trvs 2 points ago +3 / -1

There is reason to consider this. At least a portion.

Matthew 27:52-53 King James Version 52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,

53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

trvs 4 points ago +5 / -1

(little) white hats are in control. Would be a really strong deception since most Christians worship them alongside Christ instead of worshipping Christ alone.

trvs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Careful. Blinken is a jew. You dont want to call a jew non-human.

trvs 7 points ago +7 / -0

Jewish director of homeland security, mayorkas, says border is secure and jewish attorney general, garland, agrees.

Jesish secretary of state, blinken, says we can fight two wars and jewish secretary of treasury, yellen, says we can afford it.

Would be antisemitic however, to question their loyalty to american people. So i wont do that.

trvs 6 points ago +6 / -0

Techncally, the debris will overwhelm landfills, and would require more landfill construction.

Imo, there will be designated burn sites, that debris will be taken to.

Is the case in my state after tornados or floods. Just about each county will have a burn site, usually near fair grounds, or other municipal properties, where not too many homes are within a certain distance from the burning.

trvs -1 points ago +1 / -2

All factual. But there is a remnant that is saved in gog magog war in ezekiel. Although they are redeemed as christians, as its basically a last minute conversion.

But imo, christians praying for israel without praying for the rest of God's children should remember Jesus in Matthew 5:43 [“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[i] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven.]

Zionism seems so dangerous as it appears if you support it or oppose it, it is so easy to violate the teachings of Jesus Christ.

trvs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cant really recommend any single one. Have KJV, NRSV, LSV, New English Septuagint, Enoch 1 (RH Charles) and an Ethiopian. I read the NRSV (with Apocrypha) the most and check back to KJV, LSV, or Septuagint if anything might be confusing. And sometimes its still confusing.

Avoid New King James. KJV is fine and a septuagint.

I saw a video where a guy explained if God preserved His word in one source, it would be ez to corrupt that one source. But if He preserves it accross multiple sources, it is preserved. Downside is we have to compare and contrast multiple sources.

Literal Standard Version is pretty nice and doesnt shy away from "weird" translations.

Day 5 God created: Great dragons LSV Seamonsters NRSV Whales KJV

Basically is one hebrew word that can be translated as several different big creatures.

But every bible old testament is translated from masoretic text. Jews (that reject Jesus) recopied original hebrew to masorectic hebrew about 800-1000 AD and original hebrew scrolls are gone.

Septuagint (old hebrew to greek) actually predates masoretic. So i have started reading in the septuagint more recently.

Can also search a bible verse online and add the word "lexicon" and look at all the possible ways a word can be translated. Its way more varied than you would expect. Old languages didnt have large vocabularies as words tend to get added over time and become more specific.

trvs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Erhiopian bible has 88 books. Just read apocryphal books with discernment and ultimate authority in approved canon. There is good info in them. Avoid nag hamadi gnostic books. Avoid the enoch books with metatron. Stick to enoch 1. Fragments of all of enoch 1 are found in the dead sea scrolls with exception of 37-71: book of parables. All old testament books and apocrypha are found in dead sea scrolls with exception of esther- which is now canon.

trvs 1 point ago +1 / -0

There have been changes. Masoretic was recopied almost 1,000 years after Christ. Near all bibles old testament are translated from masoretic. And has some changes that seem to affect jews acceptance of Jesus as Messiah. Isiah is changed from a virgin to a young woman. And 100 years each are removed from the lifespans of six generations of shem, to make it look like shem lived beyond abrahams birth. Jews claim shem was the melchizadek priesthood and therefore abraham could not have received the mechezidik priesthood. Shem receiving the mechezidik priest hood is not based in the Old Testament afaik, so idk where jews get that idea. Mechezidik means righteous king. Abraham tithed and bowed to him. In Hebrews NT, Melchizadik has no beginning no end and no mother or father. Idk who Melchizadik is, but he appears to be a heavenly being with authority as a priest of God. The Messiah (Jesus) being a priest in the order of Melchizadik forever is in one of the Psalms. Basically only levites were always (earthly) priests but couldnt also be (earthly) kings. Under Melchizadeik pristhood, passed to Christ, Jesus is both King and Priest.

Are some issues in septuagint as well, but septuagint better matches new testament quotes when quoting old testament. Example is 70 with jacob in masoretic and 75 with jacob in septuagint. With stephen saying 75 with jacob in Acts. Saw a video where septuagint, samaritan pentateuch, and josephus all say 75. Only masoretic says 70, but conflicts with acts in new testament which also says 75.

