usernametaken3 6 points ago +6 / -0

JFK Jr plane crash was my first wake up call.. so many things didn't add up. I started to question things. Then 9/11 happened, and I remember the plane hitting the second tower and the "news anchors" saying "definitely a terrorist attack" and I thought... what? How can they be so quick to say that? My brain was still processing that it wasn't just a plane that accidentally hit the first tower, and they were already declaring it a terrorist attack? That's when I started to pay more attention and pick things apart. My brain hasn't been at peace since.

usernametaken3 4 points ago +4 / -0

Remember those videos before the plandemic coming out of china, of people just walking along, then falling over dead? Those had me so worried. Turned out it was not from the rona, but from the vaccine. That's what this video reminds me of. Must have been predictive programming again.

by BQnita
usernametaken3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Must be true. I just got banned on Fake book for posting it. This makes me so mad, and them banning me makes me even moreso. I am over this whole thing and the damage they are doing to our children, then trying to sweep it under the rug.

usernametaken3 9 points ago +9 / -0

I hope every Russian doesn't pay back their debt to their cards. If you can't use it, don't pay on it.

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Still waiting. 254,644 ish. I don't know how they are letting people in, however I am losing interest. They should have let people in while they still had interest in checking the site. Now people are getting out of the short term adrenaline rush habit and are settling in to their old places (like here) again.

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

For the first year of covid, my significant other argued with me so many times about the deaths!!! This is so deadly!!! It isn't made up!!!! then after the first year, he started to agree with me. Never said "you were right" in any way, whether in those words or not.

Now, he has purchased Ukraine flags. I am praying I am proven right again before they arrive so I don't have to have them up in front of our house.

usernametaken3 3 points ago +4 / -1

I can't even watch that all the way through. Seems ridiculous. There are people that run to danger, and people that run away from it. Too many people just standing there like sheep. I have a hard time believing they processed this right away, and that no one felt they needed to do anything than make snide comments.

The calmness of "oh my Lord" and "this is awful" and "I'm not going in any public buildings today" so quickly is ridiculous. I was all the way across the country and had a stronger reaction than that. Not one person commented about the lives lost inside the building. I was yelling "GET OUT OF THERE! GET THOSE PEOPLE OUT OF THERE!" I didn't hear any of that. Just ID the plane, and calmly make identifications of the plane, the motives (I couldn't believe anyone would do that on purpose! My brain was haywire for sure, I couldn't process the "on purpose" part), discuss their movements for the day (I won't go into public buildings... who even had the time to logically process that??) No one ran to the buildings or away.

I would have looked for cover... across the country I was looking to the sky to make sure my family was safe! They stood there like cattle. No way. My pastor barfed during services and there were more men reacting than in this video.

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

If we were in danger of being "bombed", I sure as hell wouldn't turn over my kids (well, only daughters apparently) to someone else to hide in a "subway". No WAY. I protect my kid, that's my job. This is just ridiculous.

usernametaken3 3 points ago +3 / -0

The people swayed by stories like these are the people that wouldn't have signed up anyhow. The people who have been waiting or want to sign up, will anyhow. This is just pandering to their asleep comrades, reassuring them they don't need to join.

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just got back from a trip and had to go by that stupid horse twice. We flew on the 9th and apparently it was blucifer's birthday. Oh lucky day. Kinda freaked me out when I learned that, however our plane stayed in the air so that made me feel better.

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blows through four layers of masonry, but only knocks the soccer balls off of the top shelf. Doesn't even deflate them. No damage to anything on the opposite wall. Apparently burned out all it's energy, as well as itself, by blowing through four layers of brick. Every building I know of has four layers of heavy brick. It's totally useful, you just never know when you will be blasted.

usernametaken3 4 points ago +4 / -0

reading that coroners report, then he ends with something like yeah, he fell. Nothing to see here. I sat there with my eyes wide open. What the heck? How could the coroner, after all that trauma, not think it was something bigger than a fall he barely noticed? I broke my pinkie finger and it kept waking me up at night. There's no WAY he "fell" and fractured his skull and thought "I will sleep it off." I'm glad people are taking notice! I hope this becomes huge.

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

We used to watch for the commercials. During the game, we would talk or play games. The commercials come on and we would rush to the TV. I haven't watched in years, I refused to support the wife/girlfriend abusers and criminals who got light sentences because they were "heroes". I admit I will watch some of it if I get a chance just to see if truckers are there and what havoc they are creating.

usernametaken3 7 points ago +7 / -0

YES. Move near an airport then complain about the airport syndrome. Keep sending kids there and complain. You know NOTHING will get done. Homeschool is the only option. "But we neeeeeed two incomes!" For what? Your snazzy house, camper, boat and new cars??? Don't sacrifice your kids for "stuff". Write out priorities and stick to it. Your kids are more of a priority than a nice house and car. The other excuse I hear is "I am not smart/patient enough". Seriously, no one is. You do what you can do, and when you lose patience you send them outside. Or, find a documentary or educational movie to watch.

