll Island is located off the coast of the U.S. state of Georgia, in Glynn County. (It is one of the Sea Islands) and one of the Golden Isles of Georgia barrier islands. The island is owned by the State of Georgia and run by a self-sustaining, self-governing body. It was long used seasonally by indigenous peoples of the region. This is where the Fed was formed if I am not mistaken. I wonder is this is the particular place they stayed in the Sea Islands.
Was it Jekyll Island?
Are they no longer having an election or is Canada run like Ukraine?
Who funded and coordinated this method of controlling politicians and notables. Been going on a long time. The playboy mansion wasn't just a nice place to visit.
Couldn't sleep so I got up to read this. Thanks a lot.
JFK speaks then it sounds like Elon Musk
Most are just cast iron. some coated with enamel like Le Creuset cookware
Every war, every terrorist act, every compromised politician and every interest bearing loan.