Need MOASS soon.
He forgot israel.
Do the same regarding the UN.
I think they should be shackled to whatever their originating charter was.
Kamala is a retard, a high school kid on the debate team could beat her.
There have been lots of White astronauts, doesn't mean that I can be one.
Why do people keep thinking and saying that Hussein is pulling any strings? Have you all forgotten how astoundingly stupid he is without a teleprompter? There's a reason he was nicknamed TOTUS, teleprompter of the United States.
What civil war? Lol nobody has the guts.
They fight for recounts, find just enough votes needed to avoid triggering an automatic recount, then they win and Republicans at large do fuck all about it.
Vertical line of votes coming in for the Dem: a-okay. Rep does anything: they're cheating.
Trump didn't legitimately lose in 2020.
Why do people keep saying it's obama behind the scenes? He's a fucking retard.
2020 should have been too big to rig.
Every single time.
What about those that were left to die by the government? The people that lived in the areas where the billions of dollars worth of lithium and quartz are?
Just like muslims are commanded to lie to the infidel.
I've never had a positive interaction with one, they've always lied.
Look at that huge beak.
They're commanded to lie to the goyim.
Nothing of value to lose.
Who are the bankers?
What is this "fighting communism" he spoke of? After the annihilation and ritual humiliation of Germany after WWII, communism won. The original communists were in charge during the Weimar era. Who were the communists? It's the same people that own every industry.