TrustTheTruth 2 points ago +3 / -1

He is barely able to read or speak coherently, which is why he is so useful to those in command. He does not make any decisions, nor is he capable of doing so.

TrustTheTruth 3 points ago +4 / -1

Voat was the initial source. Racine is the reason Voat shut down.

There are thousands of comments here and on Twitter.

If you need more details on anything in particular, please ask. We try to respond to all genuine inquiries. We also appreciate what you have shared here on WIN

TrustTheTruth 7 points ago +8 / -1

Silicon Valley Community Foundation and Bank play an important role in the corruption and control of big tech and public private partnerships to control industries and communities.

It never was a “garage thing,” and the American Dream is a lie.

They must control all sides. This is why Racine is so important. It is the Root of their entire system.

TrustTheTruth 9 points ago +10 / -1

These connections are significant.

They are also connected with Racine, Wisconsin.


On this link they listed the state incorrectly but it is the corrupt superintendent of Racine, Wisconsin schools.

School system leaders throughout the country will gather in Alexandria, Va. for Leading Social and Emotional Learning: A National Summit on Superintendent SEL Leadership, Sunday, Oct. 13, 2019. Timothy Shriver, chair of the Special Olympics, is serving as one of the event’s keynote speakers. The regular cohort meeting will follow, Oct 14-15. The cohort’s advisory committee includes:

Shelley Berman, superintendent, Andover Public Schools, Andover, Mass. Eric Gallien, superintendent, Racine Unified School District, Racine, Mich. Michael Rice, state superintendent, Michigan Department of Education Janet Robinson, superintendent, Stratford Public Schools, Stratford, Conn. Co-sponsors of the meeting include Panorama Education, Move This World and Right at School. The Cohort’s inaugural meeting was held in Nashville, Tenn., March 31-April 2. Click here to view a photo gallery capturing highlights.

Good post u/eagle-eyes2020

TrustTheTruth 5 points ago +5 / -0

They don’t control both sides, they control all sides. They control and rig every election down to the neighborhood level.

Tucker Carlson won’t tell you the real story.

What happened to the nursing home investigation? What happened to the election and recount investigation? What happened to the Mason Lab experiment?

Vos works very closely with Paul Ryan. They weaponize the County DA’s office, Sheriff’s office, city law enforcement, media and other agencies against any who raise questions about corrupt officials.

Why are secret societies so important in Racine? How is Rotary connected with Freemasonry? What role do community foundations play?

Are Vos and Bill McReynolds engaged in extremely corrupt or criminal business partnerships and rigged contract practices?

Who infiltrated Steen’s campaign?

What happened to the lead investigator in the Racine referendum recount case?

They all know the significance of Racine. McCain knew how important it is.


This is only a small part of a much bigger story. You won’t ever hear about it on Fox News or read about it USA Today, and they will go to extreme lengths to destroy and silence those who know the details.

TrustTheTruth 7 points ago +7 / -0

Most people do not know who Anna Makanju is or why her role is so significant.

After leading censorship at Facebook through the 2020 election, she is now Head of Public Policy at Open AI.

What is the significance of her new role?


Why did she focus specifically on Racine, Wisconsin?

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of the entire Agenda.

TrustTheTruth 17 points ago +17 / -0

The key connection to Atlantic Council, Soros, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Zuckerberg, Ukraine, rigged elections, education, propaganda and censorship is Anna Makanju.

She is closely linked with Racine, Wisconsin where Zuckerberg funneled his money to control the 2020 election, where Obama and CTCL organized, and where Biden made the “highly unusual move” in the April 2020 primary.

Racine is the reason Voat shut down.

Everyone should be exposing the close and unusual ties with Anna Makanju, Mark Zuckerberg and Racine. It is the Root that connects every branch of the Agenda.

Has Twitter shadowbanning and visibility filtering been lifted?

TrustTheTruth 3 points ago +3 / -0

There won’t be.

Who controls the legislature? Who controls the courts? Who controls the media? Who controls the governor?

What about international courts?

Where was the International Criminal Court conceived?

What meetings and rituals have been held at Wingspread, Exit 333 33 E 4 Mile Road in Racine, Wisconsin?

TrustTheTruth 6 points ago +6 / -0

Who controls Aalborg?

The First European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns took place in Aalborg in 1994. It adopted the Aalborg Charter, which provides a framework for the delivery of local sustainable development and calls on local authorities to engage in Local Agenda 21 processes.[40] The Fourth European Sustainable Cities and Towns Conference, held in Aalborg in 2004, adopted the more binding Aalborg Commitments on local sustainable development. The commitments have now been signed by 650 local authorities while over 2,500 have signed the earlier Aalborg Charter.[41]

Who controls Mexico?


Why is Racine closely connected with Brazil? What happened in Brazil’s election?



What is a Sustainable School?

