Have you not heard of the C_A's project mockingbird or read the laws enacted by Obama making lies and propaganda to the US public legal?
The Obama administration removed the legal accountability of news agencies to be truthful and made them tools of the intelligence state, which were in the final stages of becoming communist operatives.
Yeah, and MacAfee had to go into exile and then was murdered since then, I wonder how the others faired.
Bullshit, this isn't 10 days of darkness it's months to years to repair the supply chain once interrupted.
Due to the 60-day laws on the books a strike in early October would be quashed until December, having no effect on the election but would cripple the US before Trump was sworn in.
"Nobody has any idea what that means, I'll cripple you, I'll cripple you" ... ILA President Harold J Daggott.
"First week it's on the news, 2nd week - car dealerships can't restock and start considering layoffs, third week - construction companies can't get lumber or steel, fourth week - malls and retailers start closing down due to empty shelves, all those jobs lost".
Mass layoffs, shortages in supply causing prices to skyrocket farther than they did during covid, etc.
Daggott even said, yeah, the President will enact xyz laws to force us back to work for 60 days but then it all falls to shit. It will be so much better for everyone if the guys making 100's of billions a year in profits just pay my guys what they are worth.
When this nation loses 43% of its imports and raw materials, prices will not rise a mere 57%. With west coast to east transport, you are looking at 400% increases in the cost of goods while 30% of the nation becomes unemployed. Couple that with 20 million or so illegal criminals' new arrival and we are not looking at a Merry Christmas.
That is an interesting thought, good sir.
How actionable their behavior was under this EO I could not tell you, but the PTB are so nervous about what Trump could do if he returns to office that they tried to put a bullet in his head.
IMO ABC should never be allowed to host another presidential debate again.
They have lost their privilege to even be considered a legitimate news outlet at this point.
I think there is a place for sports metaphors, and I disagree that they are cringe worthy.
Metaphors and parables were how Christ delivered his message because wide audiences could receive them and understand the message better on a base level. I think the same holds true today.
In the end, I do not believe Trump was hurt by this debate at all. But if you were to score it like a ball game, which I did while watching, I think it was 30 -24 victory for Harris but that is based soley on a play by place analysis of the back and forths between them.
He had a dozen opportunities to annihilate her and instead went on defense. He repeatedly did not finish sentences and drive the point home but jumped to a new topic, which is fine at a rally, we all know what he is talking about. But to low information fence sitters that do not understand his speaking style or the topics he was addressing he came off like an old angry dude that only spoke in half sentences before jumping to another point.
Trump is not a politician and that is why I love him. He is smart on his feet but that night he was not as polished as he could have been.
Here is another sports/movie metaphor, Trump seemed like Apollo Creed before his exhibition bout with Ivan Draco. Like Apollo, he thought it was a joke, he did not train or prepare, while his opponent had every trainer in the world surrounding her and getting her ready for this fight.
The world had such low expectations of Harris that all she needed to do was to show up and not shit her pants on stage. Instead, she showed up prepared, when Trump nailed her good, she never once defended herself but just went on to the next lie with a smile and a concerned, sincere look on her face. While Trump took the bait over and over defending himself from her lies and missing opportunities to drive home important messaging.
Both are equally scripted
These are my own thoughts and observations. I watched the debate and then came here to write what I saw. My impressions, anyway.
I did not wait to hear what the talking heads had to say, nor did I peruse this board for consensus before posting my thoughts.
My question still stands, was Trump this bad on purpose and if so, why?
But make no mistake President Trump snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory tonight by his own doing.
I'm just wondering if he's baiting the enemy into a rematch or if he was really being Rocky Balboa before his first fight with Ivan Drago. Unprepared and got his ass kicked.
What does that even mean?
If Trump does not take the Presidency their plan is unstoppable.
America, America, God shed your grace on thee, he crowned thy good in brotherhood ...
But when there is no good left, there is no crown.
When Abraham could not find one righteous man in the city of Sodom, God rained down fire and brimstone to wipe its influence from the face of the earth.