So in short lol, all are corrupted in some ways, but all of the word exists uncorrupted in full in all of them. The Melchizadik priesthood issue doesnt affect christians, but can affect jews acceptance of Jesus.

trvs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Principalities are the watchers appointed over the nations. Some rebelled against God Genesis 6:4. Gog in Ezekiel 38 is a principality. Daniel 4:17 is an example of watchers handing down a judgement on nebachanezer. Rebellious watchers are explained in Enoch but are in the Bible as well. Pastors just skip over the concept of them. Sons of God is bene ha Elohim. Sons of god=watchers (angels).

Bloodlines matter but only in the bloodline of Jesus and ends there. God kept the rebellious watchers and descendants from polluting Jesus bloodline. Noah (perfect in his generations), Abraham, Jacob (Esau married cannanite women from mt seir, means hairy goat- satyr), thru David (man after God's own heart) to Jesus (The Seed of the woman Eve Genesis 3:15, Seed of Abraham, Root of David, and Messiah- Son of God and Son of man); that reconciles the children of Adam back to the Father thru His Blood.

Its possible that some claim a bloodline from these rebellious watchers.Og of bashan, goliath, etc still existed after the flood. Genesis 6:4 says in those days and afterwards, giants (nephelim). After flood they are emim and yemim.

Psalm 22 by David is the crucifiction. Jesus opens with the first line (My Lord, My Lord, why have you forsaken me. And ends with the closing line (it is done). Opening is in Matthew. Closing is in another, maybe Luke (and why youbhave tobread them as a whole). Jesus is linking Himself back to David (Root of David) and announcing He is the Alpha and Omega by quoting the beginning and end of Psalm 22. I say Psalm 22 , cause in it David says he is surrounded by bulls of bashan, remember tnis is a vision of the crucifiction. This is a reference to hybrids (nephelim, emim, yemim) in the region of bashan, near mt hermon (where the rebellious watchers took the oath,to take human women in Enoch). Notice og of bashan was king of bashan. The nephelim killed in the flood are rephaim, devil spirits cursed to wander and not find rest, hunger, and thirst. Jesus says those that find Him will find rest, will never thirst, and will drink and be filled. Rebellious watchers are chained in the earth until judgement day, in Jude and 2 Peter. Both are quoting Enoch.

Also know Jesus being able to say literally anything just before death on the cross is a super human feat.

trvs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Zionism is mostly ashkenazi eastern european jews. Has anyone looked into ashkenaz son of gomer, son of japheth in Genesis 10? The sons & grandsons of japheth are the same names as the nations that attack israel in ezekiel 38.

Asking because ashkenazi literally run israel right now, and if ashkenazi are from ashkenaz of gomer?

trvs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also i have to read Maccabees. But supposedly in Maccabees the Idumeans (Edomites) were forced to convert to judaism.

Edomites were from Esau.

Web search: John Hyrcanth forced the conversion. And the idumeans worked their way into the pharisees.

Websearch: Herod was an Idumean and his father was by descent an Edomite.

But again, I have yet to read Maccabees. I have NRSV with Apocrypha and plan to after I finish Judges.

trvs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Compare names in Genesis 10: The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshek and Tiras.

The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah.

The sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, the Kittites and the Rodanites.

To: Ezekiel 38: "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of[a] Meshek and Tubal; prophesy against him 3 and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against you, Gog, chief prince of[b] Meshek and Tubal. 4 I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army"

IF ashkenazi are japhethites, they are not descended from Jacob (Israel)

trvs 5 points ago +5 / -0

X is definitley more free, but does censor. Specifically related to revelation 2:9. Seems to be bot/ai word search. Earns reduced visibility for "hate speech" even tho is straight from the Bible.

trvs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is also a remnant that will be saved btw, per Bible

trvs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are some vids on the net where some, repeat some, consider europeans to be edomites or amelek, and are instructed to remove them from the earth and any memory of them.

trvs 3 points ago +3 / -0

I asked similar years ago, and shocked everyone in my family and got lectured.

Question was: they had to have done something?;how does an entire country suddenly decide to put an entire population in camps for no reason at all, just out of the blue? Especially if they had been living in that country for years without people wanting them in camps?

trvs 2 points ago +2 / -0

They havent had a single perfect red heifer to sacrifice since Jesus' time (the irony is lost on them). But they are gonna make darn sure heifers arent damaged in shipping. Is reported three perfect red heifers remained as of a few months ago. Wouldnt be suprised if theyre in padded rooms, if not already sacrificed.

They cant build the temple until the priesthood is "purified" via the red heifer sacrifice. Is my understanding anyways.

trvs 3 points ago +3 / -0

Acts quotes from Amos.

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