Nobody is owed an apology for what they are told in Great Awakening. This is a Q community. We keep HOPE here, not DOOM.
As of yet, we don’t know the military is correcting and convicting anything.
I HOPE it’s true. I TRUST the Plan…. But there is no proof yet. This tweet is not proof, but it’s hopeful.
I’m not saying it isn’t true. I’m saying his tweet isn’t enough for a proof. Might be a clue, but it’s not proof.
According to this, “we” could’ve been MAGA… our people on the ground, noticing things and reporting it. Maybe reporting it to the RNC?
Think about how many times the Gateway Pundit (or others) uncovered vote corruption. Was that the military?
I understand the possible implication, but he didn’t say anything directly about Space Force or the military.
Yes, we won 2020 too, but I meant 2024. Lol
We won in 2016 when everything was against us.
We will win in 2024 too.
A vote today is worth more than a vote tomorrow.
What about GameStop?
I think you’re mistaken.
Import tariffs are a big part of the Trump agenda.
We could do it if we cut spending back to Constitutional limits.
Good thing there’s a Winter Whitehouse that can be used in case of disaster!
Teens do a lot of stupid stuff. Even MAGA teens.
And we aren’t even sure if his conclusion is correct.
What kind of dumb question is that?
Did you say the same when Trump was exposing Obama’s birth certificate?
Same kind of thing.
Good thing we don’t give a crap what your wife says.
You mentioned one item out of a multitude of data and evidence she provided.
Curious. Were you on Ben’s side or her’s?
This blew my mind:
Over 30,000 active duty personnel and veterans who served in the military after 9/11 have died by suicide – compared to the 7,057 service members killed in combat in those same 20 years, according to research published in 2021.
One thing we know is Brian Stelter is not a clone. Lol
Phill and Oprah had a very public falling out over a decade ago.
Of course, “our Father who art in Heaven” was the True God during the Old Testament (and for all eternity) as He was in the New Testament.
If the OT scribes didn’t really know Him, how could their written religion be accurate? Might they have at times, at least, been confused by the “god of light” and the “god of this world”?
The key to understanding the Bible as a Christian is to start with Christ (and all the NT teachings) and use that as the lens to understand the rest.
The OT is cited because this was the historical narrative that God used to reveal Himself through Christ.
Yes. Jesus called the god the Pharisees worshipped the “father of lies” — but they kept the law.
You might want to realize the Old and New are two different books.
That’s different than saying they are already intervening, which is how this post is worded.