We homeschool, have since the beginning. We are in a group (Classical Conversations) and have met a ton of friends through there! Do activities, every place has homeschool programs or days. Make friends. Don't use "socialization!!!" as another excuse because you are afraid to educate your own children.

usernametaken3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am always skeptical when things like this start happening quickly. All the mandates getting dropped... even in crazy liberal Denver? I believe the truth is getting out, and if they drop the mandates then people won't "care" anymore about the truth. "Why are you telling me covid was fake? It's over. Let it go." "Why are you telling me masks don't work? It's over. Let it go." I also believe they will ramp up the mandates again later this year. It's like starting to boil the pot, turning back the heat. The next time they can boil it a little more... then turn off the heat. Then the next time....

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

As they cry in their cheerios that were delivered by truckers, sitting on their couch that was delivered by truckers, in a room built with wood, drywall and metal all delivered by truckers... and the list goes on. If not for truckers, they would not be in the middle of downtown with their soy boy scooters and city bikes with a chime bell. I suggest they realize what side their toast is buttered on.

usernametaken3 19 points ago +19 / -0

First of all, if I were even remotely close to this, I would not "avoid travel into the downtown core" I would be traveling there for sure!! Second, I think the businesses are doing just fine. I doubt the truckers are holding off on food, water, coffee and even a new shirt. That's just fear mongering. Third, it's not costing them anything extra. What it is doing though is making them move money from other fluff accounts to the police account, and they are cranky about it. Suddenly they are posting their bills online... how much did covid enforcement cost in police dollars? How odd that they didn't do a dramatic post for that...

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel like finding the right husband or wife is difficult enough, but now my kids will have to have the added weight of finding someone that is unjabbed. I only pray they remember to ask the question before they fall in love, and not after then think "it'll be OK, I LOOOOOVE him or her..." then have to live with no kids, and pushing a wheelchair or losing a spouse at a young age.

usernametaken3 4 points ago +4 / -0

No pictures of the trucks? Just flashing lights in the dark? Who the hell puts their finger in a cage without looking at the animal to see if it's agitated or hurt? And lastly, I have heard of several accidents near us of trailers full of cows or pigs, one accident had crated dogs, and none of them ever escaped. The crates roll and don't burst open. If the crate was damaged enough for the monkeys to escape, they monkeys would be severely injured. The animals in all the accidents I have heard of don't take off at the first sign of freedom, they usually stay close to the vehicle they were in. This is not believable in my mind at all.

usernametaken3 9 points ago +9 / -0

That was a total opinion piece after stating the facts about Aaron Rodgers! I used to be such a football fan. I knew all the players, stats, even had those little plastic helmets as a kid and lined them up in order of best to worst in both leagues. Now I don't even follow any of it. However, Aaron Rodgers has himself a new fan! I would watch football to watch him for sure.

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was thinking about this, and what if it's the CEO's or HR people that made the decision to mandate it for their employees? The truth comes out, those employees are going after the decision maker. So add them to the mix of who will suicide themselves so they don't have to face the music.

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

You made me remember my story. We decided to have me stay at home when our baby was born. I was a pregnant, we lived on two incomes, and I was the one that carried the insurance. I agreed, however after the baby was born I was scared to death. How would we do it? What about insurance with a new baby?? I stuck to it, and two weeks before my maternity leave was up, we paid for one month of insurance and I put in my notice.

I doubted myself every step of the way, even thought about keeping the letter, acting like it got lost in the mail and going back to work. I was scared to death to not work, and live on one income. I didn't deceive my husband though, and went through with it. Hardest thing I have ever done in my life. We had to cut back so much! He worked many long hours to support us, and we used a christian based sharing plan for insurance. That scared me too. How would I know to make the right decisions? Where would we get the money to pay the bill until the checks from other members came in? I was so stressed.

Plus, I felt like I lost my identity when I quit to stay at home... I was so wrapped up in "what I did for a living" that I didn't realize I was taking on a new job. I felt like a failure, like I was nothing.

However, God watched all this and helped. My husband was offered a new job a few years later (yeah, we had to scrimp and save a LOT for a long time), and he was making twice what he made before! We now are breathing again. I would redo it all in a heartbeat though! It was worth it to stay home with my baby!

Please don't send your newborn child off to be raised by anyone else. Please don't hear the funny stories of what your kid has done from a note sent home, if they even remember to tell you. Please don't miss the milestones! Please don't let them light up when the see a stranger instead of you in the morning! Please figure out how to make it work! Give up the extra car, boat, or big house. Give up the nice car for one that looks terrible but gets you where you want to go. My crappy, dented van had a broken drivers door so I had to go in and out through the back slider door. It would also lock and unlock the doors whenever it wanted to, and the passenger window wouldn't stay shut so I duct taped it. I joked that I would come back from the downtown zoo and someone would feel so bad for me driving that car they would leave $20 on the dash!

Just take care of this baby that God is entrusting with you, not with anyone else. Your baby can't talk... what will you do if when you leave they put your baby in a corner all day, and you don't know? Sure they're nice when you drop them off, but you don't know what is going on when you aren't there. I was always so afraid of that. I swore I wouldn't even use a baby sitter until my kid could talk and tell me what went on. Please, you care for your baby more than any stranger or family friend would. See this as a sign that you need to make it work!!! God is talking to you!!

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