What is carnauba? What business did Sam claim was most profitable? Who owns the largest private bank in Wisconsin? Why do Rothschilds and Johnsons have such financial interests in Wisconsin and Arizona? What was Rothschild’s real name?

What happened at the Earth Summit in Brazil? Why was Sustainable Racine the model used to form Agenda 21?

What happened at the Rio Olympics?

Who benefited most from Zika? What is in Off? What other poisons are sold and used in homes and businesses? What is the primary ingredient? How are land and water deals rigged with corrupt pedophile officials?

Who owns the patent for Zika, and how are Zika and COVID connected?

How are Racine, Fauci, Gates and Rockefellers connected with Cornell? Cornell is based in Finger Lakes. Who made the largest donation the same year Joe Biden spoke there?

Why are the Gates Foundation and Rotary close partners? The founder of Rotary is from Racine.

Who is the key advisor to Bill Gates? Brad Smith grew up in Racine and Appleton.

Why did Frederick Taylor Gates become the key advisor to Rockefeller after marrying his replacement wife in Racine?

What is the Mason Lab and what were they doing in Racine? Who is the brother?

How were elections rigged in Racine?

What is beyond advanced eugenics and genomics?

TrustTheTruth 4 points ago +4 / -0

The real story is much bigger than this.

Was Hagedorn’s election rigged? Why? Did Scott Walker throw his re-election? Why? Did Paul Ryan resign to spend more time with family?

Who did Hagedorn barely defeat? Why was there no recount? What stories were told during the campaign? What roles does the family play?

What is the relationship with the mayor of Racine? What is the relationship with elite billionaire pedophiles? Who is grooming a young boy adopted from Russia?

When was the fist symbol first used and why? What is French for Root?

How do they control all sides?

On December 1, 2020, coinciding with the Governor's certification of Wisconsin's election results—showing Biden as the victor by about 20,000 votes—President Trump's legal team petitioned the Wisconsin Supreme Court to intervene on his behalf to throw out hundreds of thousands of those votes.[19][20] On December 3, Justice Hagedorn again sided with the court's liberal minority, voting to reject the petition from President Trump's campaign on the procedural error that, according to Wisconsin law, any election challenges must originate in the Wisconsin Circuit Courts. Justice Hagedorn said of his decision, "We do well as a judicial body to abide by time-tested judicial norms, even—and maybe especially—in high-profile cases."[21][22]

TrustTheTruth 3 points ago +3 / -0

This has been going on for a very long time.

What does 33rd degree Freemason Chuck Grassley know about Bill Gates, big tech, big food and big agriculture?

What “family company” sells poison that is in every American household?

Their Agenda is more evil than most could begin to understand.

Those involved at the top levels will never be held accountable by the systems they control.

Racine is the Root of the entire Agenda.

TrustTheTruth 3 points ago +3 / -0

Racine, Wisconsin won a separate Smart City Challenge.

Racine is the smallest city to ever win.

Racine is also where they claim slavery ended with Joshua Glover.

The CCP tech giant is their key partner.

Why will no media dare touch Racine?

Racine, with a population of 79,000, is the smallest city to ever win the competition, according to officials.

In March, Foxconn Technology Group entered into an agreement with Racine officials to help the municipality pursue and implement smart city technologies.



TrustTheTruth 6 points ago +7 / -1

Why was a “family company” involving a family of corrupt billionaire pedophile elites a major sponsor of US-Ukraine Business Council events?

This video featuring the corrupt mayor of Racine is one small example:


Why did Biden make the “highly unusual move” in Racine in the April 2020 primary election? Racine, Wisconsin was also the model for using COVID to control the elections.

TrustTheTruth 24 points ago +25 / -1

CTCL, ERIC, CEIR, CVI (SBF’s mom), Obama Foundation, Zuckerberg-Chan Foundation, Knight Foundation and others all focused specifically on Racine, Wisconsin as the Root and model to rig elections.

Racine is also where the CCP tech giant and largest “private” employer in China made the deal for the corrupt and secretive 8th Wonder of the World.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root that connects every branch of their Agenda.

TrustTheTruth 11 points ago +12 / -1

Why did the largest “private” employer in China and its subsidiary based in the model CCP city of Shenzhen, China make the deal for the 8th Wonder of the World in Racine, Wisconsin?

Why is it such a mystery and secret with big tech propagandists spreading lies about it?

Why is Racine the model for 8K+5G AI?

Why is Racine the UN Agenda 21 and smart city model?

The Truth of Racine has been shared since the beginning.

We need everyone’s help to expose the Root.

They control all levels of courts, and all levels of legislation, industry and media.

The Root must be exposed for the world to realize their true Agenda.

#ExposeTheRoot #RevealTheAgenda #DenyTheMark

TrustTheTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read John 14:6

Why are you lost on this? Are you not Christian?

We do not lie. We do not deceive. We are not foolish.

