uk-thinker 2 points ago +2 / -0

This does not look like a person of jewish background from israel in the first century

uk-thinker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dont think you want to be in that club!

uk-thinker 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dint understand until I looked on X and saw the full bottom photo.

uk-thinker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes I recall the Q posts BUT are you saying that you expect there will be a schedule of wrong doers who have been executed for their crimes but that their crimes will not be stated? Or that they are just gone and their reputations are going to remain intact?

Justice isn't justice if it isn't seen to be done. I expect many of these dealers are upheld even idol worshipped by many and we surely need ordinary folk to recognise such danger of lifting people up in the future.

The history of mankind we see in say the Book of Judges is that Israel went around in cycles loving, following and worshipping God, falling away, overrun by an oppressor, crying out to God, arise of a Godly leader who overcomes the oppressor, people live in peace and prosperity only to start the cycle again.

uk-thinker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds fine and dandy BUT one of the purposes of execution surely must be as a deterrent to others. Once this is cleared up worldwide would-be followers in their footsteps need to know the truth and what will happen if they try to revive the Deep State.

uk-thinker 6 points ago +6 / -0

Really cannot wait for it all to become public, so many 'cancer' deaths didn't it start with that chap - cant recall his name, non-ame of something like that? We guess at gitmo but would/will be good too see proof.

uk-thinker 4 points ago +5 / -1

When Jesus comes He will judge all people Righteously Matthew 25:31-46.

No man is yet righteous and none can judge righteously.

uk-thinker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, the people of the UK have been greatly concerned about the massive increase in immigration over the past 25 years. Successive governments have said they would deal with it - but didn't. There have been only two parties able to gain parliament but our voting system means you only ever get one or the other and they are basically the same. We just replaced Sunac with Starmer not because people came out in droves to vote for him, but because people didn't vote for the other guy.

Farage with his new party has broken through and have made a bridgehead, just a few mps this time but we hope sufficient next time to form the government. These recent actions and name calling by Starmer would likely deliver a Farage government if there was a vote tomorrow.

In some ways this mirrors the US situation in which the Biden regime has shown the people the ruth and they are likely to return Trump in November with a huge majority

Add into this - for the UK - that we have had massive Muslim immigration and they have been allowed since last October to stir up strife week after week with parades in London. They have not integrated, and continue with their own culture in enclaves. As PhDinNY pointed out above here is a pattern to progress when Muslims come into a country. In small numbers very nice, as their numbers as a% grows they become more demanding, appeasement fails and then the real troubles start, we are likely approaching that point but their % is not yet high enough.

uk-thinker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Actually he's been leading for years. He is the only voice in UK capable of beating the Lab-Con uniparty! and actually changing things.

uk-thinker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sorry disagree. TR heavily demonised in UK - NF has to distance himself otherwise will become the target. NF has been speaking about migration of years, it was his determination that actually achieved Brexit - only for Boris to screw it up. He has to form the next government, TR not a chance to achieve that.

uk-thinker 20 points ago +20 / -0

Police in riot gear, or troops on the street - the last thing any country needs is to use its troops against its citizens - only addresses the symptoms.

The real problem is with the mass immigration of particularly muslim persuasion, 10 million in a country of only 58+ million (2000)


With politicians who are 'London centric', 'Deaf' and who are pandering after that ethnic votes.


Soros, WEF, UN, Gates etc with their open borders destabilizing agenda.

uk-thinker 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the Jason Bourne series the CIA said they had shut down treadbold years ago - BUT HADNT! JUST SAYING...

uk-thinker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please remember also the British and Canadians were there for D Day. Indeed we Brits were there from the start, my former father in law was part of the British Expeditionary Force - those who were thee from 2nd September 1939, the lucky ones of whom were plucked from the beaches of Dunkirk.

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