Do you not think attacking one of our warships was an act of war? Apologies? Reparations? They laugh at us.
Keep supporting a landmass that was promised to a Rothschild by a member of the British government, Balfour.
All different heads of the same hydra.
Sounds like you don't think it's possible for governments, or infiltrators, to kill people that are in the way of them doing whatever they want.
What if they rewrote the Bible?
Would you still support them if their government was forced to admit their involvement? Or are you one of those people that believe our "greatest ally" can do no wrong?
"Back, and to the left "
"judges" have no say in immigration. It goes both ways, whether we like it or not.
His first term went the same way.
When do they get the rope?
since they are not supposed to be involved in domestic surveillance!
I'll take our greatest ally for $400.
But they've already been to Little St. James Island.
Is that a little hat beneath the MAGA hat?
Will you continue to support israel if their government admits to killing JFK?
"god's chosen people" perform a blood ritual on their newborn boys. It involves "oral suction."
"our greatest ally"
Who committed an act of war by attacking the USS Liberty. We did nothing because they thoroughly own and have compromised our government and "leaders."
Impeach is a lame way of saying impale.
We believe the government and propaganda agencies?
We need a Day of the Rope.
Mythbusters could have blown that out of the water. There's no such thing as a "magic bullet." Small rounds can bounce around, but that's probably it.
The CIA wants all of it redacted. Any mention of the jews or israel.
Of course there's no mention of israel, that would be antisemitic.
israel was mentioned. Our greatest ally.
$5000 is a lot of money for people right now.