We have shared what happened on Voat. Others not a part of the group who investigated Racine and witnessed events and actions on Voat including u/into_the_continuum know that what has been shared is accurate and truthful.

We are sharing detailed information that proves the significance of Racine, Wisconsin in the bigger Agenda planned and orchestrated by the most powerful groups in the world.

If you believe those at the top levels will be held accountable by the corrupt systems they control, you do not understand their power or intentions.

The Root must be exposed to all. It is not a low-effort stall tactic. If you wanted to help, you could.

Yet you are blasphemous and disingenuous. Repent before it is too late.

TrustTheTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

We do not use pronouns for the reasons you falsely assume.

We use them the correct way.

We are more than one person. It is a shared account. This is for limited protection. Sadly some connected with or related to the group have been threatened, attacked, murdered and worse. Some also not connected with or related to the group but knew or witnessed extreme corruption connected with Racine also were threatened, murdered or died under mysterious circumstances. This is not a game.

Those who control Racine have wealth, power and access beyond your comprehension.

Jesus Christ is The Truth. That is why The Truth is capitalized.

We do not repeat the same thing over and over, and answer most genuine questions.

Are you genuine or disingenuous?

What was your handle on Voat? Do you know the whole story about Voat?

Do you know more about Racine, Wisconsin?

We do not lie. We do not share disinformation. We do not ask for votes or likes or subscribers or credit or donations or anything in return.

Why did you previously pretend to be supportive and helpful?

TrustTheTruth 4 points ago +4 / -0

You can cram with a few simple searches.

Some of this information is readily available.

Voree is right between Racine, Wisconsin and Janesville, Wisconsin.

TrustTheTruth 4 points ago +4 / -0

The real story is much deeper than this propagandist could understand.

Not many realize what really happened with the Pfizer video, or why this is unraveling.

There are more than two sides to every story.

TrustTheTruth 6 points ago +6 / -0

Why did Mitt Romney choose Paul Ryan as his running mate?

Who was Mitt named after, the quarterback of the Racine Legion NFL team?

Who owned the Racine Legion NFL team?

Why did Paul Ryan suddenly resign from public office?

Where is Voree, Wisconsin?

What are the secrets of the Voree plates?

What is Strangite and what did James Strang claim to be?

What happened on Beaver Island in Lake Michigan?

What was the Second Great Awakening, in Finger Lakes?

What is the Book of Mormon really based on?

TrustTheTruth 15 points ago +15 / -0

Will Tucker Carlson ever tell anyone the real reason why Paul Ryan resigned from public office?

Will Tucker Carlson ever tell anyone the real story of the Kenosha riots and trial?

Will Tucker Carlson ever tell anyone why Zuckerberg funneled his money through the corrupt mayor of Racine, Wisconsin in Paul Ryan’s district to control the 2020 election?

Will Tucker Carlson ever tell the real story about the 8th Wonder of the World in Racine with the largest private employer in China?

Will Tucker Carlson ever tell the real story about Joe Biden’s highly unusual move to rig a billion dollar referendum in Racine, Wisconsin in the April 2020 primary or how it connects with COVID, Fauci and Cornell University, Mason Lab, the Gates Foundation, Rotary, Paul Ryan and the 8th Wonder of the World?

Racine is the story no media will dare touch.

It is much more significant than J6. It is the Root that connects every branch of the Agenda.

TrustTheTruth 5 points ago +5 / -0

They are very afraid of Racine being exposed to the masses because it is the Root and model that connects so many aspects of their Agenda, including COVID, Zika, vaccines, rigged elections, smart cities, digital ID, sanctuary cities, propaganda and speech criminalization, community health and education, community policing, incarceration and labor reform. They will attempt to diminish and obfuscate it, and use mainstream and alternative media to control the narrative (John Jeffry Louis plays an important role), as the answer to Racine does not lie in the corrupt media, legislative bodies and courts they control.

The NYPD should know about Weiner’s laptop and his connections to Racine with Schumer, NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias. Racine elites are also well connected in New York. Ask if you need help or more information about anything related to Racine. We will also do anything possible to help support and protect you. Thank you.

TrustTheTruth 8 points ago +8 / -0

Reminder - Pete Buttigieg made the final pitch for Biden before the November 2020 election.

He made the final pitch in Racine, Wisconsin.


Racine is their Agenda 21 smart city and transportation reform model.

Pete’s family is closely associated with the Knights of Malta who are also closely associated with Racine.

Racine is also where Biden made the highly unusual move to rig a billion dollar referendum with experimental COVID programs connected with Gates, Fauci, Rockefellers, Mason Lab, Rotary, United Way and Cornell University (based in Finger Lakes) that opened the door for Zuckerberg, Obama, CTCL, SBF’s mom and many other groups to control the 2020 election.

Clandestine and George Webb Sweigert know about Racine, and are trading notes. George also knows about Pete’s connections with Malta.

Does Elon Musk know about Racine?

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