Abraham's nephew Lot fled with his family before the destruction, but they were so corrupted by living in that city that lot's wife turned back and became a pillar of salt and Lot's own daughters got him drunk and raped him or vice versa if you are the type that believes all men are misogynists and liars.
It is flagrant criminal extortion.
She was basically saying, fine, you have proof of your innocence but if you don't pay half the fine, I'll find you guilty and charge you more than double what I'm extorting out of you today.
Thank you very much. Very enlightening.
I wish I had deep enough pockets to do it, just to be an ass and start a precedence.
I'm still confused as to what court I would file this with, which Federal court would even hear a case on civil fraud and extortion under duress with the 203x statutory damages, is that Federal Statute and if so, which court would even hear such a case?
ok, a month or so back I got pulled over for not having an up-to-date sticker on my license plate. Some low life stole it off my license plate and the cop said he could not find my registry in his computer.
I went to the DMV and they said I was good thru 2025 and gave me a new sticker and then charged me 7 bucks for a print-out that i could take to court which proved my registration was valid.
I went to the false court where the "judge" was also the prosecutor, and I provided my proof of innocence. She said she would vacate the charges but I would still have to pay $48 in court costs within 30 days or I would be found guilty and the full fine would be imposed.
I thought this was bullshit but I paid it just to make it go away, fighting over 50 bucks out of principle would cost me more in time and aggravation than the worth of a bit of fiat currency.
If I hear you correctly, are you saying I have standing under Federal court to make that pseudo judge personally liable for $146 actual and $9600 in punitive damages?
I often wondered how an incorporated municipality (town or city) can arbitrarily create "ordinances" and then legally enforce them.
Incorporated Municiple ordinances are not law even if they read the same as a state statute.
An ordinance might read, if the grass on a lawn within the Town limits exceeds 6 inches in growth, the renter or owner of said property will be subject to a fine of $500 and $59 a day until the lawn is maintained according to City ordinance 173.2.
I understand that as a resident or a traveler within any one of the 50 states of the union that that person is subject to the Constitution of that State and its statutes, which where duly written, debated on and voted in by the "Law Makers" we call Congressmen and Senators. But a corporately owned territory, with it's own privately owned enforcement units, have no Constitutional basis for arrest, detainment, issuance of fines or confiscation of property.
The only constitutionally provided "Statute" Enforcement agency within any given state is the County Sheriff and his deputies. Sheriff is an office of the state that lies directly under the Governor. Each county within a state has one top dog and that is Sheriff, an office that is decided by the voters of said county.
Someone please explain to me how this tyranny of corporately owned cops in every village, enforcing corporate ordinances, is allowed by the real courts and tolerated by "we the people"!
I think Biden got threatened hard to resign his run, he has been utterly absent from the news since Trump got his ear pierced and then the mass formation programming went to Biden dropping out of the race, formatting changes again it is now about a horse semen guzzling, progressive Marxist Governor that let the largest city in Minnesota burn under his watch. The VP pick for the 2024 ticket is just another triggering plot point in the script.
I could photoshop this better.
For the best DS fakes call me at 1800 IMA CLWN
Good point!
I want a shot of what she's having.
Hilarious thought here, Biden says, I changed my mind and chooses Penn state Gov. as his running mate and boots Harris off the ticket.
If I was writing this movie, that would be a great plot twist and I would have him out Bath house Berry and Michael as a dude before he goes.
Let's pretend this isn't fake and ghey. Why the hell would Harris be allowed use of AF1?
Is Biden dead, arrested, being cloned again? WTF?
Where is the current Resident in chief and why is he letting the Hag of San Fran use his plane?
It does not matter; NJ Governor Murphy is a Democrat and will appoint a Democrat as interim Senator until the next Senate election.
Kammy thought she had to blow that Weenie to secure the Chicago electorates.
FYI Harris was in West Allis Wisconsin this afternoon.
Isn't that why Trump went to Saudi Arabia and after leaving one of the Saudi princes was executed by his own father?