valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

The level of God's love and mercy for humans as a whole to not completely wipe us out, despite doing things like killing the most innocent and vulnerable of our species, is beyond infinite.

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Many oral birth control pills are abortifacents, meaning they still cause the deaths of preborn babies, usually very early in their gestation, but a death is still a death no matter how young the child is.

The only birth control that does not kill the conceived child would be barrier methods like condoms which prevent fertilization to begin with. Or fertility tracking.

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

They believe communism wasn't "done right" in the place they left so they move to a new place to "get it right this time."

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Terrible art too. They probably paid the "artist" thousands for this 1998-looking-clip-art. Dang, why can't I get gigs like that where I can just slap together some squiggly lines and make bank? I must be wasting my talents on real paintings!

valley-lily 4 points ago +4 / -0

Austin, Texas is where all the libtards move to from Commifornia after their socialist bills and laws ultimately and always fail. Now they're trying to do the same to Texas.

valley-lily 6 points ago +6 / -0

Only way she would go back in is if the obviously stolen election is brought to the courts and she's given her rightful win.

valley-lily 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah I was like, "Who the heck has a cardboard cutout of Honey Boo Boo of all 'tv celebrities'?"

Pedos, that's who.

valley-lily 19 points ago +20 / -1

To be honest I don't want Mexico or Canada to become parts of the US. Too many libtards in Canada, and too many criminals in Mexico. Keep them out.

valley-lily 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why does this look somewhat AI generated? Or is it just the filter making his face look plastic and weird?

valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

Rumor is that she's had a lot of her fillers and botox "dissolved" where they remove the fillers and your face goes limp and floppy. However that doesn't account for her ribs being visible on her upper chest. Definitely some kind of eating disorder or she's using Ozempic when she shouldn't be.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Such a simple thing but you're right, it may automatically fix about 50% of the issues.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same here, fellow Minnesota native. Do you think there's any hope for our state to ever not be in full demoncrat control?

valley-lily 1 point ago +2 / -1

Notice how they did this at Christmastime too, the most holy time of the year for Christians. It's meant to insult us in the biggest way possible. They could have done this any other time of year, but chose Christmas because of its significance to Christians. Hoping this "display" will get destroyed like the one at the Iowa capitol did a while back.

valley-lily 10 points ago +10 / -0

Why are they always surprised when they get what they ask for?

Illegal scum : "Shoot me now!"

Based Pole : "Wish granted!"

Illegal scum : surprised Pikachu face

valley-lily 4 points ago +5 / -1

Watch as this won't be covered at all by the MSM.

Reasons why:

  1. Christian school
  2. Likely a minority did the shooting
  3. Victims are probably all white kids or teachers
valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very likely. They (the deep state) can't fathom being without money or power, so Syria was likely always their next cash cow. After that it'll be another random country, then another, unless we stop their cash flow.

valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wonder what the further breakdown of the numbers is, like how many illegals from Mexico, Venezuela, Syria, Somalia, etc. Because I'm betting that much of the illegals in states like Michigan and Minnesota are mostly Muslim, while in Texas and California they're Hispanic.

valley-lily 6 points ago +6 / -0

Meanwhile people like I and my family who don't get food stamps are struggling to purchase fresh fruits and veggies, fresh meat and eggs.

It angers me every time I see some morbidly obese woman waddling with her obese children squabbling and screaming over cookies and candies put loads of sugar and carbs on the checkout counter, then she picks up an extra mountain dew at the end just for good measure, and she doesn't have to pay one red cent. Then I put my food on the counter and the total ends up being near $200 for basic things like meat and vegetables! Infuriating!

valley-lily 9 points ago +9 / -0

"I bet that was a BIG surprise!"

"Yes it was Mr. President!"


valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Despite maintaining a healthy lifestyle all my life I still ended up getting 3 of these illnesses listed. Can't imagine what it's like for people who never once gave a second thought to their health.

valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

For most yes, for others it's due to small nasal passages or throats. Other times it can be due to stress or even what position you sleep in.

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